§ 6-64-708 - Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station.
6-64-708. Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station.
(a) For the purposes of enabling the Main Agricultural Experiment Station to more fully carry out the purpose of the experiment station, to increase and make more efficient and useful the agricultural research and experimental work of the state, to make the results of such work useful to the people of the state, to increase the facilities of the experiment station for its work in agriculture and horticulture, crops, soils, fertilizers, livestock, dairying, poultry production, the insect enemies and plant and animal diseases injurious to the crops and livestock of the state, the economic problems of farm management and marketing and the related problems of farms of this state, and to make the results of the experiment station's work available to all parts of the state, there is created a Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station to be located in southwest Arkansas at a point at or near the center of fruit and truck production in that area.
(b) The Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station shall be located on soils fairly representative of the soils on which the fruits and truck of the section are grown and shall be devoted to the investigational work relative to the problems of fruit and truck farmers, including fruit and truck production, varieties, soils and soil management, crop rotation, other crops for the fruit and truck farmers, livestock and poultry for the fruit and truck region, and any other crops adapted to such system of farming together with the economic problems of the farmers of that section.
(c) It shall consist of not over three hundred twenty (320) acres of land.
(d) When selected, established, and equipped, the branch station shall be and remain the property of the State of Arkansas for the use and purposes set forth in this section and shall be under the administrative charge of the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas.
(e) (1) The Director of the Main Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Arkansas shall also be the Director of the Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station, but there may be a superintendent at such station, who shall be directly responsible to the Director of the Main Agricultural Experiment Station.
(2) The staff of scientists and the laboratories of the Main Agricultural Experiment Station shall serve, insofar as possible, for the same purpose as to the Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station.
(3) The entire experimental work of the state shall be administered as one (1) institution for the benefit of the people of the state, including the Main Agricultural Experiment Station, the Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station, and the outlying field work in cooperation with farmers.
(f) (1) The Fruit and Truck Branch Experiment Station shall be used by the board of trustees for the purpose of making investigations in and experiments of fruit and truck culture, and related subjects connected with the problems of the farmers and fruit and truck growers of the State of Arkansas, including crop production, animal production and breeding, plant breeding, soils and soil fertility, insect pests, diseases of plants and animals and methods of their control or eradication, farm management, marketing, storage, preservation of farm products, and all other problems affecting the farms and farm life of that section of Arkansas.
(2) The director shall publish bulletins and reports from time to time giving the results of the work of the experiment station and use every endeavor to disseminate the information secured.