SECTIONS 23520-23521
SECTION 23520-23521
23520. (a) Whenever, in any county specified in subdivision (b), a
judge of a juvenile court, a juvenile hearing officer, or referee of
a juvenile court finds that a person has committed a first violation
of Section 23152 or 23153, the person shall be required to
participate in and successfully complete an alcohol or drug education
program, or both of those programs, as designated by the court. The
expense of the person's attendance in the program shall be paid by
the person's parents or guardian so long as the person is under the
age of 18 years, and shall be paid by the person thereafter. However,
in approving the program, each county shall require the program to
provide for the payment of the fee for the program in installments by
any person who cannot afford to pay the full fee at the commencement
of the program and shall require the program to provide for the
waiver of the fee for any person who is indigent, as determined by
criteria for indigency established by the board of supervisors.
Whenever it can be done without substantial additional cost, each
county shall require that the program be provided for juveniles at a
separate location from, or at a different time of day than, alcohol
and drug education programs for adults.
(b) This section applies only in those counties that have one or
more alcohol or drug education programs certified by the county
alcohol program administrator and approved by the board of
23521. (a) Any finding of a juvenile court judge, juvenile hearing
officer, or referee of a juvenile court of a commission of an offense
in any state, territory, possession of the United States, the
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the
Dominion of Canada that, if committed in this state, would be a
violation of Section 23152, is a conviction of a violation of Section
23152 for the purposes of Sections 13352, 13352.3, 13352.4, and
13352.5, and the finding of a juvenile court judge, juvenile hearing
officer, or referee of a juvenile court of a commission of an offense
that, if committed in this state, would be a violation of Section
23153 is a conviction of a violation of Section 23153 for the
purposes of Sections 13352 and 13352.3.
(b) This section shall become operative on September 20, 2005.