SECTIONS 101625-101650
SECTION 101625-101650
101625. The authority is hereby declared to be a body corporate and
politic and shall have power:
(a) To have perpetual succession.
(b) To sue and be sued in the name of the authority in all actions
and proceedings in all courts and tribunals of competent
(c) To adopt a seal and alter it at pleasure.
(d) To take by grant, purchase, gift, devise, or lease, to hold,
use, and enjoy, and to lease, convey, or dispose of, real and
personal property of every kind, within or without the boundaries of
the authority, necessary or convenient to the full exercise of its
powers. The board may lease, mortgage, sell, or otherwise dispose of
any real or personal property within or without the boundaries of the
authority necessary to the full or convenient exercise of its
(e) To make and enter into contracts with any public agency or
person for the purposes of this chapter.
(f) To appoint and employ an executive director and other
employees as may be necessary, including legal counsel, establish
their compensation, and define their powers and duties. The board
shall prescribe the amounts and forms of fidelity bond of its
officers and employees. The cost of these bonds shall be borne by the
authority. The employees and each of them shall serve at the
pleasure of the board. The authority may also contract for the
services of an independent contractor.
(g) To incur indebtedness.
(h) To purchase supplies, equipment, materials, property, or
(i) To establish policies relating to its purposes.
(j) To acquire or contract to acquire, rights-of-way, easements,
privileges, or property of every kind within or without the
boundaries of the authority, and construct, equip, maintain, and
operate any and all works or improvements within or without the
boundaries of the authority necessary, convenient, or proper to carry
out any of the provisions, objects, or purposes of this chapter, and
to complete, extend, add to, repair, or otherwise improve any works
or improvements acquired by it.
(k) To make contracts and enter into stipulations of any nature
upon the terms and conditions that the board finds are for the best
interest of the authority for the full exercise of the powers granted
in this chapter.
(l) To accept gifts, contributions, grants, or loans from any
public agency or person for the purposes of this chapter.
The authority may do any and all things necessary in order to
avail itself of gifts, contributions, grants, or loans, and cooperate
under any federal or state legislation in effect on January 25,
1982, or enacted after that date.
(m) To invest any surplus money in its treasury in the same manner
as the County of Monterey and according to the same laws.
(n) To negotiate with service providers rates, charges, fees, and
rents, and to establish classifications of health care systems
operated by the authority.
(o) To develop and implement health care delivery systems to
promote quality care and cost efficiency.
(p) To provide health care delivery systems for any or all of the
(1) For all persons who are eligible to receive medical benefits
under the Medi-Cal Act (Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 14000) of
Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) in
Monterey County through waiver, pilot project, or otherwise.
(2) For all persons in Monterey County who are eligible to receive
medical benefits under both Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social
Security Act.
(3) For all persons from Monterey County or any city in that
county who are eligible to receive health care under Parts 4.5
(commencing with Section 16700) and 5 (commencing with Section 17000)
of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(q) To insure against any accident or destruction of its health
care system or any part thereof. It may insure against loss of
revenues from any cause. The district may also provide insurance as
provided in Part 6 (commencing with Section 989) of Division 3.6 of
Title 1 of the Government Code.
(r) To exercise powers that are expressly granted and powers that
are reasonably implied from those express powers and necessary to
carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(s) To do any and all things necessary to carry out the purposes
of former Division 1 (commencing with Section 1).
101630. Notwithstanding any other provision of law:
(a) The state or any state agency may enter into contracts with
the authority for the authority to obtain or arrange for health care
under the authority's health care systems, for all persons who are
eligible to receive medical benefits under the Medi-Cal Act (Chapter
7 (commencing with Section 14000) of Part 3 of Division 9 of the
Welfare and Institutions Code) in Monterey County through waiver,
pilot project, or otherwise.
(b) The County of Monterey or any city in the County of Monterey
may enter into contracts with the authority to obtain or provide
health care services for all persons from Monterey County or any city
in that county who are eligible to receive health care under Parts
4.5 (commencing with Section 16700) and 5 (commencing with Section
17000) of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(c) The department shall pursue waivers of federal law as
necessary, in order to carry out this section.
101635. All claims for money or damages against the authority are
governed by Part 3 (commencing with Section 900) and Part 4
(commencing with Section 940) of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the
Government Code or by other statutes or regulations expressly
101640. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Monterey may by
ordinance or resolution order the dissolution of the authority by
declaring that there is no need for the authority to function in the
county. The dissolution shall become effective 180 days after the
date of adoption of the resolution or ordinance ordering the
As of the effective date of the dissolution of the authority, the
authority shall be dissolved, disincorporated and extinguished, its
existence shall be terminated and all of its corporate powers shall
cease, except for winding up the affairs of the authority.
For the purpose of winding up the affairs of the dissolved
authority, the County of Monterey shall be the successor.
Upon the effective date of dissolution, control over all of the
moneys or funds, including on hand and moneys due, but uncollected,
and all property, real or personal, of the authority shall be vested
in the County of Monterey for the purpose of winding up the affairs
of the authority.
The powers of the county in winding up the affairs of the
authority and the distribution of assets of the authority, shall be
in accordance with Article IV (commencing with Section 56500) of
Chapter 9 of Part 4 of Division 1 of Title 6 of the Government Code.
This chapter shall prevail over the Government Code in case of any
Monterey County shall remain a separate and distinct governmental
agency separate and apart from the authority and shall have no
liability for any debt, obligation or contract of any kind owed or
incurred by the authority other than to wind up the affairs of the
authority in accordance with this section and solely with the assets
of the authority.
101645. (a) The board may by ordinance or resolution provide that
each director of the authority board be paid a sum not to exceed
fifty dollars ($50) remuneration from authority funds, for each board
or committee meeting attended, but not exceeding the sum of one
hundred dollars ($100) per month, plus actual expenses incurred in
attending board or committee meetings at rates payable to officers
and employees of the authority for their attendance at meetings
within the scope of their employment.
(b) The board may, by ordinance or resolution, provide that each
member of the professional advisory board be paid a sum not to exceed
twenty-five dollars ($25) remuneration from authority funds, for
each board or committee meeting attended, but not exceeding the sum
of fifty dollars ($50) per month, plus his or her reasonable expenses
for participating in authority business.
(c) The board may by ordinance or resolution provide that each
member of the community advisory board be paid a sum not to exceed
fifteen dollars ($15) remuneration from authority funds, for each
board or committee meeting attended, but not exceeding the sum of
thirty dollars ($30) per month, plus his or her reasonable expenses
for participating in authority business.
(d) This section shall not apply to staff members of the
101650. The board shall inform the Monterey County Board of
Supervisors in writing of any amendment proposed by the authority to
the Monterey County Special Health Care Authority Act prior to the
authority requesting any legislative action on the amendment.
The board shall inform the Monterey County Board of Supervisors in
writing of any change proposed by the authority to any state or
federal rule or regulation that may have fiscal impact on the program
or an impact on the quality of medical services or medical benefits
prior to the authority requesting any change.