SECTIONS 5820-5825
SECTION 5820-5825
5820. Any portion of a county in this state, the exterior
boundaries of which include a bay, harbor, inlet, or navigable water
of the Pacific Ocean, may be formed into a district for the
improvement or development of a harbor.
The work may include the dredging of channels, shipways, ship
berths, anchorage places, and turning basins, and the construction of
jetties, breakwaters, bulkheads, seawalls, wharves, ferry slips, and
5821. Whenever fifty or more persons in any county of this State,
the exterior boundaries of which include a harbor, desire to form a
district within the county for the improvement or development of a
harbor, they may present a petition in writing signed by them to the
board of supervisors of the county.
5822. The petition shall show:
(a) The name of the proposed district.
(b) The official name or name by which the harbor is commonly
(c) Whether the improvement, development, protection, maintenance,
management or control of the harbor, or any part of it, is vested in
or exercised by a harbor commission.
(d) The exterior boundaries of the proposed district, which may
include incorporated territory, or both incorporated and
unincorporated territory, but shall include the whole or some part of
the harbor proposed to be improved or developed.
(e) A general description of the proposed improvement and
development work.
(f) The estimated cost of the improvement or development, and the
incidental expenses.
5823. The petition shall contain a request that the territory
included within the boundaries be formed into a harbor district for
the purpose of the improvement or development of the harbor.
5824. Each signer of the petition shall be a registered voter,
resident, and freeholder within the proposed district.
5825. The petition shall be published for at least two weeks
preceding the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation printed
in the county, together with a notice signed by not exceeding three
of the petitioners. The notice shall state the day, hour and place at
which the petition will be presented to the board of supervisors for
hearing, and that all persons interested may appear and be heard at
this time and place.