SECTIONS 38070-38100
SECTION 38070-38100
38070. The department, upon identifying an off-highway motor
vehicle subject to identification, shall issue a certificate of
ownership to the legal owner and an identification certificate to the
owner, or both to the owner if there is no legal owner.
38075. (a) The identification certificate shall contain upon the
face thereof the date issued, the name and residence or business or
mailing address of the owner and of the legal owner, if any, the
identification number to the vehicle, and a description of the
vehicle as complete as that required in the application for the
identification of a vehicle.
(b) The director may modify the form, arrangement, and information
appearing on the face of the identification certificate and may
provide for standardization and abbreviation of fictitious or firm
names thereon whenever he finds that the efficiency of the department
will be promoted thereby, except that general delivery or post
office box numbers shall not be permitted as the address of the
identified owner unless there is no other address.
38076. The certificate of ownership shall contain:
(a) Not less than the information required upon the face of the
identification certificate.
(b) Provision for notice to the department of a transfer of the
title or interest of the owner or legal owner.
(c) Provision for application for transfer of identification by
the transferee.
38080. (a) The department may authorize, under Section 4456,
dealers licensed under Article 1 (commencing with Section 11700) of
Chapter 4 of Division 5 to use numbered copies of the report-of-sale
form and corresponding temporary identification devices upon
off-highway motor vehicles subject to identification that they sell.
(b) Off-highway motor vehicles subject to identification that are
purchased from dealers not required to be licensed under Article 1
(commencing with Section 11700) of Chapter 4 of Division 5, or that
are specially constructed by the owner or owners, may be operated
off-highway, as provided by this division, without an identification
plate or device or identification certificate, provided a receipt or
other suitable device issued by the department is displayed upon the
vehicle evidencing an application has been made and appropriate fees
paid pursuant to this division, until the identification plate or
device and identification certificate are received from the
38085. (a) Every owner upon receipt of an identification
certificate shall maintain the same or a facsimile copy thereof with
the vehicle for which it is issued at all times when the vehicle is
operated or transported.
(b) The provisions of this section do not apply when an
identification certificate is removed from the vehicle for the
purpose of application for renewal or transfer of identification.
38087. (a) Upon payment of the fees specified in Section 38231, the
department may issue to manufacturers, dealers, distributors, or
their agents, a special permit to operate or use for the purpose of
delivery, demonstration, or display, off-highway motor vehicles
otherwise required to be identified under this division.
(b) Special permits issued pursuant to this section shall expire
at midnight on the 30th day of June in the second calendar year
following the year of issuance of such permit.
38087.5. (a) Upon payment of the fee specified in Section 38231.5,
the Department of Parks and Recreation may issue to a nonresident of
this state a special permit to operate an off-highway motor vehicle
otherwise required to be identified under this chapter.
(b) Special permits issued under this section shall expire on
December 31 in the year of their issuance.
38088. (a) Upon payment of the fee specified in Section 38232, the
department shall issue to the owner of a motorcycle, which the owner
has certified as being used exclusively in racing events on a closed
course, a special transportation identification device for the
purpose of identifying the motorcycle while it is being transported
upon a highway to and from racing events on a closed course. Such
device may be either a plate or a sticker, whichever is determined by
the department to be the most appropriate.
(b) Such device is nonrenewable, nontransferrable, and becomes
invalid when the vehicle for which it was issued is sold or
(c) A certificate of ownership may not be issued in conjunction
with a special transportation identification device.
38090. If any identification certificate or identification plate or
device is stolen, lost, mutilated or illegible, the owner of the
vehicle for which the same was issued, as shown by the records of the
department, shall immediately make application for and may, upon
furnishing information satisfactory to the department, obtain a
duplicate or substitute or a new identification under a new number,
as determined to be most advisable by the department. An application
for a duplicate identification certificate is not required in
conjunction with any other application.
38095. If any certificate of ownership is stolen, lost, mutilated
or illegible, the legal owner or, if none, the owner of the vehicle
for which the same was issued as shown by the records of the
department shall immediately make application for and may, upon
furnishing information satisfactory to the department, obtain a
38100. The provisions of Sections 4458, 4460, 4461, 4462, 4463, and
4464 shall be fully applicable to motor vehicles identified under
this division and the terms "identification" and "identification
certificate" shall have the same meaning as the terms "registration"
and "registration card," respectively, as used in those sections.