SECTIONS 28050-28053
SECTION 28050-28053
28050. It is unlawful for any person to advertise for sale, to
sell, to use, or to install on any part of a motor vehicle or on an
odometer in a motor vehicle any device which causes the odometer to
register any mileage other than the true mileage driven. For the
purposes of this section the true mileage driven is that mileage
driven by the car as registered by the odometer within the
manufacturer's designed tolerance.
28050.5. It is unlawful for any person with the intent to defraud
to operate a motor vehicle on any street or highway knowing that the
odometer of such vehicle is disconnected or nonfunctional.
28051. It is unlawful for any person to disconnect, turn back,
advance, or reset the odometer of any motor vehicle with the intent
to alter the number of miles indicated on the odometer gauge.
28051.5. It is unlawful for any person to advertise for sale, to
sell, or to use, any device designed primarily for the purpose of
turning back or resetting the odometer of any motor vehicle to reduce
the number of miles indicated on the odometer gauge.
28052. If a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer of a new motor
vehicle makes any warranty to the purchaser of, and with respect to,
a new motor vehicle which is based on the amount of miles that the
motor vehicle is driven, only those miles which the motor vehicle has
been driven on and after the date that the motor vehicle has first
been sold as new to the purchaser shall be considered for purposes of
the warranty.
The mileage indicated upon the odometer of the motor vehicle on
the date that the motor vehicle is first sold as new to the purchaser
shall, for purposes of the warranty, be the mileage upon which the
warranty shall commence.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve any person
of any criminal punishment to which he would otherwise be subject
under Section 28051.
The provisions of this section shall apply only to motor vehicles
which are sold on or after the effective date of this section.
28053. (a) Nothing in this article prevents the service, repair, or
replacement of an odometer, if the mileage indicated thereon remains
the same as before the service, repair, or replacement. If the
odometer is incapable of registering the same mileage as before the
service, repair, or replacement, the odometer shall be adjusted to
read zero and a notice in writing shall be attached to the left
doorframe of the vehicle by the person performing the service,
repair, or replacement specifying the mileage prior to the service,
repair or replacement of the odometer and the date on which it was
serviced, repaired, or replaced.
(b) No person shall fail to adjust an odometer or affix a notice
regarding the adjustment as required by subdivision (a).
(c) No person shall, with intent to defraud, remove or alter any
notice affixed to a vehicle pursuant to subdivision (a).