SECTIONS 128330-128370
SECTION 128330-128370
128330. As used in this article:
(a) "Board" means the Board of Trustees of the Health Professions
Education Foundation.
(b) "Commission" means the California Healthcare Workforce Policy
(c) "Director" means the Director of the Office of Statewide
Health Planning and Development.
(d) "Foundation" means the Health Professions Education
(e) "Health professions" or "health professionals" means
physicians and surgeons licensed pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing
with Section 2000) of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code
or pursuant to the Osteopathic Act, dentists, registered nurses, and
other health professionals determined by the office to be needed in
medically underserved areas.
(f) "Office" means the Office of Statewide Health Planning and
(g) "Underrepresented groups" means African-Americans, Native
Americans, Hispanic-Americans, or other persons underrepresented in
medicine, dentistry, nursing, or other health professions as
determined by the board. After January 1, 1990, the board, upon a
finding that the action is necessary to meet the health care needs of
medically underserved areas, may add a group comprising the
economically disadvantaged to those groups authorized to receive
assistance under this article.
128335. (a) The office shall establish a nonprofit public benefit
corporation, to be known as the Health Professions Education
Foundation, that shall be governed by a board consisting of a total
of 13 members, nine members appointed by the Governor, one member
appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, one member appointed by the
Senate Committee on Rules, and two members of the Medical Board of
California appointed by the Medical Board of California. The members
of the foundation board appointed by the Governor, Speaker of the
Assembly, and Senate Committee on Rules may include representatives
of minority groups that are underrepresented in the health
professions, persons employed as health professionals, and other
appropriate members of health or related professions. All persons
considered for appointment shall have an interest in health programs,
an interest in health educational opportunities for underrepresented
groups, and the ability and desire to solicit funds for the purposes
of this article as determined by the appointing power. The
chairperson of the commission shall also be a nonvoting, ex officio
member of the board.
(b) The Governor shall appoint the president of the board of
trustees from among those members appointed by the Governor, the
Speaker of the Assembly, the Senate Committee on Rules, and the
Medical Board of California.
(c) The director, after consultation with the president of the
board, may appoint a council of advisers comprised of up to nine
members. The council shall advise the director and the board on
technical matters and programmatic issues related to the Health
Professions Education Foundation Program.
(d) Members of the board and members of the council shall serve
without compensation but shall be reimbursed for any actual and
necessary expenses incurred in connection with their duties as
members of the board or the council. Members appointed by the Medical
Board of California shall serve without compensation, but shall be
reimbursed by the Medical Board of California for any actual and
necessary expenses incurred in connection with their duties as
members of the foundation board.
(e) Notwithstanding any provision of law relating to incompatible
activities, no member of the foundation board shall be considered to
be engaged in activities inconsistent and incompatible with his or
her duties solely as a result of membership on the Medical Board of
(f) The foundation shall be subject to the Nonprofit Public
Benefit Corporation Law (Part 2 (commencing with Section 5110) of
Division 2 of Title 2 of the Corporations Code), except that if there
is a conflict with this article and the Nonprofit Public Benefit
Corporation Law (Part 2 (commencing with Section 5110) of Division 2
of Title 2 of the Corporations Code), this article shall prevail.
(g) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2016, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted
statute, that is enacted before January 1, 2016, deletes or extends
that date.
128335. (a) The office shall establish a nonprofit public benefit
corporation, to be known as the Health Professions Education
Foundation, that shall be governed by a board consisting of nine
members appointed by the Governor, one member appointed by the
Speaker of the Assembly, and one member appointed by the Senate
Committee on Rules. The members of the foundation board appointed by
the Governor, Speaker of the Assembly, and Senate Committee on Rules
may include representatives of minority groups which are
underrepresented in the health professions, persons employed as
health professionals, and other appropriate members of health or
related professions. All persons considered for appointment shall
have an interest in health programs, an interest in health
educational opportunities for underrepresented groups, and the
ability and desire to solicit funds for the purposes of this article
as determined by the appointing power. The chairperson of the
commission shall also be a nonvoting, ex officio member of the board.
(b) The Governor shall appoint the president of the board of
trustees from among those members appointed by the Governor, the
Speaker of the Assembly, and the Senate Committee on Rules.
(c) The director, after consultation with the president of the
board, may appoint a council of advisers comprised of up to nine
members. The council shall advise the director and the board on
technical matters and programmatic issues related to the Health
Professions Education Foundation Program.
(d) Members of the board and members of the council shall serve
without compensation but shall be reimbursed for any actual and
necessary expenses incurred in connection with their duties as
members of the board or the council.
(e) The foundation shall be subject to the Nonprofit Public
Benefit Corporation Law (Part 2 (commencing with Section 5110) of
Division 2 of Title 2 of the Corporations Code), except that if there
is a conflict with this article and the Nonprofit Public Benefit
Corporation Law (Part 2 (commencing with Section 5110) of Division 2
of Title 2 of the Corporations Code), this article shall prevail.
(f) This section shall become operative January 1, 2016.
128340. (a) Of the members of the board first appointed by the
Governor pursuant to Section 128335, three members shall be appointed
to serve a two-year term, three members shall be appointed to serve
a three-year term, and three members shall be appointed to serve a
four-year term.
(b) Of the members of the board first appointed by the Speaker of
the Assembly and the Senate Committee on Rules pursuant to Section
128335, each member shall be appointed to serve a four-year term.
(c) Upon the expiration of the initial appointments for the board,
each member shall be appointed to serve a four-year term.
128345. The Health Professions Education Foundation may do any of
the following:
(a) Solicit and receive funds from business, industry,
foundations, and other private or public sources for the purpose of
providing financial assistance in the form of scholarships or loans
to African-American students, Native American students,
Hispanic-American students, and other students from underrepresented
groups. These funds shall be expended by the office after transfer to
the Health Professions Education Fund, created pursuant to Section
(b) Recommend to the director the disbursement of private sector
moneys deposited in the Health Professions Education Fund to students
from underrepresented groups accepted to or enrolled in schools of
medicine, dentistry, nursing, or other health professions in the form
of loans or scholarships.
(c) Recommend to the director a standard contractual agreement to
be signed by the director and any participating student, that would
require a period of obligated professional service in the areas in
California designated by the commission as deficient in primary care
services. The agreement shall include a clause entitling the state to
recover the funds awarded plus the maximum allowable interest for
failure to begin or complete the service obligation.
(d) Develop criteria for evaluating the likelihood that applicants
for scholarships or loans would remain to practice their profession
in designated areas deficient in primary care services.
(e) Develop application forms, which shall be disseminated to
students from underrepresented groups interested in applying for
scholarships or loans.
(f) Encourage private sector institutions, including hospitals,
community clinics, and other health agencies to identify and provide
educational experiences to students from underrepresented groups who
are potential applicants to schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing,
or other health professions.
(g) Prepare and submit an annual report to the office documenting
the amount of money solicited from the private sector, the number of
scholarships and loans awarded, the enrollment levels of students
from underrepresented groups in schools of medicine, dentistry,
nursing, and other health professions, and the projected need for
scholarships and loans in the future.
(h) Recommend to the director that a portion of the funds
solicited from the private sector be used for the administrative
requirements of the foundation.
(i) Implement the Steven M. Thompson Physician Corps Loan
Repayment Program and the Volunteer Physician Program, as provided
under Article 5 (commencing with Section 128550).
128350. The office shall do all of the following:
(a) Provide technical and staff support to the foundation in
meeting all of its responsibilities.
(b) Provide financial management for the Health Professions
Education Fund.
(c) Enter into contractual agreements with students from
underrepresented groups for the disbursement of scholarships or loans
in return for the commitment of these students to practice their
profession in an area in California designated as deficient in
primary care services.
(d) Disseminate information regarding the areas in the state that
are deficient in primary care services to potential applicants for
the scholarships or loans.
(e) Monitor the practice locations of the recipients of the
scholarships or loans.
(f) Recover funds, in accordance with the terms of the contractual
agreements, from recipients of scholarships or loans who fail to
begin or complete their obligated service. Funds so recovered shall
be redeposited in the Health Professions Education Fund.
(g) Contract with the institutions that train family practice
residents, in order to increase the participation of students from
underrepresented groups in entering the specialty of family practice.
The director may seek the recommendations of the commission or
foundation as to what programs best demonstrate the ability to meet
this objective.
(h) Contract with training institutions that are involved in
osteopathic postgraduate training in general or family practice
medicine, in order to increase the participation of students from
underrepresented groups participating in the practice of osteopathic
medicine. The director may seek the recommendations of the commission
or foundation as to what programs have demonstrated the ability to
meet this objective.
(i) Enter into contractual agreements with graduated health
professionals to repay some or all of the debts they incurred in
health professional schools in return for practicing their
professions in an area in California designated as deficient in
primary care services.
(j) Contract with institutions that award baccalaureate of science
degrees in nursing in order to increase the participation of
students from underrepresented groups in the nursing profession. The
director may seek the recommendations of the commission as to what
programs have demonstrated the ability to meet this objective.
128355. There is hereby created within the office a Health
Professions Education Fund. The primary purpose of this fund is to
provide scholarships and loans to students from underrepresented
groups who are accepted to or enrolled in schools of medicine,
dentistry, nursing, or other health professions, and to fund the
Geriatric Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist
Scholarship Program pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section
128425). The fund shall also be used to pay for the cost of
administering the program and for any other purpose authorized by
this article. The level of expenditure by the office for the
administrative support of the program created pursuant to this
article shall be subject to review and approval annually through the
State Budget process. The office may receive private donations to be
deposited into this fund. All money in the fund is continuously
appropriated to the office for the purposes of this article and
Article 3 (commencing with Section 128425). The office shall manage
this fund prudently in accordance with other provisions of law.
128360. Any regulations the office adopts to implement this article
shall be adopted as emergency regulations in accordance with Section
11346.1 of the Government Code, except that the regulations shall be
exempt from the requirements of subdivisions (e), (f), and (g) of
that section. The regulations shall be deemed to be emergency
regulations for the purposes of Section 11346.1 of the Government
128365. Notwithstanding any other provision, meetings of the board
need not be open to the public when the board discusses applications
for financial assistance under this article, or other matters that
the board and the office reasonably determine should not be discussed
in public due to privacy considerations.
128370. Notwithstanding any other law, the office may exempt from
public disclosure any document in the possession of the office that
pertains to a donation made pursuant to this article if the donor has
requested anonymity.