SECTION 124250
124250. (a) The following definitions shall apply for purposes of
this section:
(1) "Domestic violence" means the infliction or threat of physical
harm against past or present adult or adolescent intimate partners,
and shall include physical, sexual, and psychological abuse against
the partner, and is a part of a pattern of assaultive, coercive, and
controlling behaviors directed at achieving compliance from or
control over, that partner.
(2) "Shelter-based" means an established system of services where
victims of domestic violence and their children may be provided safe
or confidential emergency housing on a 24-hour basis, including, but
not limited to, hotel or motel arrangements, haven, and safe houses.
(3) "Emergency shelter" means a confidential or safe location that
provides emergency housing on a 24-hour basis for victims of
domestic violence and their children.
(b) The California Emergency Management Agency shall administer a
comprehensive shelter-based services grant program to shelters for
victims of domestic violence pursuant to this section. This program
shall comport with the requirements of Section 11135 of the
Government Code.
(c) The California Emergency Management Agency shall administer
grants, awarded as the result of a request for application process,
to shelters for victims of domestic violence that propose to maintain
shelters or services previously granted funding pursuant to this
section, to expand existing services or create new services, and to
establish new shelters to provide services, in any of the following
four areas:
(1) Emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence and their
children escaping violent family situations.
(2) Transitional housing programs to help victims of domestic
violence and their children find housing and jobs so that they are
not forced to choose between returning to a violent relationship or
becoming homeless. The programs may offer up to 18 months of housing,
case management, job training and placement, counseling, support
groups, and classes in parenting and family budgeting.
(3) Legal and other types of advocacy and representation to help
victims of domestic violence and their children pursue the
appropriate legal options.
(4) Other support services for victims of domestic violence and
their children.
(d) The agency shall collaborate closely with the advisory council
established pursuant to Section 13823.16 of the Penal Code in the
development of funding priorities, the framing of the Request for
Proposals, and the solicitation of proposals.
(e) (1) The California Emergency Management Agency shall
administer grants, awarded as the result of a request for application
process, to entities to conduct demonstration projects to serve
victims of domestic violence and their children, including, but not
limited to, creative and innovative service approaches, such as
community response teams and pilot projects to develop new
interventions emphasizing prevention and education, and other support
projects identified by the advisory council.
(2) For purposes of this subdivision, "entity" means a state
agency, a local government, a community-based organization, or a
nonprofit organization.
(f) It is the intent of the Legislature that services funded by
this program include services for victims of domestic violence in
underserved communities, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender community, and ethnic and racial communities. Therefore,
the California Emergency Management Agency shall do both of the
(1) Fund shelters pursuant to this section that reflect the
ethnic, racial, economic, cultural, and geographic diversity of the
(2) Target geographic areas and ethnic and racial communities of
the state whereby, based on a needs assessment, it is determined that
no shelter-based services for victims of domestic violence exist or
that additional resources are necessary.
(g) The director may award additional grants to shelter-based
agencies when it is determined that there exists a critical need for
shelter or shelter-based services.
(h) As a condition of receiving funding pursuant to this section,
shelters for victims of domestic violence shall do both of the
(1) Provide matching funds or in-kind contributions equivalent to
not less than 20 percent of the grant they would receive. The
matching funds or in-kind contributions may come from other
governmental or private sources.
(2) Ensure that appropriate staff and volunteers having client
contact meet the definition of "domestic violence counselor" as
specified in subdivision (a) of Section 1037.1 of the Evidence Code.
The minimum training specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of
Section 1037.1 of the Evidence Code shall be provided to those staff
and volunteers who do not meet the requirements of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (a) of Section 1037.1 of the Evidence Code.
(i) Notwithstanding subdivision (h), a shelter for victims of
domestic violence that received funding pursuant to this section in
the previous grant cycle shall be funded upon reapplication, unless
its past performance history fails to meet the requirements in
paragraph (2) of subdivision (h).
(j) The California Emergency Management Agency may hire the
support staff and utilize all resources necessary to carry out the
purposes of this section. The agency shall not utilize more than 10
percent of any funds appropriated for the purpose of the program
established by this section for the administration of this program.