SECTIONS 38590-38599
SECTION 38590-38599
38590. If the regulations adopted pursuant to Section 43018.5 do
not remain in effect, the state board shall implement alternative
regulations to control mobile sources of greenhouse gas emissions to
achieve equivalent or greater reductions.
38591. (a) The state board, by July 1, 2007, shall convene an
environmental justice advisory committee, of at least three members,
to advise it in developing the scoping plan pursuant to Section 38561
and any other pertinent matter in implementing this division. The
advisory committee shall be comprised of representatives from
communities in the state with the most significant exposure to air
pollution, including, but not limited to, communities with minority
populations or low-income populations, or both.
(b) The state board shall appoint the advisory committee members
from nominations received from environmental justice organizations
and community groups.
(c) The state board shall provide reasonable per diem for
attendance at advisory committee meetings by advisory committee
members from nonprofit organizations.
(d) The state board shall appoint an Economic and Technology
Advancement Advisory Committee to advise the state board on
activities that will facilitate investment in and implementation of
technological research and development opportunities, including, but
not limited to, identifying new technologies, research, demonstration
projects, funding opportunities, developing state, national, and
international partnerships and technology transfer opportunities, and
identifying and assessing research and advanced technology
investment and incentive opportunities that will assist in the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The committee may also advise
the state board on state, regional, national, and international
economic and technological developments related to greenhouse gas
emission reductions.
38592. (a) All state agencies shall consider and implement
strategies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
(b) Nothing in this division shall relieve any person, entity, or
public agency of compliance with other applicable federal, state, or
local laws or regulations, including state air and water quality
requirements, and other requirements for protecting public health or
the environment.
38593. (a) Nothing in this division affects the authority of the
Public Utilities Commission.
(b) Nothing in this division affects the obligation of an
electrical corporation to provide customers with safe and reliable
electric service.
38594. Nothing in this division shall limit or expand the existing
authority of any district, as defined in Section 39025.
38595. Nothing in this division shall preclude, prohibit, or
restrict the construction of any new facility or the expansion of an
existing facility subject to regulation under this division, if all
applicable requirements are met and the facility is in compliance
with regulations adopted pursuant to this division.
38596. The provisions of this division are severable. If any
provision of this division or its application is held invalid, that
invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications that can
be given effect without the invalid provision or application.
38597. The state board may adopt by regulation, after a public
workshop, a schedule of fees to be paid by the sources of greenhouse
gas emissions regulated pursuant to this division, consistent with
Section 57001. The revenues collected pursuant to this section, shall
be deposited into the Air Pollution Control Fund and are available
upon appropriation, by the Legislature, for purposes of carrying out
this division.
38598. (a) Nothing in this division shall limit the existing
authority of a state entity to adopt and implement greenhouse gas
emissions reduction measures.
(b) Nothing in this division shall relieve any state entity of its
legal obligations to comply with existing law or regulation.
38599. (a) In the event of extraordinary circumstances,
catastrophic events, or threat of significant economic harm, the
Governor may adjust the applicable deadlines for individual
regulations, or for the state in the aggregate, to the earliest
feasible date after that deadline.
(b) The adjustment period may not exceed one year unless the
Governor makes an additional adjustment pursuant to subdivision (a).
(c) Nothing in this section affects the powers and duties
established in the California Emergency Services Act (Chapter 7
(commencing with Section 8550) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the
Government Code).
(d) The Governor shall, within 10 days of invoking subdivision
(a), provide written notification to the Legislature of the action