SECTIONS 41320-41323
SECTION 41320-41323
41320. (a) The Antelope Valley district board shall adopt rules and
regulations that are not in conflict with state and federal laws,
rules, and regulations and that reflect the best available
technological and administrative practices.
(b) The rules and regulations shall require the level of control
necessary to achieve the emission reduction requirements of the
California Clean Air Act of 1988 (Chapter 1568 of the Statutes of
1988), pursuant to Sections 40913, 40914, and 40915.
(c) The rules, regulations, and resolutions of the Antelope Valley
Air Pollution Control District shall remain in effect on December
31, 2001, and shall remain in effect and be enforced on and after
January 1, 2002, by the Antelope Valley district, until superseded or
amended by the Antelope Valley district board.
41321. (a) After a public hearing, the Antelope Valley district may
adopt regulations to require operators of public and commercial
fleet vehicles, when adding vehicles to, or replacing vehicles in, an
existing fleet or when purchasing vehicles to form a new fleet, to
purchase low-emission motor vehicles, and to require, to the maximum
extent feasible or appropriate, that those vehicles be operated on a
cleaner burning alternative fuel.
(b) For purposes of this section, "motor vehicle fleet" means 10
or more vehicles under common ownership or operation.
41322. The Antelope Valley district shall conduct public education,
marketing, demonstration, monitoring, research, and evaluation
programs or projects with respect to transportation control measures.
41323. The Antelope Valley district may adopt regulations to limit
or mitigate the impact on air quality of an indirect or areawide
source pursuant to Section 40716.