SECTIONS 27600-27607
SECTION 27600-27607
27600. No person shall operate any motor vehicle having three or
more wheels, any trailer, or semitrailer unless equipped with
fenders, covers, or devices, including flaps or splash aprons, or
unless the body of the vehicle or attachments thereto afford adequate
protection to effectively minimize the spray or splash of water or
mud to the rear of the vehicle and all such equipment or such body or
attachments thereto shall be at least as wide as the tire tread.
This section does not apply to those vehicles exempt from
registration, trailers and semitrailers having an unladen weight of
under 1,500 pounds, or any vehicles manufactured and first registered
prior to January 1, 1971, having an unladen weight of under 1,500
27602. (a) A person shall not drive a motor vehicle if a television
receiver, a video monitor, or a television or video screen, or any
other similar means of visually displaying a television broadcast or
video signal that produces entertainment or business applications, is
operating and is located in the motor vehicle at a point forward of
the back of the driver's seat, or is operating and the monitor,
screen, or display is visible to the driver while driving the motor
(b) Subdivision (a) does not apply to the following equipment when
installed in a vehicle:
(1) A vehicle information display.
(2) A global positioning display.
(3) A mapping display.
(4) A visual display used to enhance or supplement the driver's
view forward, behind, or to the sides of a motor vehicle for the
purpose of maneuvering the vehicle.
(5) A television receiver, video monitor, television or video
screen, or any other similar means of visually displaying a
television broadcast or video signal, if that equipment satisfies one
of the following requirements:
(A) The equipment has an interlock device that, when the motor
vehicle is driven, disables the equipment for all uses except as a
visual display as described in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive.
(B) The equipment is designed, operated, and configured in a
manner that prevents the driver of the motor vehicle from viewing the
television broadcast or video signal while operating the vehicle in
a safe and reasonable manner.
(6) A mobile digital terminal that is fitted with an opaque
covering that does not allow the driver to view any part of the
display while driving, even though the terminal may be operating,
installed in a vehicle that is owned or operated by any of the
(A) An electrical corporation, as defined in Section 218 of the
Public Utilities Code.
(B) A gas corporation, as defined in Section 222 of the Public
Utilities Code.
(C) A sewer system corporation, as defined in Section 230.6 of the
Public Utilities Code.
(D) A telephone corporation, as defined in Section 234 of the
Public Utilities Code.
(E) A water corporation, as defined in Section 241 of the Public
Utilities Code.
(F) A local publicly owned electric utility, as defined in Section
224.3 of the Public Utilities Code.
(G) A city, joint powers agency, or special district, if that
local entity uses the vehicle solely in the provision of sewer
service, gas service, water service, or wastewater service.
(c) Subdivision (a) does not apply to a mobile digital terminal
installed in an authorized emergency vehicle or to a motor vehicle
providing emergency road service or roadside assistance.
(d) Subdivision (a) does not apply to a mobile digital terminal
installed in a vehicle when the vehicle is deployed in an emergency
to respond to an interruption or impending interruption of
electrical, natural gas, telephone, sewer, water, or wastewater
service, and the vehicle is owned or operated by any of the
(1) An electrical corporation, as defined in Section 218 of the
Public Utilities Code.
(2) A gas corporation, as defined in Section 222 of the Public
Utilities Code.
(3) A sewer system corporation, as defined in Section 230.6 of the
Public Utilities Code.
(4) A telephone corporation, as defined in Section 234 of the
Public Utilities Code.
(5) A water corporation, as defined in Section 241 of the Public
Utilities Code.
(6) A local publicly owned electric utility, as defined in Section
224.3 of the Public Utilities Code.
(7) A city, joint powers agency, or special district, if that
local entity uses the vehicle solely in the provision of sewer
service, gas service, water service, or wastewater service.
27603. When a motor vehicle formerly used as a schoolbus is sold to
any person and is used exclusively for purposes other than the
transportation of pupils pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with
Section 39830) of Chapter 5 of Part 23 of the Education Code, it
shall be painted by the purchaser a color different than that
prescribed by the Department of the California Highway Patrol for
schoolbuses before it is operated on any street or highway other than
to have the vehicle painted or moved to a place of storage.
The provisions of this section shall not apply where the ownership
of a schoolbus is transferred to a nonprofit organization under a
contractual arrangement under which the ownership is required to be
retransferred to the original owner within 90 days of the date of the
original transfer.
27604. When a motor vehicle, painted, as required by Section 40800,
and formerly used in the enforcement of the provisions of Division
10 (commencing with Section 20000) or 11 (commencing with Section
21000), is sold to any person and is used for purposes other than law
enforcement, the vehicle shall be painted or partially painted by
the seller or agency formerly using such vehicle so that it will no
longer resemble a vehicle complying with Section 40800 and any
insignia or other marking of the vehicle identifying it as a traffic
law enforcement vehicle shall be removed by the seller or agency
formerly using such vehicle before it shall be operated on any street
or highway, other than to have the vehicle moved to be painted or to
a place of storage.
The provisions of this section do not apply to former law
enforcement vehicles, without insignia, which are painted one solid
color, or which are used exclusively for movie or television
production and display signs stating "movie car" prominently on the
doors, or which are motorcycles, as defined in Section 400, without
27605. No person shall own or operate a motor vehicle painted in
the manner described in Section 40800 to resemble a motor vehicle
used by a peace officer or traffic officer on duty for the primary
purpose of enforcing the provisions of Division 10 (commencing with
Section 20000) or Division 11 (commencing with Section 21000)
pursuant to Section 40800.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehicles which
are painted one solid color or to vehicles first registered on or
before January 1, 1979. These provisions shall not apply to vehicles
which are any of the following:
(a) Owned by vehicle manufacturers or dealers.
(b) Used by law enforcement agencies in the enforcement of the
provisions of Division 10 (commencing with Section 20000) or Division
11 (commencing with Section 21000).
(c) Owned by persons or companies who use the vehicles exclusively
for movie or television production and display signs stating "movie
car" prominently on the doors.
(d) Owned by persons or companies who use the vehicles exclusively
for funeral escort purposes.
(e) Motorcycles, as defined in Section 400, without insignia.
27606. (a) No person shall own or operate a motor vehicle which is
equipped with a light bar, or facsimile thereof, to resemble a motor
vehicle used by a peace officer or traffic officer while on duty
within that jurisdiction for the primary purpose of enforcing
Division 10 (commencing with Section 20000) or Division 11
(commencing with Section 21000) pursuant to Section 40800.
(b) For purposes of this section the following definitions apply:
(1) A "light bar" means any light or device affixed to or mounted
upon the roof of a vehicle and extending the width of the roof, or a
substantial portion thereof, which emits amber, red, or blue, or any
combination of those lights.
(2) A "facsimile of a light bar" is any device designed or
contrived to resemble a light bar regardless of the degree of light
emission or lack thereof.
27607. (a) Section 27606 does not apply to vehicles owned or used
by persons licensed pursuant to Article 3.1 (commencing with Section
7540) or Article 3.2 (commencing with Section 7544) of Chapter 11.5
of, or Chapter 11.6 (commencing with Section 7590) of, Division 3 of
the Business and Professions Code in the performance of their duties
under those provisions.
(b) This section does not authorize those persons described in
subdivision (a) to equip a vehicle with a light bar if prohibited by
other provisions of existing law or regulation.