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SECTIONS 33000-33021

SECTION 33000-33021
33000. The Legislature finds and declares that: (a) It is necessary and in the best interest of the citizens of the state to authorize the Southern California Rapid Transit District to levy special benefit assessments for needed public rail rapid transit facilities and services on the property which benefits from those facilities and services. (b) The rail rapid transit facilities and services provide special benefits to parcels of land, and improvements thereon, in the vicinity of rail rapid transit stations, and provide general benefits to the community at large. The Board of Directors of the Southern California Rapid Transit District shall be the conclusive judge of the proportion of special and general benefits produced by the facilities and of the distribution of the special benefits among parcels of property within the benefit assessment district. 33001. (a) Whenever the board finds that property adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, one or more rail transit stations, or proposed rail transit stations, of the district receives or will receive special benefit by reason of the location or operation of one or more of those rail transit stations, the board may, by resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of its members, provide for notice and hearing on its intention to establish one or more special benefit districts and to levy a special benefit assessment on real property therein for the purpose of financing, in whole or in part, the acquisition, construction, development, joint development, operation, maintenance, or repair of one or more rail transit stations and rail transit related facilities located within the benefit district. (b) For purposes of this chapter, "benefit district" means a special benefit assessment district established pursuant to this chapter, the area of which shall not lie more than one mile from the center point of any rail transit station or proposed rail transit station within the central business district of the City of Los Angeles and shall not lie more than one-half mile from the center point of any rail transit station or proposed rail transit station at any other location. "Central business district of the City of Los Angeles" means that area within the City of Los Angeles lying east of the Harbor Freeway (State Highway Route 11). (c) The resolution may provide that the proposed benefit district will contain separate zones, which may consist of either contiguous or noncontiguous areas of land within the district. The proposed benefit district and each proposed zone, if any, therein shall be an area adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, one or more rail transit stations or proposed rail transit stations. The boundaries of the benefit district and of each zone, if any, therein shall be drawn so as to reflect, as accurately as possible, the areas in which special benefits are conferred by reason of the proximity and operation of one or more rail transit stations. (d) The notice stating the time and place of the hearing, and setting forth the boundaries and purpose of the proposed benefit district, shall be published prior to the time fixed for the hearing pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code. (e) Notice shall also be mailed at least 30 days prior to the hearing to all owners of real property within the boundaries of the proposed benefit district whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll or are otherwise known to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles or to the district. (f) For purposes of this chapter, "transit related facilities" means land, buildings and equipment or any interest therein, whether or not the operation thereof produces revenue, which has, as its primary purpose, the operation of the rail transit system or the providing of services to the passengers of the rail transit system, but does not mean any land, buildings, or equipment, or interest therein, which is used primarily for the production of revenue not arising from the operation of the rail transit system. 33001.5. (a) At the time and place fixed for the hearing on the establishment of the benefit district, or at any time and place to which the hearing is adjourned, the board shall proceed with the hearing. At the hearing, interested persons may appear and present matters material to the proposed board action. At the conclusion of the hearing, the board shall, by a resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of its members, determine whether to proceed with the proposed action. The resolution shall state, as appropriate, the maximum and minimum rate of assessment, the amount of the special benefit assessment and the purposes for which it is to be levied, the estimated cost of accomplishing the purposes, and the dates or approximate intervals at which the assessment shall be levied. The resolution shall also state that the exterior boundaries of the benefit district are set forth on a map on file with the secretary of the district, which map shall govern for all purposes as to the extent of the benefit district and zones, if any, therein and that the area set forth on the map shall thereupon constitute and be known as "Benefit District No. __ of the Southern California Rapid Transit District," or as "Benefit Zone __ of the Benefit District No. __ of the Southern California Rapid Transit District," as designated by the board. (b) The resolution shall be submitted to the governing body. The governing body shall, after a public hearing conducted by the governing body and prior to the creation of the benefit district, approve, or amend and approve, as amended, or disapprove the geographic boundaries of the benefit district and the method of assessment. The resolution of approval or disapproval from the governing body shall be returned to the board. (c) The board shall, by a two-thirds vote of its members, determine whether to create the benefit district as approved by the governing body. If the board decides to proceed with creating the benefit district as approved by the governing body, the board may, in addition to any amendments made by the governing body, reduce the size of the benefit district, but in so doing shall not include any territory not included in the benefit district approved by the governing body nor change the approved method of assessment. The determination by the board is final and conclusive. (d) For purposes of this section, "governing body" means the city council of a city in which the proposed benefit district is located or, if the benefit district is located in unincorporated territory, the board of supervisors of the county in which the proposed benefit district is located. (e) The board may provide in the resolution, or in a later resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members of the board, for changes in the assessment to particular real property within the benefit district or any zone therein arising out of changes in the parcel area or floor area of that real property. 33002. (a) In determining the amount of a special benefit assessment, the board may measure the benefit to real property in the benefit district or zones therein by the parcel area of unimproved real property and by the parcel area and the floor area of real property and improvements thereto of improved real property, as deemed appropriate by a resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members of the board. (b) The special benefit assessment constitutes a charge imposed on particular real property for a district project of direct benefit to that property, and does not constitute ad valorem taxes or any other form of general tax levy applying a given rate to the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the district. (c) The district shall possess all powers necessary for, incidental to, or convenient for the collection, enforcement, administration, or distribution of the special benefit assessment in accordance with California law. (d) The revenue from a special benefit assessment, which is imposed pursuant to this chapter, or from bonds secured by such a special benefit assessment, for the purpose of financing a rail transit station or rail transit related facility located within the benefit district, shall be used only for financing of the facility for which it was levied, and that revenue shall not be used for any other purpose or the payment of any other expense of the district, including, but not limited to, transit, transportation, or operating expense. 33002.1. The board may order benefit assessment without an election, except as otherwise provided in Section 33002.2. 33002.2. An election shall be held if the board finds that a petition requesting that the proposal be submitted to confirmation by the voters has been signed by the owners of at least 25 percent of the assessed value of real property within the benefit district. 33002.3. (a) For purposes of this chapter, "voter" means an owner of real property which is assessed or proposed to be assessed under this chapter and which is within the boundaries of the benefit district. (b) In any election conducted under this chapter, each voter in the benefit district may cast one vote for each one thousand dollars ($1,000), or fraction thereof, worth of land or improvements owned by the voter in the benefit district as is shown on the most recent equalized assessment roll. 33002.4. (a) Where land in the benefit district is owned in joint tenancy, tenancy in common, or any other multiple ownership, the owners of that land shall designate in writing which one of the owners shall be deemed the owner of that land for purposes of qualifying as a voter. (b) The legal representative of a corporation or an estate owning real property in the benefit district may act on behalf of the corporation or the estate. (c) (1) For purposes of this chapter, "legal representative" means an official of a corporation owning real property in the benefit district. (2) For purposes of this chapter, "legal representative" also means a guardian, conservator, executor, or administrator of the estate of the holder of title to real property in the benefit district who is all of the following: (A) The person is appointed under the laws of this state. (B) The person is entitled to the possession of the estate's real property. (C) The person is authorized by the appointing court to exercise the particular right, privilege, or immunity which he or she seeks to exercise. (d) Before a legal representative acts as a voter at a district election, the legal representative shall present to the precinct board a certified copy of his or her authority which shall be kept and filed with the returns of the election. 33002.5. The petition for confirmation by the voters shall be filed with the board within 30 days after the conclusion of the public hearing required by Sections 33001 and 33001.5. If a petition meeting the requirements of Section 33002. 2 is filed, the board shall adopt a resolution approving the proposal to form a benefit district subject to confirmation by the voters of the benefit district. 33002.6. After the board has adopted a resolution approving the proposal to form a benefit district under Section 33002.5, but before the board may levy any assessment, the board shall call an election in the benefit district for the purpose of submitting to the voters the proposition of levying the assessment by the benefit district. The resolution calling the election shall state each of the items required to be contained in the resolution adopted pursuant to Section 33001.5. 33002.7. The board shall submit the proposition of levying an assessment to the voters of the benefit district in a special election to be held within 90 days following the adoption of the resolution calling an election. The provisions of the Elections Code relating to the manner of voting, the duties of election officers, the canvassing of returns, and all other particulars in respect to the management of elections, insofar as they may be applicable, shall govern all elections conducted pursuant to this chapter. Ballots for the special election may be distributed to voters by mail with return postage prepaid, and shall be received by the district either by mail or hand delivery at the address shown on the postage prepaid envelope no later than 5:00 p.m. on the special election day. The district shall pay to the county the reasonable expenses that the county incurs in conducting an election under this chapter, and the district may expend funds collected from the benefit assessment approved pursuant to the election for this purpose. 33002.8. If a majority of the votes cast at the election conducted under this chapter approve the proposition, the board may levy the assessment pursuant to the resolution adopted pursuant to Section 33002. 33002.9. (a) Any owner or owners of real property, which is, in whole or in part, within the benefit district, or their legal representatives, may jointly or severally file with the board a petition requesting that the real property owned by them or for which they are the legal representative be excluded from the benefit district on the ground that the real property sought to be excluded is not benefited or that the assessment be reduced on the ground that the assessment exceeds the benefit to that real property. (b) The real property sought to be excluded or upon which the assessment is sought to be reduced shall be described by its legal description and shall be accompanied by a map depicting its location in relation to the benefit district. (c) The petition shall contain a statement of facts in support of the petition and shall be acknowledged by the owner or the legal representative filing the petition. 33002.10. Notice of each hearing upon the petition for exclusion or reduction shall be given in accordance with subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section 33001. 33002.11. At the time and place provided in the notice or at any time and place to which the hearing is adjourned, the board or its appointed hearing officer shall hear all the following: (a) The petition for exclusion or reduction. (b) All evidence or proofs that may be introduced by or on behalf of the petitioners. (c) All objections to the petition that may be presented in writing by any person, including the district. (d) All evidence or proofs that may be introduced in support of objections to the petition. 33002.12. The expenses of giving the notice provided for herein and of the hearing on the exclusion or reduction petition shall be paid by the persons filing the petition. 33002.13. Upon the hearing on an exclusion or reduction petition by the board, or upon the record of hearing by a hearing officer, the board shall order the petition be denied when the petitioner has not shown by a preponderance of the evidence that in an exclusion petition his or her real property is not benefited or in a reduction petition that the assessment exceeds the benefit to the property. 33002.14. The board, after the hearing on an exclusion or reduction petition, shall order one of the following by resolution: (a) In the case of an exclusion petition, order the exclusion of all or any part of the real property described in the petition upon its finding that the property will not be benefited by the operations of the district in the vicinity of the benefit district. (b) In the case of a reduction petition, order a change in the benefit assessment to all or any portion of the real property described in the petition to provide that it not exceed the amount of benefit derived by the operations of the district in the vicinity of the benefit district. (c) Confirm the assessment on the real property subject to the petition as correctly reflecting the amount of benefit to the real property. 33003. (a) Following formation of the benefit district or concurrently therewith, if the board deems it necessary to incur a bonded indebtedness for the acquisition, construction, development, joint development, completion, operation, maintenance, or repair of one or more rail transit stations and related rail transit facilities located within the benefit district, the board may provide, by resolution, that the bonded indebtedness shall be payable from special benefit assessments levied within the benefit district. The resolution shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members of the board, and shall declare and state all of the following: (1) That the board intends to incur an indebtedness, by the issuance of bonds of the district, for the benefit district which the board has formed, or intends to form, within a portion of the district. (2) The purposes for which the proposed debt is to be incurred, which may include all costs and estimated costs necessary or convenient for, incidental to, or connected with the accomplishment of the purposes, including, without limitation, engineering, inspection, legal, fiscal agent, financial consultant, bond and other reserve funds, working capital, bond interest estimated to accrue during the construction period, if any, and for a period not exceeding three years thereafter, and the expenses of all proceedings for the authorization, issuance, and sale of the bonds. (3) The estimated cost of accomplishing the purposes and the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred. (4) That a general description of the benefit district and of each zone, if any, therein and maps showing the exterior boundaries thereof are on file with the secretary of the district and available for inspection by any interested person. (5) That special benefit assessments for the payment of the bonds, and the interest thereon, have been or shall be levied in the benefit district or zones therein by the parcel area of unimproved real property and by the parcel area and the floor area of real property and improvements thereto of improved real property, as deemed appropriate by a resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members of the board, at rates which are sufficient in the aggregate, together with revenues already collected and available therefor, to pay the principal of, and interest on, all bonds of the district issued for the benefit district. (6) The extent to which, if at all, all or a portion of the revenues of the district are to be used to pay the principal of, interest on, and sinking fund payments for, the bonds, including the establishment and maintenance of any reserve fund therefor. (7) The time and place set for hearing on the proposed issuance of the bonds. (8) That at the same time as the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles is required by law to fix the general tax levy and in the manner provided for the general tax levy, the district board shall levy and collect special benefit assessments in the benefit district or zones therein by the parcel area of unimproved real property and by the parcel area and the floor area of real property and improvements thereto of improved real property, as deemed appropriate by the district board, at rates which are sufficient in the aggregate, together with revenues already collected and available therefor, to pay the interest on the bonds as it becomes due, and the part of the principal of the bonds, including sinking fund installments required by any of the district's agreements with bondholdlers, as will become due before proceeds of a special benefit assessment, levied at the time of the next general tax levy, will be available for those purposes; and to provide or to restore the bond reserve fund to the amount required by any of the district's agreements with bondholders. (9) The maximum term the proposed bonds shall run before maturity, which shall not exceed 40 years from the date of the bonds or any series thereof. (10) The maximum rate or rates of interest to be paid, which shall not exceed 12 percent per annum. (11) That the pledge of special benefit assessment revenues to the bonds authorized by this section has priority over the use of any of those revenues for pay-as-you-go financing, except to the extent that this priority is expressly restricted by any of the district's agreements with bondholders. (b) The notice stating the time and place of the hearing on the proposed issuance of bonds shall be published prior to the time fixed for the hearing pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code. (c) Notice shall also be mailed at least 30 days prior to the hearing to all owners of real property within the boundaries of the benefit district whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll or are otherwise known to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles or to the district. 33004. At the time and place fixed for the hearing on the issuance of bonds payable from special benefit assessments levied under this chapter, or at any time and place to which the hearing is adjourned, the board shall proceed with the hearing. Interested persons may appear at the hearing and present matters material to the questions set forth in the resolution. At the conclusion of the hearing on the proposed issuance of bonds, the board shall, by resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members, determine whether to incur the bonded indebtedness. The resolution shall state the amount of the proposed debt, the purposes for which it is to be incurred, and the estimated cost of accomplishing the purposes. The determinations made in the resolution are final and conclusive. 33005. Special benefit assessments for the payment of the principal of, and interest on, bonds issued for a benefit district shall be levied in the benefit district at rates which are sufficient in the aggregate, together with revenues already collected and available therefor, to pay the principal of, and interest on, all bonds of the district issued for the benefit district. Other revenues of the district shall be used for the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds only to the extent set forth in any agreement of the district for the benefit of bondholders. Special benefit assessments in the benefit district and zones, if any, therein shall be calculated to reflect, as accurately as possible, the benefit received by the property assessed in the benefit district or zones, if any, therein as a result of the project to be financed thereby. 33006. The bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding 12 percent per annum, payable semiannually, except that the first interest payable on the bonds or any series thereof may be for any period not to exceed one year as determined by the board. In the resolution or resolutions providing for the issuance of bonds, the board may also provide for call and redemption of the bonds prior to maturity at times and prices and upon any other terms that it may specify. However, no bond is subject to call or redemption prior to maturity unless the bond contains a recital to that effect. The denomination or denominations of bonds shall be stated in the resolution providing for their issuance, but shall not be less than five thousand dollars ($5,000). The principal of, and interest on, the bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States at the office of the treasurer of the district or at any other place or places that may be designated by the board, or at either place or places at the option of the holders of the bonds. The bonds shall be dated, numbered consecutively, signed by the president and treasurer, and countersigned by the secretary and shall have the official seal of the district attached. The interest coupons of the bonds shall be signed by the treasurer. The seal and all signatures and countersignatures may be printed, lithographed, or mechanically reproduced, except that one signature or countersignature shall be manually affixed. If an officer, whose signature or countersignature appears on the bonds or coupons, leaves office for any reason prior to the delivery of the bonds, the officer's signature is as effective as if the officer had remained in office. 33007. The bonds issued pursuant to this chapter may be sold as the board determines by resolution. The board may sell the bonds at a price below par. If the board determines by resolution that the bonds shall be sold by competitive bid, the board, before selling the bonds, or any part thereof, shall give notice inviting sealed bids in the manner that it prescribes. If satisfactory bids are received, the bonds offered shall be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If no bids are received, or if the board determines that the bids received are not satisfactory as to price or responsibility of the bidders, the board may reject all bids received, if any, and either readvertise or sell the bonds at private sale or by negotiation, or by other lawful means. If the board determines by resolution that the bonds shall not be sold by competitive bid, the board may sell the bonds at public or private sale, by negotiation, or by other lawful means. 33008. Delivery of any bonds issued under this chapter may be made at any place either inside or outside the state, and the purchase price may be received in cash or bank credits. 33009. All accrued interest and premiums received on the sale of bonds issued by the district pursuant to this chapter shall be placed in the fund to be used for the payment of principal of, and interest on, those bonds. The remainder of the proceeds received on the sale of the bonds shall be placed in the treasury to secure those bonds or for the purposes for which the debt was incurred. When the purposes for which the debt was incurred have been accomplished, any money remaining shall be either (a) transferred to the fund to be used for the payment of principal of, and interest on, the bonds or (b) placed in a fund to be used for the purchase of those outstanding bonds of the district, from time to time, in the open market at the prices and in the manner, either at public or private sale or otherwise, that the board determines. Bonds so purchased shall be canceled immediately. 33010. The board may provide for the issuance, sale, or exchange of refunding bonds to redeem or retire any bonds issued by the district under this chapter upon the terms, at the times, and in the manner that it determines. Refunding bonds may be issued in a principal amount sufficient to pay all, or any part, of the principal of the outstanding bonds issued under this chapter, the interest thereon, and the premiums, if any, due upon call and redemption thereof prior to maturity and all expenses of the refunding. The provisions of this chapter, for the issuance and sale of bonds apply to the issuance and sale of refunding bonds, except that, when refunding bonds are to be exchanged for outstanding bonds, the method of exchange shall be as determined by the board. 33011. Any bonds issued under this chapter are legal investment for all trust funds; for the funds of insurance companies, commercial and savings banks, and trust companies; for state school funds; and, whenever any money or funds may, by any law now or hereafter enacted, be invested in bonds of cities, counties, school districts, or other districts within this state, the money or funds may be invested in the bonds issued under this chapter. Whenever bonds of cities, counties, school districts, or other districts within this state may, by any law now or hereafter enacted, be used as security for the performance of any act or the deposit of any public money, bonds issued under this chapter may be so used. The provisions of this chapter are in addition to all other laws relating to legal investments and are controlling as the latest expression of the Legislature with respect thereto. 33012. The board may change the purposes for which any proposed debt is to be incurred, the estimated cost, the amount of bonded debt to be incurred, or the boundaries of the benefit district or zones, if any, therein or one or all of those matters, except that the board shall not change the boundaries to include any territory which will not, in its judgment, be benefited by the district action. For all purposes of this chapter, it is conclusively presumed that any right-of-way of a common carrier will not be benefited by the district action. 33013. (a) The board shall not change the purposes, the estimated cost, the boundaries of the benefit district or zones, if any, therein, or the amount of bonded debt to be incurred until after it gives notice of its intention to do so, stating each proposed change in the purpose and stating, if applicable, that the exterior boundaries proposed to be changed are set forth on a map on file with the secretary of the district. The notice shall also specify the time and place set for hearing. (b) The notice shall be published prior to the time set for the hearing pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code. (c) The notice shall also be mailed at least 30 days prior to the hearing to all owners of real property affected by the proposed change whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll or are otherwise known to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles or to the district. 33014. At the time and place fixed for a hearing on changes, or at any time and place to which the hearing is adjourned, the board shall proceed with the hearing. At the hearing, interested persons may appear and present matters material to the changes set forth in the notice. At the conclusion of the hearing, the board shall, by resolution, determine whether to make any or all of the changes set forth in the notice. The determinations made in the resolution are conclusive and final. 33015. All decisions and determinations of the board, upon notice and hearing, are final and conclusive upon all persons entitled to appeal to the board as to all errors, informalities, and irregularities which the board might have avoided or remedied during the progress of the proceedings or which it can, at that time, remedy. Any objection, appeal, or protest not made at the time of any hearing is deemed to be waived voluntarily by any person who might have made the appeal, protest, or objection, and the person is deemed to have consented to the action taken following the hearing and any other matter on which objection, protest, or appeal could have been made. 33016. Any action or proceeding, other than a petition for election pursuant to Section 33002.2, which contests, questions, or denies the validity or legality of the formation of any benefit district or zone, the issuance of any bonds therefor pursuant to this chapter, or any proceedings relating thereto, shall be commenced within six months from the date of the formation; otherwise, the formation of the benefit district or zone, the issuance of the bonds, and all proceedings relating thereto shall be held to be in every respect valid, legal, and incontestable. 33017. When the board has imposed a special benefit assessment, the secretary shall so certify to the assessor of the county in which the territory of any benefit district is located and deliver to the assessor copies of all maps and diagrams of the benefit district and zones, if any, therein, indicating the amount of the special benefit assessment to be levied within the benefit district and zones, if any, therein. Special benefit assessments authorized by this chapter shall be levied and collected by the county at the same time and in the same manner as taxes are levied and collected. The county may deduct its reasonable expenses of collection and shall transmit the balance of the assessments to the district. 33019. In the event of conflict with any other law, the provisions of this chapter shall prevail with respect to benefit districts within the district. 33020. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the district shall not pledge any portion of its general fund revenues to pay any part of any bonded indebtedness incurred under this chapter unless required by provisions of the California Constitution. 33021. Notwithstanding Section 5097 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, any petition or claim for refund seeking an exclusion of real property or the reduction of an assessment on any grounds for the 2004-05 fiscal year or in any subsequent fiscal year pursuant to this chapter shall be filed within two years after the making of the payment sought to be refunded.

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