SECTIONS 8800-8809
SECTION 8800-8809
8800. Upon default in the payment of any installment of principal
or interest on any assessment or reassessment, the lands securing
those installments and assessments shall become tax-defaulted in the
same manner in which real property in the city becomes tax-defaulted
for the nonpayment of general city taxes, and shall be subject to
redemption in the same manner and to the same extent that real
property in the city which has become tax-defaulted for the
nonpayment of general city taxes may be redeemed.
8801. If any lot or parcel of land becomes tax-defaulted property
for nonpayment of taxes and of any installment of the assessment
thereon, or of the penalties, interest, or costs on the same, or for
the nonpayment of any installment of the assessment or of the
penalties, interest, or costs on the same, the declaration of default
pursuant to Section 3436 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and the
deed issued pursuant to Section 3708 of that code, are primary
evidence of the regularity of all proceedings had prior thereto, and
shall be conclusive evidence of all things of which bonds issued upon
the security thereof are conclusive evidence, and prima facie
evidence of the regularity of all proceedings subsequent to the
issuance of the bonds, and the deed conveys to the grantee the
absolute title to the lands described therein, free of all
incumbrances, except the lien for other state, county, and city
taxes, unpaid installments, interest, and penalties under the same
proceeding, and unpaid installments, interest, and penalties, the
lien of which is subordinate thereto, and except all public
improvement assessments which may have priority thereover.
8802. The city may pay and transfer into the redemption fund the
amount of the delinquent assessment and of the delinquent interest
for which the property has become tax-defaulted.
8803. If a county or a city whose taxes are collected by the county
is conducting the proceedings and the county or city has advanced
available funds either in performance of its obligations in
proceedings wherein the assessment was levied prior to September 17,
1986, or under subdivision (a) of Section 8769, or voluntarily under
subdivision (b) of Section 8769, the tax collector shall account to
the county or the city for any moneys received upon redemption or
from the sale of the property. In that case, for the purposes of this
division, the county or the city shall be entitled to reimbursement
of any amounts so advanced from any moneys so received.
8804. If there are no available funds in the treasury with which to
make payment of the amount of the delinquent assessment and interest
for which the property was declared to be in default, the tax
collector shall make demand upon the legislative body that a suitable
amount be included in the next tax levy for the purpose of providing
funds with which to make the payment. However, the period of
redemption from the declaration of default shall not be extended
thereby nor shall the rights or privileges of the property owner be
This section applies only to bonds representing unpaid
assessments, which assessments were confirmed before June 6, 1978.
8805. If the city has made advances as provided in Section 8803
with respect to any installment and any succeeding installment of the
assessment or of the interest on the assessment is not paid in any
future year, the property shall not be declared in default unless
there has previously been a redemption from such declaration or
unless under the law the property is then being declared in default
for delinquent taxes.
8806. Notwithstanding Section 8805, if a city has advanced
available funds either in performance of its obligations in
proceedings wherein the assessment was levied prior to September 17,
1986, or under subdivision (a) of Section 8769, the city shall, from
time to time when due, pay and transfer into the redemption fund the
amount of any future delinquent installments of the assessment and
interest thereon pending redemption, and no redemption shall be made
until any subsequent payments, with interest and penalties, are paid.
8808. The city shall have the right to advance and pay any other
taxes wherever necessary to protect its interest in property against
which there is a delinquent assessment. It may also, at its
discretion, temporarily transfer moneys into the redemption fund from
other funds in which the moneys are not immediately needed. If the
city has determined to obligate itself to use available funds to cure
any deficiency in the redemption fund pursuant to subdivision (a) of
Section 8769, it shall temporarily transfer available funds to the
redemption fund upon determining that a deficiency exists. The moneys
so transferred are to be used to pay sums due from the redemption
fund and to be retransferred therefrom out of the first available
8809. The legislative body, shall, at the time of fixing the annual
tax rate and levying the taxes to be collected for general city
purposes, levy a special tax upon the taxable property in the city
for the purpose of making advances under this part, and also for the
purpose of paying installments of the assessment or of the interest
thereon, which the city is required to pay under Section 8806, but
not to exceed for each local improvement ten cents ($0.10) on each
one hundred dollars ($100) of assessable property in any one year.
The special tax shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for
city purposes, and shall be computed, entered and collected in the
same manner, and by the same persons and at the same time and with
the same penalties and interest as are other taxes of the city.
This section applies only to bonds representing unpaid
assessments, which assessments were confirmed before June 6, 1978.