SECTIONS 44380-44384
SECTION 44380-44384
44380. (a) The state board shall adopt a regulation which does all
of the following:
(1) Sets forth the amount of revenue which the district must
collect to recover the reasonable anticipated cost which will be
incurred by the state board and the Office of Environmental Health
Hazard Assessment to implement and administer this part.
(2) Requires each district to adopt a fee schedule which recovers
the costs of the district and which assesses a fee upon the operator
of every facility subject to this part, except as specified in
subdivision (b) of Section 44344.4. A district may request the state
board to adopt a fee schedule for the district if the district's
program costs are approved by the district board and transmitted to
the state board by April 1 of the year in which the request is made.
(3) Requires any district that has an approved toxics emissions
inventory compiled pursuant to this part by August 1 of the preceding
year to adopt a fee schedule, as described in paragraph (2), which
imposes on facility operators fees which are, to the maximum extent
practicable, proportionate to the extent of the releases identified
in the toxics emissions inventory and the level of priority assigned
to that source by the district pursuant to Section 44360.
(b) Commencing August 1, 1992, and annually thereafter, the state
board shall review and may amend the fee regulation.
(c) The district shall notify each person who is subject to the
fee of the obligation to pay the fee. If a person fails to pay the
fee within 60 days after receipt of this notice, the district, unless
otherwise provided by district rules, shall require the person to
pay an additional administrative civil penalty. The district shall
fix the penalty at not more than 100 percent of the assessed fee, but
in an amount sufficient in its determination, to pay the district's
additional expenses incurred by the person's noncompliance. If a
person fails to pay the fee within 120 days after receipt of this
notice, the district may initiate permit revocation proceedings. If
any permit is revoked, it shall be reinstated only upon full payment
of the overdue fee plus any late penalty, and a reinstatement fee to
cover administrative costs of reinstating the permit.
(d) Each district shall collect the fees assessed pursuant to
subdivision (a). After deducting the costs to the district to
implement and administer this part, the district shall transmit the
remainder to the Controller for deposit in the Air Toxics Inventory
and Assessment Account, which is hereby created in the General Fund.
The money in the account is available, upon appropriation by the
Legislature, to the state board and the Office of Environmental
Health Hazard Assessment for the purposes of administering this part.
(e) For the 1997-98 fiscal year, air toxics program revenues for
the state board and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard
Assessment shall not exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000), and for
each fiscal year thereafter, shall not exceed one million three
hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,350,000). Funding for the Office
of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment for conducting risk
assessment reviews shall be on a fee-for-service basis.
44380.1. A facility shall be granted an exemption by a district
from paying a fee in accordance with Section 44380 if all of the
following criteria are met:
(a) The facility primarily handles, processes, stores, or
distributes bulk agricultural commodities or handles, feeds, or rears
(b) The facility was required to comply with this part only as a
result of its particulate matter emissions.
(c) The fee schedule adopted by the district or the state board
for these types of facilities is not solely based on toxic emissions
weighted for potency or toxicity.
44380.5. In addition to the fee assessed pursuant to Section 44380,
a supplemental fee may be assessed by the district, the state board,
or the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment upon the
operator of a facility that, at the operator's option, includes
supplemental information authorized by paragraph (3) of subdivision
(b) of Section 44360 in a health risk assessment, if the review of
that supplemental information substantially increases the costs of
reviewing the health risk assessment by the district, the state
board, or the office. The supplemental fee shall be set by the state
board in the regulation required by subdivision (a) of Section 44380
and shall be set in an amount sufficient to cover the direct costs to
review the information supplied by an operator pursuant to paragraph
(3) of subdivision (b) of Section 44360.
44381. (a) Any person who fails to submit any information, reports,
or statements required by this part, or who fails to comply with
this part or with any permit, rule, regulation, or requirement issued
or adopted pursuant to this part, is subject to a civil penalty of
not less than five hundred dollars ($500) or more than ten thousand
dollars ($10,000) for each day that the information, report, or
statement is not submitted, or that the violation continues.
(b) Any person who knowingly submits any false statement or
representation in any application, report, statement, or other
document filed, maintained, or used for the purposes of compliance
with this part is subject to a civil penalty of not less than one
thousand dollars ($1,000) or more than twenty-five thousand dollars
($25,000) per day for each day that the information remains
44382. Every district shall, by regulation, adopt the requirements
of this part as a condition of every permit issued pursuant to
Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 42300) of Part 4 for all new and
modified facilities.
44384. Except for Section 44380 and this section, all provisions of
this part shall become operative on July 1, 1988.