SECTIONS 42365-42372
SECTION 42365-42372
42365. Any person who manufactures a product may petition the
hearing board for a product variance from a rule or regulation of the
district pursuant to this article.
42366. A product variance is only available if, to provide
effective relief, the variance is required to be granted for, and
attached to, a particular product, as distinguished from the variance
that may be granted to an individual petitioner pursuant to Section
42352. A product variance shall be granted only when a product does
not comply with district rules or regulations and the variance is
necessary for the sale, supply, distribution, or use of the product.
42367. No product variance shall be granted pursuant to this
article from a requirement for a permit to build, erect, alter, or
replace any article, machine, equipment, or other contrivance
pursuant to Section 42300.
42368. (a) No product variance shall be granted unless the hearing
board makes all of the following findings:
(1) The manufacture, distribution, offering for sale, sale,
application, soliciting the application, or use of the product is, or
will be, in violation of a rule, regulation, or order of the
(2) Due to conditions beyond the reasonable control of the
petitioner, requiring compliance would result in either (A) an
arbitrary or unreasonable taking of property, or (B) the practical
closing and elimination of a lawful business.
(3) The taking or closing would be without a corresponding benefit
in reducing air contaminants.
(4) The petitioner exercised due diligence in attempting to
locate, research, or develop a product that is in compliance with
district rules and regulations.
(5) During the period that the product variance is in effect, the
petitioner shall quantify any excess emissions to the maximum extent
feasible and report the emission levels to the district, if requested
by the district.
(b) If the product variance is granted subject to conditions on
the use of the product, within 10 days from the effective date of the
variance, and for the duration of the time period of the variance,
the petitioner shall cause a written notice to be furnished to any
retailer, distributor, and purchaser of the product who is located
within the district. The written notice shall be, attached to, or
otherwise accompany, the product, and shall include all of the
following information:
(1) That the product is being sold pursuant to a product variance
granted by the district hearing board.
(2) The beginning and ending dates of the product variance.
(3) Any other conditions set forth in the product variance.
(c) Within 10 days from the effective date of the granting of the
product variance, the district shall cause to be published pursuant
to Section 6061 of the Government Code, the information specified in
subdivision (b).
(d) The district hearing board may prescribe requirements or
conditions in the product variance that are applicable to the
product, other than those imposed by statute or by any rule,
regulation, or order of the district board, if those requirements or
conditions are not more onerous.
42369. (a) No product variance shall be granted if the use of the
product under the variance will result in a violation of Section
(b) No emergency product variance shall be granted pursuant to
this article.
42370. If the product variance is granted and the product is in
compliance with subdivisions (b) and (d) of Section 42368, the
petitioner may manufacture, and any person may distribute, offer for
sale, sell, apply, solicit the application of, or use the product
under the conditions set forth in the product variance.
42371. Sections 42350.5, 42351, 42351.5, 42352.5, 42354 to 42357,
inclusive, 42359, and 42362 to 42364, inclusive, shall apply to the
granting of product variances pursuant to this article.
42372. (a) The hearing board, in making any order permitting a
product variance, shall specify the time during which the order shall
be effective, which, except as provided in subdivision (b), shall
not exceed one year, and shall set a final compliance date.
(b) A product variance may be issued for a period exceeding one
year, but in no event to exceed two years from the date of the
granting of the initial product variance, if the product variance
includes a schedule of increments of progress specifying a final
compliance date by which the emission of air contaminants from the
product for which the product variance is granted will be brought
into compliance with applicable emission standards and all district
rules, regulations, and orders. No extension may be granted to a
petitioner without a showing of good cause and proof of compliance
with the findings required by Section 42368.
(c) If the product variance is for a process or product that is
equivalent to, or exceeds, the applicable standards required by the
district's rules and regulations, and the hearing board granting the
variance specifies that the only way to achieve compliance will be
for the district to adopt or amend a rule or regulation, the air
pollution control officer within 180 days from the effective date of
the variance, shall set a public hearing before the district
governing board and make a recommendation on whether or not the board
should adopt or amend a rule or regulation to bring the product into
compliance. The district governing board shall, within one year of
the effective date of the variance, take action to (1) adopt or amend
a district rule or regulation to bring the product into compliance,
or (2) determine that no amendment, rule, or regulation is warranted.
If the district governing board fails to take either action, nothing
in this subdivision shall limit the petitioner's rights and remedies
under existing law.