SECTIONS 120125-120155
SECTION 120125-120155
120125. The department shall examine into the causes of
communicable disease in man and domestic animals occurring or likely
to occur in this state.
120130. (a) The department shall establish a list of reportable
diseases and conditions. For each reportable disease and condition,
the department shall specify the timeliness requirements related to
the reporting of each disease and condition, and the mechanisms
required for, and the content to be included in, reports made
pursuant to this section. The list of reportable diseases and
conditions may include both communicable and noncommunicable
diseases. The list may include those diseases that are either known
to be, or suspected of being, transmitted by milk or milk-based
products. The list shall also include, but not be limited to,
diphtheria, listeria, salmonella, shigella, streptococcal infection
in food handlers or dairy workers, and typhoid. The list may be
modified at any time by the department, after consultation with the
California Conference of Local Health Officers. Modification of the
list shall be exempt from the administrative regulation and
rulemaking requirements of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section
11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, and
shall be implemented without being adopted as a regulation, except
that the revised list shall be filed with the Secretary of State and
printed in the California Code of Regulations as required under
subdivision (d). Those diseases listed as reportable shall be
properly reported as required to the department by the health
(b) The department may from time to time adopt and enforce
regulations requiring strict or modified isolation, or quarantine,
for any of the contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases, if
in the opinion of the department the action is necessary for the
protection of the public health.
(c) The health officer may require strict or modified isolation,
or quarantine, for any case of contagious, infectious, or
communicable disease, when this action is necessary for the
protection of the public health.
(d) The list established pursuant to subdivision (a) and any
subsequent modifications shall be published in Title 17 of the
California Code of Regulations.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no civil or
criminal penalty, fine, sanction, finding, or denial, suspension, or
revocation of licensure for any person or facility may be imposed
based upon a failure to provide the notification of a reportable
disease or condition that is required under this section, unless the
disease or condition that is required to be reported was printed in
the California Code of Regulations at least six months prior to the
date of the claimed failure to report.
(f) Commencing July 1, 2009, or within one year of the
establishment of a state electronic laboratory reporting system,
whichever is later, a report generated pursuant to this section, or
Section 121022, by a laboratory shall be submitted electronically in
a manner specified by the department. The department shall allow
laboratories that receive incomplete patient information to report
the name of the provider who submitted the request to the local
health officer.
(g) The department may through its Internet Web site and via
electronic mail advise out-of-state laboratories that are known to
the department to test specimens from California residents of the new
reporting requirements.
120135. The department may establish and maintain places of
quarantine or isolation.
120140. Upon being informed by a health officer of any contagious,
infectious, or communicable disease the department may take measures
as are necessary to ascertain the nature of the disease and prevent
its spread. To that end, the department may, if it considers it
proper, take possession or control of the body of any living person,
or the corpse of any deceased person.
120142. (a) The state director may order examinations for
tuberculosis infection in the following persons for the purpose of
directing preventive measures:
(1) Persons in close contact with persons with infectious
tuberculosis disease.
(2) Other persons for whom the state director has reasonable
grounds to determine are at heightened risk of tuberculosis exposure.
(b) An order for examination for tuberculosis infection shall be
in writing and shall include other terms and conditions as may be
necessary to protect the public health.
120145. The department may quarantine, isolate, inspect, and
disinfect persons, animals, houses, rooms, other property, places,
cities, or localities, whenever in its judgment the action is
necessary to protect or preserve the public health.
120150. The department may destroy such objects as bedding,
carpets, household goods, furnishings, materials, clothing, or
animals, when ordinary means of disinfection are considered unsafe,
and when the property is in its judgment, an imminent menace to the
public health.
120155. Pursuant to Section 11158 of the Government Code, the
sheriff of each county, or city and county, may enforce within the
county, or the city and county, all orders of the State Department of
Public Health issued for the purpose of preventing the spread of any
contagious, infectious, or communicable disease. Every peace officer
of every political subdivision of the county, or city and county,
may enforce within the area subject to his or her jurisdiction all
orders of the State Department of Public Health issued for the
purpose of preventing the spread of any contagious, infectious, or
communicable disease. This section is not a limitation on the
authority of peace officers or public officers to enforce orders of
the State Department of Public Health. When deciding whether to
request this assistance in enforcement of its orders, the State
Department of Public Health may consider whether it would be
necessary to advise the enforcement agency of any measures that
should be taken to prevent infection of the enforcement officers.
120155. (a) Any manufacturer or distributor of the influenza
vaccine, or nonprofit health care service plan that exclusively
contracts with a single medical group in a specified geographic area
to provide, or to arrange for the provision of, medical services to
its enrollees, shall report the information described in subdivision
(c) relating to the supply of the influenza vaccine to the department
upon notice from the department.
(b) Within each county or city health jurisdiction, entities that
have possession of, or have a legal right to obtain possession of,
the influenza vaccine, or entities that are conducting or intend to
conduct influenza clinics for the public, their residents, or their
employees, except those entities described in subdivision (a), shall
cooperate with the local health officer in determining local
inventories of influenza vaccine, including providing inventory,
orders, and distribution lists in a timely manner, when necessary.
(c) The information reported pursuant to subdivision (a) shall
include, but is not limited to, the amount of the influenza vaccine
that has been shipped, and the name, address, and, if applicable, the
telephone number of the recipient.
(d) Subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) shall not apply to a physician
and surgeon practice, unless the practice is an occupational health
provider who conducts influenza vaccination campaigns on behalf of a
(e) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section
to assist small physician and surgeon practices, nursing facilities,
and other health care providers that provide care for patients at
risk of illness or death from influenza by facilitating the sharing
of vaccine supplies, if necessary, between providers within a local
(f) If a business believes that the information required by this
section involves the release of a trade secret, the business shall
nevertheless disclose the information to the department, and shall
notify the department in writing of that belief at the time of
disclosure. As used in this section, "trade secret" has the meanings
given to it by Section 6254.7 of the Government Code and Section 1060
of the Evidence Code. Any information, including identifying
information, including, but not limited to, the name of the agent or
contact person of an entity that receives the influenza vaccine from
a manufacturer or distributor, or nonprofit health care service plan
described in subdivision (a), and the receiving entity's address and
telephone number, that is reported pursuant to this section shall not
be disclosed by the department to anyone, except to an officer or
employee of the county, city, city and county, or the state in
connection with the official duties of that officer or employee to
protect the public health.