SECTIONS 21050-21070
SECTION 21050-21070
21050. Every person riding or driving an animal upon a highway has
all of the rights and is subject to all of the duties applicable to
the driver of a vehicle by this division and Division 10 (commencing
with Section 20000), except those provisions which by their very
nature can have no application.
21051. The following sections apply to trolley coaches:
(a) Sections 1800, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4006, 4009, 4150, 4151,
4152, 4153, 4155, 4156, 4158, 4166, 4300 to 4309, inclusive, 4450 to
4454, inclusive, 4457, 4458, 4459, 4460, 4600 to 4610, inclusive,
4750, 4751, 4850, 4851, 4852, 4853, 5000, 5200 to 5205, inclusive,
5904, 6052, 8801, 9254, and 40001 with respect to 4000, relating to
original and renewal of registration.
(b) Sections 9250, 9265, 9400, 9406, 9407, 9408, 9550, 9552, 9553,
9554, 9800 to 9808, inclusive, 14901, 42230 to 42233, inclusive,
relating to registration and other fees.
(c) Sections 2800, 10851, 10852, 10853, 20001 to 20009, inclusive,
21052, 21053, 21054, 21450 to 21457, inclusive, 21461, 21650, 21651,
21658, 21659, 21700, 21701, 21702, 21703, 21709, 21712, 21750,
21753, 21754, 21755, 21800, 21801, 21802, 21806, 21950, 21951, 22106,
22107, 22108, 22109, 22350, 22351, 22352, 22400, 22450 to 22453,
inclusive, 23103, 23104, 23105, 23110, 23152, 23153, 40831, 42002
with respect to 10852 and 10853, and 42004, relating to traffic laws.
(d) Sections 26706, 26707, and 26708, relating to equipment.
(e) Sections 17301, 17302, 17303, 21461, 35000, 35100, 35101,
35105, 35106, 35111, 35550, 35551, 35750, 35751, 35753, 40000.1 to
40000.25, inclusive, 40001, 40003, and 42031, relating to the size,
weight, and loading of vehicles.
21052. The provisions of this code applicable to the drivers of
vehicles upon the highways apply to the drivers of all vehicles while
engaged in the course of employment by this State, any political
subdivision thereof, any municipal corporation, or any district,
including authorized emergency vehicles subject to those exemptions
granted such authorized emergency vehicles in this code.
21053. This code, except Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 20000)
of Division 10, Article 2 (commencing with Section 23152) of Chapter
12 of Division 11, and Sections 25268 and 25269, does not apply to
public employees and publicly owned teams, motor vehicles, and other
equipment while actually engaged in work upon the surface of a
highway, or work of installation, removal, repairing, or maintaining
official traffic control devices. This code does apply to those
persons and vehicles when traveling to or from their work.
21054. The provisions of this division do not apply to the duly
authorized representatives of any public agency while actually
engaged in performing any of the work described in Section 21053 but
apply to such persons when traveling to and from such work.
21055. The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle is exempt from
Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 21350), Chapter 3 (commencing
with Section 21650), Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 21800),
Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 21950), Chapter 6 (commencing with
22100), Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 22348), Chapter 8
(commencing with Section 22450), Chapter 9 (commencing with Section
22500), and Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 22650) of this
division, and Article 3 (commencing with Section 38305) and Article 4
(commencing with Section 38312) of Chapter 5 of Division 16.5, under
all of the following conditions:
(a) If the vehicle is being driven in response to an emergency
call or while engaged in rescue operations or is being used in the
immediate pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law or is
responding to, but not returning from, a fire alarm, except that
fire department vehicles are exempt whether directly responding to an
emergency call or operated from one place to another as rendered
desirable or necessary by reason of an emergency call and operated to
the scene of the emergency or operated from one fire station to
another or to some other location by reason of the emergency call.
(b) If the driver of the vehicle sounds a siren as may be
reasonably necessary and the vehicle displays a lighted red lamp
visible from the front as a warning to other drivers and pedestrians.
A siren shall not be sounded by an authorized emergency vehicle
except when required under this section.
21056. Section 21055 does not relieve the driver of a vehicle from
the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using
the highway, nor protect him from the consequences of an arbitrary
exercise of the privileges granted in that section.
21057. Every police and traffic officer is hereby expressly
prohibited from using a siren or driving at an illegal speed when
serving as an escort of any vehicle, except when the escort or
conveyance is furnished for the preservation of life or when
expediting movements of supplies and personnel for any federal,
state, or local governmental agency during a national emergency, or
state of war emergency, or state of emergency, or local emergency as
defined in Section 8558 of the Government Code.
21058. A physician traveling in response to an emergency call shall
be exempt from the provisions of Sections 22351 and 22352 if the
vehicle so used by him displays an insigne approved by the department
indicating that the vehicle is owned by a licensed physician. The
provisions of this section do not relieve the driver of the vehicle
from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons
using the highway, nor protect the driver from the consequences of an
arbitrary exercise of the privileges of this section.
21059. Sections 21211, 21650, 21660, 22502, 22504, and subdivision
(h) of Section 22500 do not apply to the operation of a rubbish or
garbage truck while actually engaged in the collection of rubbish or
garbage within a business or residence district, if the front turn
signal lamps at each side of the vehicle are being flashed
simultaneously and the rear turn signal lamps at each side of the
vehicle are being flashed simultaneously.
This provision does not apply when the vehicle is being driven to
and from work, and it does not relieve the driver of the vehicle from
the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons
using the highway or protect him or her from the consequences of an
arbitrary exercise of the privilege granted.
21060. Between the hours of 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., Sections 21650,
21660, 22502, 22504, and subdivision (h) of Section 22500 do not
apply to the operation of a streetsweeper vehicle or watering
vehicle, operated by a local authority, while the vehicle is actually
sweeping streets or watering landscaping or vegetation within a
business or residence district. The exemption is not applicable
unless the turn signal lamps at each side of the front and rear of
the streetsweeper vehicle or watering vehicle are being flashed
This provision shall not apply when the vehicle is being driven to
and from such work, nor does it relieve the driver of such a vehicle
from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons
using the highway or protect the driver from the consequences of an
arbitrary exercise of the privilege granted.
21061. (a) In addition to any action prescribed in Division 17
(commencing with Section 40000.1), a traffic officer may issue a
notice of reexamination to any person who violates any provision of
this division and who, at the time of the violation, exhibits
evidence of incapacity to the traffic officer which leads the traffic
officer to reasonably believe that the person is incapable of
operating a motor vehicle in a manner so as not to present a clear or
potential danger of risk of injury to that person or others if that
person is permitted to resume operation of a motor vehicle.
(b) For purposes of this section, "evidence of incapacity" means
evidence, other than violations of this division, of serious physical
injury or illness or mental impairment or disorientation which is
apparent to the traffic officer and which presents a clear or
potential danger or risk of injury to the person or others if that
person is permitted to resume operation of a motor vehicle.
21062. The arresting officer shall, before the end of the next
working day, transmit, or cause to be transmitted, a legible copy of
the notice of reexamination to the Department of Motor Vehicles, and
the department shall enter the record of the notice in the driver's
license record maintained by electronic recording and storage media
by the department within five working days of its receipt.
21070. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver who
violates any provision of this division, that is punishable as an
infraction, and as a result of that violation proximately causes
bodily injury or great bodily injury, as defined in Section 12022.7
of the Penal Code, to another person is guilty of the public offense
of unsafe operation of a motor vehicle with bodily injury or great
bodily injury. That violation is punishable as an infraction pursuant
to Section 42001.19.