SECTIONS 250-268
SECTION 250-268
250. When steam vessels meet each shall turn to the right, so as to
pass without interference.
251. When a passenger is to be landed from a steam vessel by means
of a small boat, he shall not be permitted to get into it until it is
completely afloat and wholly disengaged from the steam vessel except
by the painter.
252. No line used for the purpose of landing or receiving
passengers may be attached in any way to the machinery of any steam
vessel nor may the small boat used for such purpose be hauled in by
means of such machinery.
253. During the landing and receiving of a passenger, and the going
and returning of the small boat for the purpose, the engine shall be
stopped, and may not be put in motion, except to give sufficient
force to keep the steam vessel in a proper direction and safe
254. There shall be kept in every small boat a good and suitable
pair of oars. In the night-time a signal, by means of a horn or
trumpet, shall be given to the steam vessel from the small boat, when
having landed or received its passengers, it is ready to leave the
255. A steam vessel going in the same direction as a steam vessel
ahead of it shall not approach or pass within the distance of ten
yards; and the steam vessel ahead shall not be so navigated as
unnecessarily to bring it within ten yards of the steam vessel
256. When any steam vessel is running in the night-time the master
shall cause to be shown two conspicuous lights, one exposed near the
bow and the other near the stern, the latter to be at least twenty
feet above the deck.
257. Every person in charge of a steam vessel who violates any of
the provisions of the preceding seven sections, incurs a penalty of
two hundred and fifty dollars for each offense.
258. The person in charge of any vessel at anchor in the night-time
in any of the harbors or ports within the jurisdiction of this
state, who fails to cause a conspicuous light to be shown in the
rigging at least twenty feet above the deck, and another light to be
shown from the taffrail, incurs a penalty of fifty dollars for every
259. Neither the master nor the owner of any vesel can recover
damages for injuries to the vessel or to himself resulting from a
collision growing out of a failure to comply with the provisions of
the preceding six sections.
260. Every raft of timber floated on the Sacramento or San Joaquin
rivers at night which fails to show two red lights, one at each end,
and at least ten feet above the upper logs or plank, incurs a penalty
of fifty dollars for each neglect.
261. Every steam vessel navigating any waters of this State and
carrying passengers, shall be equipped with boats as follows:
(a) If of five hundred tons measurement, one first-class life-boat
and one row-boat, twenty-five feet long by seven wide, each capable
of carrying fifty persons; and at least one other good row-boat.
(b) If of two hundred and fifty and less than five hundred tons
measurement, at least two ordinary row-boats.
(c) If of less than two hundred and fifty tons burden, at least
one small row-boat.
The boats shall be so attached that they can be launched at any
time for immediate use.
262. Every master or owner, and each of them, of any vessel not
provided with boats as required by this chapter, incurs a penalty of
not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars.
263. Every person in charge of a steam vessel navigating any of the
waters of this State which is used for the conveyance of passengers,
and every person in charge of the boiler or other apparatus for the
generation of steam who, for the purpose of increasing speed or
excelling any other vessel in speed, permits to be created an undue
or an unsafe quantity of steam, incurs a penalty of five hundred
264. (a) A captain or other person having charge of any steam
vessel used for the conveyance of passengers, or of its boilers and
engines, who, from ignorance or gross neglect, or for the purpose of
excelling any other boat in speed, creates, or allows to be created,
such an undue quantity of steam as to burst or break the boiler, or
any apparatus or machinery connected with the boiler, by which
bursting or breaking human life is endangered, is guilty of a felony.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person found
guilty of a felony violation of this section shall be subject to a
fine not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) or imprisonment in
the state prison for 16 months, two or three years, or both that fine
and imprisonment.
265. The owners of every steam vessel are responsible for the good
conduct of the master or other person in charge employed by them, and
they are jointly and severally liable as sureties for any penalty
established by this chapter.
266. The penalties established by this chapter may be recovered by
the district attorney of any county bordering on the water where the
offense was committed or the penalty incurred, to whom notice is
first given, and when recovered shall be equally divided between the
county unapportioned elementary school fund and the indigent-sick
fund of the county.
Any judgment pursuant to this section is a lien on the vessel
against whose owners or master it is recovered.
268. (a) Counties or cities may adopt restrictions concerning the
navigation and operation of vessels and water skis, aquaplanes, or
similar devices subject to the provisions of subdivision (a) of
Section 660, and may grant permits to bona fide yacht clubs, water
ski clubs, or civic organizations to conduct vessel or water ski
races or other marine events over courses established, marked, and
patrolled by authority of the United States Coast Guard, city
harbormaster, or other officer having authority over the waters on
which such race or other marine event is proposed to be conducted and
on such days and between such hours as may be approved thereby.
These provisions shall not apply to marine events authorized by
United States Coast Guard permit.
(b) The provisions of this section shall apply to all waters which
are in fact navigable regardless of whether they are declared
navigable by this code.