SECTIONS 2900-2911
SECTION 2900-2911
2900. There is in this state, the California Traffic Safety
Program, which consists of a comprehensive plan in conformity with
the laws of this state to reduce traffic accidents and deaths,
injuries, and property damage resulting from accidents. The program
shall include, but not be limited to, provisions to improve driver
performance, including, but not limited to, driver education, driver
testing to determine proficiency to operate motor vehicles, and
driver examinations and driver licensing, and provisions to improve
bicyclist and pedestrian education and performance. In addition, the
program shall include, but not be limited to, provisions for an
effective record system of accidents, including injuries and deaths
resulting from accidents; accident investigations to determine the
probable causes of accidents, injuries, and deaths; vehicle
registration, operation, and inspection; highway design and
maintenance including lighting, markings, and surface treatment;
traffic control; vehicle codes and laws; surveillance of traffic for
detection and correction of high or potentially high accident
locations; and emergency services.
2901. The Governor may appoint a highway safety representative who
shall serve in the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency and
who shall, in consultation with the Governor and Secretary of the
Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, prepare the California
Traffic Safety Program. The Governor is responsible for the
administration of the program, and has final approval of all phases
of the program, and may take all action necessary to secure the full
benefits available to the program under the Federal Highway Safety
Act of 1966, and any amendments thereto. The highway safety
representative serves at the pleasure of the secretary.
2902. To the maximum extent permitted by federal law and
regulations and the laws of this state, the Governor may delegate to
the Secretary of the Business and Transportation Agency and the
highway safety representative any power or authority necessary to
administer the program, and the secretary and the representative may
exercise such power or authority once delegated.
2903. The Governor may establish an Advisory Committee on the
California Traffic Safety Program which shall consist of various
officials of state and local government and other persons who are
interested in the establishment of a comprehensive program of traffic
safety in this state including, but not limited to, representatives
of agriculture, railroads, the Institute of Transportation and
Traffic Engineering of the University of California, the motor
vehicle manufacturing industry, the automobile aftermarket equipment
servicing and manufacturing industry, automobile dealers, the
trucking industry, labor, motor vehicle user organizations, and
traffic safety organizations.
2904. The California Traffic Safety Program shall include a local
traffic safety program designed to encourage the political
subdivisions of this state to establish traffic safety programs
consistent with the objectives of the California Traffic Safety
2905. On or before the fifth legislative day of the 1968
legislative session and each year thereafter, the Governor shall
submit a report to the Legislature through such interim committee or
committees as may be designated by legislative resolution. Such
report shall include a detailed presentation of the California
Traffic Safety Program, a statement concerning the progress made in
implementing the program and recommendations concerning possible
legislative action deemed necessary or desirable to implement the
2906. The California Traffic Safety Program Fund is hereby created
in the State Treasury to consist of the funds referred to in Section
2907. Any funds which are appropriated by Congress for the purposes
of carrying out Section 402 of Title 23, United States Code (P.L.
89-564; 80 Stats. 731) and which are apportioned to this state by the
Secretary of Commerce pursuant to Section 402 of Title 23, United
States Code (P.L. 89-564; 80 Stats. 731) are continuously
appropriated for the purposes and uses of the California Traffic
Safety Program.
2908. The Governor shall apportion any funds contained in the
California Traffic Safety Program Fund among the various state
agencies and local political subdivisions as shall effectuate the
purposes of the program, and, in accordance with any federal formula
for apportionment or other federal requirements as contained in
federal enactments, regulations, or standards promulgated by the
Secretary of Commerce.
2909. Any local political subdivision of this state, including, but
not limited to, a city, a county, a city and county, a district, or
a special district, is authorized to participate in a local traffic
safety program within its jurisdiction if such local program is
approved by the Governor; provided, however, that any local political
subdivision may participate in a traffic safety program other than
that promulgated pursuant to the federal Highway Safety Act of 1966.
2910. Such local political subdivision may use, in implementing its
local traffic safety program, any funds which are apportioned to it
from the California Traffic Safety Program Fund by the Governor
pursuant to Section 2908.
2911. All traffic safety programs that receive state funds and that
include public awareness campaigns involving emergency vehicle
operations shall include in the public awareness campaign,
information on the risks to public safety of peace officer motor
vehicle pursuits, and the penalties that may result from evading a
peace officer.