SECTIONS 25100-25110
SECTION 25100-25110
25100. (a) Except as provided in subdivisions (b) and (d), every
vehicle 80 inches or more in overall width shall be equipped during
darkness as follows:
(1) At least one amber clearance lamp on each side mounted on a
forward-facing portion of the vehicle and visible from the front and
at least one red clearance lamp on each side mounted on a
rearward-facing portion of the vehicle and visible from the rear.
(2) At least one amber side-marker lamp on each side near the
front and at least one red side-marker lamp on each side near the
(3) At least one amber side-marker lamp on each side at or near
the center on trailers and semitrailers 30 feet or more in length and
which are manufactured and first registered after January 1, 1962.
Any such vehicle manufactured and first registered prior to January
1, 1962, may be so equipped.
(4) At least one amber side-marker lamp mounted at approximate
midpoint of housecars, motortrucks, and buses 30 or more feet in
length and manufactured on or after January 1, 1969. Any such vehicle
manufactured prior to January 1, 1969, may be so equipped.
(5) Combination clearance and side-marker lamps mounted as
side-marker lamps and meeting the visibility requirements for both
types of lamps may be used in lieu of required individual clearance
or side-marker lamps.
(b) The following vehicles when 80 inches or more in overall width
and not equipped as provided in subdivision (a) shall be equipped
during darkness as follows:
(1) Truck tractors shall be equipped with at least one amber
clearance lamp on each side on the front of the cab or sleeper and
may be equipped with amber side-marker lamps on each side.
(2) Truck tractors manufactured on or after January 1, 1969, shall
be equipped with one amber side-marker lamp on each side near the
(3) Pole or pipe dollies, or logging dollies, shall be equipped
with at least one combination clearance and side-marker lamp on each
side showing red to the front, side, and rear.
(4) Vehicles, except truck tractors, which are 80 inches or more
in width over a distance not exceeding three feet from front to rear
shall be equipped with at least one amber combination clearance lamp
and side-marker lamp on each side visible from the front, side, and
rear if the projection is near the front of the vehicle and at least
one red lamp if the projection is near the rear of the vehicle.
(5) Towing motor vehicles engaged in driveaway-towaway operations
shall be equipped with at least one amber clearance lamp at each side
on the front and at least one amber side-marker lamp on each side
near the front.
(6) Towed motor vehicles engaged in driveaway-towaway operations
shall be equipped with at least one amber side-marker lamp on each
side of intermediate vehicles, and the rearmost vehicle shall be
equipped with at least one red side-marker lamp on each side and at
least one red clearance lamp on each side on the rear.
(7) Trailers and semitrailers designed for transporting single
boats in a cradle-type mounting and for launching the boat from the
rear of the trailer need not be equipped with front and rear
clearance lamps provided amber clearance lamps showing to the front
and red clearance lamps showing to the rear are located on each side
at or near the midpoint between the front and rear of the trailer to
indicate the extreme width of the trailer.
(c) Loads extending beyond the side of a vehicle where the overall
width of the vehicle and load is 80 inches or more shall be equipped
with an amber combination clearance and side-marker lamp on the side
at the front and a red combination clearance and side-marker lamp on
the side at the rear. In lieu of the foregoing requirement,
projecting loads not exceeding three feet from front to rear at the
extreme width shall be equipped with at least one amber combination
clearance and side-marker lamp on the side visible from the front,
side, and rear if the projection is near the front of the vehicle and
at least one red lamp if the projection is near the rear of the
(d) Clearance and side-marker lamps are not required on auxiliary
dollies or on passenger vehicles other than a housecar.
(e) Clearance lamps shall be visible from all distances between
500 feet and 50 feet to the front or rear of the vehicle, and
side-marker lamps shall be visible from all distances between 500
feet and 50 feet to the side of the vehicle.
(f) Clearance lamps shall, so far as is practicable, be mounted to
indicate the extreme width of the vehicle. Side-marker lamps shall
be mounted not lower than 15 inches on vehicles manufactured on and
after January 1, 1968. Combination clearance and side-marker lamps
required on loads shall be mounted so the lenses project to the outer
extremity of the vehicle or load.
25100.1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code, an
ambulance may be equipped with clearance and side-marker lamps.
25102. In addition to the lamps otherwise permitted by this
chapter, any motor vehicle may be equipped with lamps on the sides
thereof, visible from the side of the vehicle but not from the front
or rear thereof, which lamps, together with mountings or receptacles,
shall be set into depressions or recesses in the body of the vehicle
and shall not protrude beyond or outside the body of the vehicle.
The light source in each of the lamps shall not exceed two
candlepower and shall emit diffused light of any color, except that
the color red is permitted only on authorized emergency vehicles.
25102.5. (a) A schoolbus may be equipped with lamps mounted so as
to be visible from the sides of the bus which may be lighted, in
addition to other required lights, when, and only when, atmospheric
conditions such as fog, rain, snow, smoke, or dust, reduce the
visibility of other vehicles to less than 500 feet.
(b) The type and mounting requirements of such lamps shall be
established by regulations adopted by the department. The regulations
shall be adopted by January 1, 1980.
25103. Whenever the load upon any vehicle extends from the left
side of the vehicle one foot or more, there shall be displayed at the
extreme left side of the load during darkness:
(a) An amber lamp plainly visible for 300 feet to the front and
rear of the vehicle.
(b) An amber lamp at the front visible for 300 feet to the front
and a red lamp at the rear plainly visible for 300 feet to the rear
of the vehicle if the projecting load exceeds 120 inches in length.
The lamp shall not contain a bulb rated in excess of six
25104. Any vehicle or equipment that requires a permit issued
pursuant to Article 6 (commencing with Section 35780) of Chapter 5 of
Division 15 because it is wider than permitted under Chapter 2
(commencing with Section 35100) of Division 15 shall display a solid
red or fluorescent orange flag or cloth not less than 12 inches
square at the extreme left front and left rear of the vehicle or
equipment, if the vehicle or equipment is being operated other than
during darkness.
25105. (a) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with running board or
door-mounted courtesy lamps. The bulbs in the lamps shall not exceed
six standard candlepower and shall emit either a green or white light
without glare. The beams of the lamps shall not be visible to the
front or rear of the vehicle.
(b) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with inside door-mounted red
lamps or red reflectorizing devices or material visible to the rear
of the vehicle when the doors are open. The bulbs in the lamps shall
not exceed six standard candlepower.
(c) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with exterior lamps for the
purpose of lighting the entrances and exits of the vehicles, which
lamps may be lighted only when the vehicles are not in motion. The
lamp source of the exterior lamps shall not exceed 32 standard
candlepower, or 30 watts, nor project any glaring light into the eyes
of an approaching driver.
25106. (a) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with lighted white or
amber cowl or fender lamps on the front. Any vehicle may be equipped
with not more than one amber side lamp on each side near the front,
nor more than one red side lamp on each side near the rear. The light
source of each such lamp shall not exceed four standard candlepower.
(b) Lamps meeting requirements established by the department for
side-marker or combination clearance and side-marker lamps may be
installed on the sides of vehicles at any location, but any lamp
installed within 24 inches of the rear of the vehicle shall be red,
and any lamp installed at any other location shall be amber.
25107. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two
cornering lamps designed and of sufficient intensity for the purpose
of revealing objects only in the direction of turn while the vehicle
is turning or while the turn signal lamps are operating to signal an
intention to turn. The lamps shall be designed so that no glaring
light is projected into the eyes of an approaching driver.
25108. (a) Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two
amber turn-signal pilot indicators mounted on the exterior. The
light output from any indicator shall not exceed five candlepower
unless a provision is made for operating the indicator at reduced
intensity during darkness in which event the light output shall not
exceed five candlepower during darkness or 15 candlepower at any
other time. The center of the beam shall be projected toward the
(b) Any vehicle may be equipped with pilot indicators visible from
the front to monitor the functioning or condition of parts essential
to the operation of the vehicle or of equipment attached to the
vehicle that is necessary for protection of the cargo or load. The
pilot indicators shall be steady-burning, having a projected lighted
lens area of not more than three-quarters of a square inch and have a
light output of not more than five candlepower. The pilot indicator
may be of any color except red.
(c) Other exterior pilot indicators of any color may be used for
monitoring exterior lighting devices, provided that the area of each
indicator is less than 0.20 square inches, the intensity of each
indicator does not exceed 0.10 candlepower, and the color red is not
visible to the front.
(d) Any towed vehicle may be equipped with an exterior-mounted
indicator lamp used only to indicate the functional status of an
antilock braking system providing that either of the following
conditions are met:
(1) The indicator lamp complies with the applicable requirements
of the federal motor vehicle safety standards.
(2) The indicator lamp is designed and located so that it will be
readily visible, with the assistance of a rearview mirror if
necessary, to the driver of the towing motor vehicle and the
indicator lamp has a light source not exceeding five candlepower. The
light shall not show to the sides or rear of the vehicle and the
indicator lamp may emit any color except red.
(e) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any motor
vehicle may be equipped with not more than two exterior-lighted data
monitors that transmit information to the driver of the vehicle
regarding the efficient or safe operation, or both the efficient and
safe operation, of the vehicle.
(2) Data monitors shall comply with all of the following
(A) Be mounted to the vehicle in a manner so that they are readily
visible to the driver of the vehicle when the driver is seated in
the normal driving position. Data monitors shall not be designed to
convey information to any person other than the driver of the
(B) Be limited in size to not more than two square inches of
lighted area each.
(C) Not emit a light brighter than reasonably necessary to convey
the intended information.
(D) Not project a glaring light to the driver or, to other
motorists, or to any other person.
(3) Data monitors may incorporate flashing or changing elements
only as necessary to convey the intended information. Data monitors
shall not resemble any official traffic-control device or required
lighting device or be combined with any required lighting device.
(4) Data monitors may display any color, except that the color red
shall not be visible to the front of the vehicle.
25109. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with two white or amber
running lamps mounted on the front, one at each side, which shall not
be lighted during darkness except while the motor vehicle is parked.
25110. (a) The following vehicles may be equipped with utility
flood or loading lamps mounted on the rear, and sides, that project a
white light illuminating an area to the side or rear of the vehicle
for a distance not to exceed 75 feet at the level of the roadway:
(1) Tow trucks that are used to tow disabled vehicles may display
utility floodlights, but only during the period of preparation for
towing at the location from which a disabled vehicle is to be towed.
(2) Ambulances used to respond to emergency calls may display
utility flood and loading lights, but only at the scene of an
emergency or while loading or unloading patients.
(3) Firefighting equipment designed and operated exclusively as
such may display utility floodlamps only at the scene of an
(4) Vehicles used by law enforcement agencies or organizations
engaged in the detoxification of alcoholics may display utility flood
or loading lights when loading or unloading persons under the
influence of intoxicants for transportation to detoxification centers
or places of incarceration.
(5) Vehicles used by law enforcement agencies for mobile blood
alcohol testing, drug evaluation, or field sobriety testing .
(6) Vehicles used by publicly or privately owned public utilities
may display utility flood or loading lights when engaged in emergency
roadside repair of electric, gas, telephone, telegraph, water, or
sewer facilities.
(b) Lamps permitted under subdivision (a) shall not be lighted
during darkness, except while the vehicle is parked, nor project any
glaring light into the eyes of an approaching driver.