SECTIONS 1720-1760
SECTION 1720-1760
1720. Any public agency with authority to approve or deny port
projects that result in the filling of subtidal habitats within the
ocean ports of California or habitats in the water of inland ports of
California shall approve, as mitigation for those fill projects, any
subtidal or in-water mitigation project proposed by the port
authority that the public agency determines provides appropriate and
adequate mitigation for the adverse impacts on the affected subtidal
or in-water habitat in a manner consistent with other law that is
then existing.
1760. (a) For purposes of this section, "council" means the
California Marine and Intermodal Transportation System Advisory
Council, a regional subunit of the Marine Transportation System
National Advisory Council chartered by the federal Secretary of
Transportation under the Federal Advisory Council Act (P.L. 92-463).
(b) The council is requested to do all of the following:
(1) Meet, hold public hearings, and compile data on issues that
include, but need not be limited to, all of the following:
(A) The projected growth of each maritime port in the state.
(B) The costs and benefits of developing a coordinated state
program to obtain federal funding for maritime port growth, security,
and congestion relief.
(C) Impacts of maritime port growth on the state's transportation
(D) Air pollution caused by movement of goods through the state's
maritime ports, and proposed methods of mitigating or alleviating
that pollution.
(E) Maritime port security, including, but not limited to,
training, readiness, certification of port personnel, exercise
planning and conduct, and critical marine transportation system
infrastructure protection.
(F) A statewide plan for continuing operation of maritime ports in
cooperation with the United States Coast Guard, the federal
Department of Homeland Security, the California Emergency Management
Agency, and the California National Guard, consistent with the state'
s emergency management system and the national emergency management
system, in the event of a major incident or disruption of port
operations in one or more of the state's maritime ports.
(G) State marine transportation policy, legislation, and planning;
regional infrastructure project funding; competitiveness;
environmental impacts; port safety and security; and any other
matters affecting the marine transportation system of the United
States within, or affecting, the state.
(2) Identify all state agencies that are involved with the
development, planning, or coordination of maritime ports in the
(3) Identify other states that have a statewide port master plan
and determine whether that plan has assisted those states in
improving their maritime ports.
(4) Compile all information obtained pursuant to paragraphs (1) to
(3), inclusive, and submit its findings in a report to the
Legislature not later than January 1, 2006. The report should
include, but need not be limited to, recommendations on methods to
better manage the growth of maritime ports and address the
environmental impacts of moving goods through those ports.
(c) The activities of the council pursuant to this section shall
not be funded with appropriations from the General Fund.