38501. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) Global warming poses a serious threat to the economic
well-being, public health, natural resources, and the environment of
California. The potential adverse impacts of global warming include
the exacerbation of air quality problems, a reduction in the quality
and supply of water to the state from the Sierra snowpack, a rise in
sea levels resulting in the displacement of thousands of coastal
businesses and residences, damage to marine ecosystems and the
natural environment, and an increase in the incidences of infectious
diseases, asthma, and other human health-related problems.
(b) Global warming will have detrimental effects on some of
California's largest industries, including agriculture, wine,
tourism, skiing, recreational and commercial fishing, and forestry.
It will also increase the strain on electricity supplies necessary to
meet the demand for summer air-conditioning in the hottest parts of
the state.
(c) California has long been a national and international leader
on energy conservation and environmental stewardship efforts,
including the areas of air quality protections, energy efficiency
requirements, renewable energy standards, natural resource
conservation, and greenhouse gas emission standards for passenger
vehicles. The program established by this division will continue this
tradition of environmental leadership by placing California at the
forefront of national and international efforts to reduce emissions
of greenhouse gases.
(d) National and international actions are necessary to fully
address the issue of global warming. However, action taken by
California to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases will have
far-reaching effects by encouraging other states, the federal
government, and other countries to act.
(e) By exercising a global leadership role, California will also
position its economy, technology centers, financial institutions, and
businesses to benefit from national and international efforts to
reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. More importantly, investing in
the development of innovative and pioneering technologies will assist
California in achieving the 2020 statewide limit on emissions of
greenhouse gases established by this division and will provide an
opportunity for the state to take a global economic and technological
leadership role in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
(f) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Air
Resources Board coordinate with state agencies, as well as consult
with the environmental justice community, industry sectors, business
groups, academic institutions, environmental organizations, and other
stakeholders in implementing this division.
(g) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Air
Resources Board consult with the Public Utilities Commission in the
development of emissions reduction measures, including limits on
emissions of greenhouse gases applied to electricity and natural gas
providers regulated by the Public Utilities Commission in order to
ensure that electricity and natural gas providers are not required to
meet duplicative or inconsistent regulatory requirements.
(h) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State Air
Resources Board design emissions reduction measures to meet the
statewide emissions limits for greenhouse gases established pursuant
to this division in a manner that minimizes costs and maximizes
benefits for California's economy, improves and modernizes California'
s energy infrastructure and maintains electric system reliability,
maximizes additional environmental and economic co-benefits for
California, and complements the state's efforts to improve air
(i) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Climate Action
Team established by the Governor to coordinate the efforts set forth
under Executive Order S-3-05 continue its role in coordinating
overall climate policy.