§ 4-75-301 - Definition.
4-75-301. Definition.
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires, "monopoly" means any union or combination or consolidation or affiliation of capital, credit, property, assets, trade, customs, skill, or acts of any other valuable thing or possession, by or between persons, firms, or corporations, or association of persons, firms, or corporations, whereby any one (1) of the purposes or objects mentioned in this subchapter is accomplished or sought to be accomplished, or whereby any one (1) or more of the purposes are promoted or attempted to be executed or carried out, or whereby the several results described herein are reasonably calculated to be produced. A monopoly, as thus defined and contemplated, includes not merely a combination by and between two (2) or more persons, firms, and corporations, acting for themselves, but is especially defined and intended to include all aggregations, amalgamations, affiliations, consolidations, or incorporations of capital, skill, credit, assets, property, custom, trade, or other valuable things or possessions, whether effected by the ordinary methods of partnership or by actual union under the legal form of a corporation or any incorporated body resulting from the union of one (1) or more distinct firms or corporations, or by the purchase, acquisition, or control of shares or certificates of stock or bonds or other corporate property or franchises; and all partnerships and corporations that have been or may be created by the consolidation or amalgamation of the separate capital, stock, bonds, assets, credit, property, customs, trade, corporate, or firm belongings of two (2) or more firms or corporations or companies are especially declared to constitute monopolies within the meaning of this subchapter, if so created or entered into for any one (1) or more of the purposes named in this subchapter.