SECTIONS 320-328
SECTION 320-328
320. Officers and warrant officers on active duty in the service of
the State shall receive the same pay and allowances as officers of
similar grade in the United States Army, United States Air Force and
United States Navy. All full time active duty heretofore or hereafter
performed in the service of the State shall be credited for purposes
of determining longevity and service within the provisions of this
section and Section 340 of this code.
321. Enlisted men and women, while on active duty in the service of
the state, shall receive the same pay and allowances as enlisted men
and women of similar grade in the United States Army, United States
Air Force, and United States Navy, except that enlisted men and women
in the pay grade of E1 through E4 ordered to active duty pursuant to
Section 143 or 146, while on active duty, shall receive not less
than the minimum daily rate of pay applicable to a pay grade of E5 in
the active military service of the United States. It is the intent
of the Legislature that the foregoing minimum payments to enlisted
men and women in the pay grade of E1 through E4 may be paid from the
State Emergency Fund when, in the judgment of the Director of
Finance, there is a case of actual necessity for which no
appropriation has been made. All full-time active duty previously or
hereafter performed in the service of the state shall be credited for
purposes of determining longevity and service within the provisions
of this section and Section 340.
322. Officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men and women on
active duty in the service of the state, except in situations
described in Section 188, shall be reimbursed for their necessary
traveling and other expenses in accordance with the rules and
regulations adopted by the Department of Personnel Administration.
323. (a) A qualified member of the California National Guard
Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team, as certified by the
United States Department of Defense, is eligible to receive an annual
State Retention Bonus in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000)
at the completion of each year of service on the team.
(b) For purposes of this section, "qualified member" means a
member of the California National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction
Civil Support Team who is certified as a hazardous materials
specialist or technician under the laws of this state.
324. Whenever an officer of the National Guard or Naval Militia is
detailed for special duty in any matter relating to the National
Guard or Naval Militia, by order of the Governor, that officer shall
be allowed the same pay and allowances as officers of similar grade
in the United States Army and United States Navy and actual traveling
expenses. An enlisted man or woman similarly detailed shall be
allowed the same pay and allowances as enlisted men and women of
similar grade in the United States Army and United States Navy and
actual traveling expenses, except that family allowances shall not be
allowed to those enlisted men and women. An officer of the National
Guard or Naval Militia may, with his or her consent, be detailed for
special duty without expense to the state, except and provided,
however, the officer may be paid actual traveling expenses. An
officer of the National Guard or Naval Militia may, with his or her
consent, be detailed for duty and may be paid compensation in a grade
lower than the officer actually holds provided the officer
voluntarily waives all compensation in excess of the lower grade.
If not inconsistent with the performance of required military
duty, members of the National Guard may perform emergency services as
defined in Section 18531 of the Government Code, and as provided in
Section 19888 of the Government Code, and shall receive as
compensation therefore the going wages paid for similar service at or
near the place of performance.
325. Whenever an officer or enlisted man or woman of the United
States Army or United States Navy or United States Air Force,
detailed by the Department of the Army or the Department of the Navy
or the Department of the Air Force for service with the National
Guard or Naval Militia, is detailed by the Governor for special duty
or requested to perform any duty involving travel not specially
directed by the Department of the Army or the Department of the Navy
or the Department of the Air Force, the officer or enlisted man or
woman shall be allowed his or her actual traveling expenses, but no
per diem.
326. Commissioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted men and
women and former commissioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted
men and women of the United States Army, United States Air Force,
United States Navy, or any reserve component thereof, California
National Guard, State Military Reserve, California National Guard
Reserve, California Defense and Security Corps, California State
Guard, California Reserve and Retired List or the active militia,
may, with his or her consent, be detailed for active duty with a
security section which the Adjutant General is hereby authorized to
maintain in his or her office. A commissioned officer, warrant
officer or enlisted man or woman who is detailed for duty as provided
in this section may be paid compensation in any grade or rank lower
than the person actually holds provided the commissioned officer,
warrant officer or enlisted man or woman voluntarily waives all
compensation in excess of the lower grade or rank.
327. Officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men and women on
active duty in the service of the state shall be eligible for health
care benefits 30 days after being called to active duty.
328. (a) The purpose of this section is to help defray the uniform
and travel costs paid by volunteers in the State Military Reserve and
Naval Militia.
(b) On January 1, 2007, the amount of seventy-five thousand
dollars ($75,000) is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the
Military Department for the purposes of providing a combined uniform
and travel allowance to each volunteer member of the State Military
Reserve or Naval Militia, on or before the last day of the month
following the volunteer member's completion of one year of
satisfactory service in the State Military Reserve or Naval Militia,
and annually thereafter following the completion of any subsequent
full year of satisfactory service.
(c) For the purposes of this section, "satisfactory service" shall
consist of 100 percent constructive attendance at training
assemblies or as otherwise defined by Military Department
(d) The amount of the allowance shall be one hundred twenty-five
dollars ($125) per year.