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SECTIONS 5000-5024

SECTION 5000-5024
5000. (a) Identification plates issued for trailers, semitrailers, motor-driven cycles, and pole and pipe dollies, and such vehicles as are exempt from the payment of registration fees under this code shall display suitable distinguishing marks or symbols, and the registration numbers assigned to each class of vehicles shall run in a separate numerical series, except that registration numbers assigned to vehicles exempt from the payment of registration fees may run in several separate numerical series. (b) Vehicles subject to Sections 9400 and 9400.1 shall be issued license plates with suitable distinguishing marks or symbols distinguishing them from other license plates issued. (c) Vehicles subject to Section 5014.1 shall be issued permanent identification plates with suitable distinguishing marks or symbols that distinguish them from other license plates. 5001. The department may issue license plates for vehicles exempt from registration fees in the same series as plates issued for nonexempt vehicles. The plates may be issued for a one-year period and only upon the certification of the department that the issuance of the plates has been requested by the head of a criminal justice or a law enforcement agency of a city, county, or state or federal department, that the vehicle is assigned to persons responsible for investigating actual or suspected violations of the law or the supervision of persons liberated from a state prison or other institution under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections by parole or the supervision of persons liberated from an institution under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Youth Authority by parole, and is intended for use in the line of duty. 5001.5. The director may enter into agreements or arrangements with motor vehicle departments in other states to provide for a reciprocal exchange of regular series license plates for the purposes of and under the conditions provided in Sections 5001 and 5003. 5002. The department may issue regular series plates to the Department of General Services for use on motor vehicles maintained within motor vehicle pools of state-owned vehicles when the vehicles are used for the purposes set forth in Section 5001, except that the Department of General Services shall not assign, dispatch, or otherwise make any of those vehicles available for use by any agency of the state except upon the certification of the department. 5002.5. The department shall issue regular series license plates for any motor vehicle owned by, or in the possession and use of, the Senate or Assembly, upon the request of the Rules Committee thereof. 5002.6. (a) The Chancellor or a president of a campus of the California State University, or the president or a chancellor of a campus of the University of California, who is regularly issued a state-owned vehicle may apply to the department for regular series license plates for that vehicle, if a request for that issuance is also made by the Trustees of the California State University or the Regents of the University of California, as applicable. The request by the president or chancellor and by the trustees or regents shall be in the manner specified by the department. (b) Regular series license plates issued pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be surrendered to the department by the trustees or regents, as applicable, upon the reassignment of a vehicle, for which those plates have been issued, to a person other than the person who requested those plates. 5002.7. (a) For a county of over 20,000 square miles in area, a member of the county board of supervisors, or a county assessor, auditor, controller, treasurer, or tax collector, who is regularly issued a county-owned vehicle may apply to the department for regular series license plates for that vehicle, if a request for that issuance is also made by the county board of supervisors. The application and the request shall be in the manner specified by the department. (b) Regular series license plates issued pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be surrendered to the department by the board member or administrative officer, as applicable, upon the reassignment of a vehicle, for which those plates have been issued, to a person other than the person who requested those plates. 5002.8. Any distinctive license plate issued for a motor vehicle owned by a current or retired Member of the California Legislature, which plate denotes that such person is, or was, a Member of the Legislature, and any distinctive license plate issued for a vehicle owned by a Member of the Congress of the United States, which plate denotes that such person is a Member of Congress, shall require fees. In addition to the regular fees for an original registration or renewal of registration, the following special fees shall be paid: (a) Twelve dollars ($12) for the initial issuance of such special plate. (b) Ten dollars ($10) for the transfer of such plate to another motor vehicle. 5003. The department shall maintain a record of the registration of exempt vehicles with regular series plates, which record shall not be open to public inspection. The record shall be disclosed in the event of any accident involving a vehicle so registered on demand of the Attorney General or upon an order of court. In the event of an inquiry by a county sheriff, city chief of police, or judge of any court relating to such exempt vehicle in connection with an alleged violation of state or local traffic laws, the department shall notify the supervisor of the person to whom the vehicle was assigned of the inquiry and the alleged violation and shall notify the inquiring official that this has been done without disclosing the name of the person involved. 5004. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any owner of a vehicle described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) which is operated or moved over the highway primarily for the purpose of historical exhibition or other similar purpose shall, upon application in the manner and at the time prescribed by the department, be issued special identification plates for the vehicle: (1) A motor vehicle with an engine of 16 or more cylinders manufactured prior to 1965. (2) A motor vehicle manufactured in the year 1922 or prior thereto. (3) A vehicle which was manufactured after 1922, is at least 25 years old, and is of historic interest. (b) The special identification plates assigned to motor vehicles with an engine of 16 or more cylinders manufactured prior to 1965 and to any motor vehicle manufactured in the year 1922 and prior thereto shall run in a separate numerical series, commencing with "Horseless Carriage No. 1". The special identification plates assigned to vehicles specified in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) shall run in a separate numerical series, commencing with "Historical Vehicle No. 1". Each series of plates shall have different and distinguishing colors. (c) A fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) shall be charged for the initial issuance of the special identification plates. Such plates shall be permanent and shall not be required to be replaced. If such special identification plates become damaged or unserviceable in any manner, replacement for the plates may be obtained from the department upon proper application and upon payment of such fee as is provided for in Section 9265. (d) All funds received by the department in payment for such identification plates or the replacement thereof shall be deposited in the California Environmental License Plate Fund. (e) These vehicles shall not be exempt from the equipment provisions of Sections 26709, 27150, and 27600. (f) As used in this section, a vehicle is of historic interest if it is collected, restored, maintained, and operated by a collector or hobbyist principally for purposes of exhibition and historic vehicle club activities. 5004.1. (a) (1) An owner of a vehicle that is a 1969 or older model-year vehicle or the owner of a commercial vehicle or a pickup truck that is a 1972 or older model-year may, after the requirements for the registration of the vehicle are complied with and with the approval of the department, utilize license plates of this state with the date of year corresponding to the model-year date when the vehicle was manufactured, if the model-year date license plate is legible and serviceable, as determined by the department, in lieu of the license plates otherwise required by this code. (2) The department may consult with an organization of old car hobbyists in determining whether the date of year of the license plate corresponds to the model-year date when the vehicle was manufactured. (b) A fee of forty-five dollars ($45) shall be charged for the application for the use of the special plates. (c) In addition to the regular renewal fee for the vehicle for which the plates are authorized, the applicant for a renewal of the plates shall be charged an additional fee of ten dollars ($10). If payment of a regular vehicle renewal fee is not required by this code, the holder of license plates with a date corresponding to the model-year may retain the plates upon payment of an annual fee of twenty dollars ($20) that shall be due at the expiration of the registration year of the vehicle to which the plates were last assigned under this section. (d) If a person who is authorized to utilize the special license plates applies to the department for transfer of the plates to another vehicle, a transfer fee of twelve dollars ($12) shall be charged in addition to all other appropriate fees. 5004.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any owner of a motorcycle manufactured in the year 1942 or prior thereto shall, upon application in the manner and at the time prescribed by the department, be issued special license plates for the motorcycle. The special license plates assigned to such motorcycles shall run in a separate numerical series. An additional fee of fifteen dollars ($15) shall be charged for the initial issuance of the special license plates. Such plates shall be permanent and shall not be required to be replaced. If such special license plates become damaged or unserviceable in any manner, replacement for the plates may be obtained from the department upon proper application and upon payment of such fee as is provided for in Section 9265. Except as otherwise provided in this section, such motorcycles shall be subject to the same annual registration fees and provisions of law as are other motorcycles. All revenues derived from the fees provided for in this section above actual costs of the production and issuance of the special plates for motorcycles, or the replacement thereof, shall be deposited in the California Environmental License Plate Fund by the department. 5005. (a) Any person holding an unexpired amateur radio station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission may, after the requirements for the registration of the motor vehicle have been complied with, also apply directly to the department for special license plates, and the department may issue special plates in lieu of the regular license plates. The special license plates shall be affixed to the motor vehicle for which registration is sought and, in lieu of the numbers otherwise prescribed by law, shall display the official amateur radio station call letters of the applicant as assigned by the Federal Communications Commission. The applicant shall, by satisfactory proof, show that he or she is the holder of an unexpired license. (b) The department shall not issue more than one set of special plates for any licensed amateur radio station. (c) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration or renewal of registration, the following special fees shall be paid: (1) Twenty dollars ($20) for the initial issuance of the special plate. (2) Twelve dollars ($12) for the transfer of the special plate to another motor vehicle. 5006. (a) The department may issue distinctive license plates for motor vehicles owned or leased by an honorary consular officer or a similar official when the department is otherwise satisfied that the issuance of the license plates is in order. An honorary consular officer or similar official is a citizen of the United States, or a permanent resident of this country, who is appointed by a foreign country for the purpose of facilitating and promoting the interest of that country. (b) The motor vehicles for which the license plates are issued shall be subject to all regular license and registration fees. In addition to the regular fees for an original registration or renewal of registration, the additional fees specified in Sections 5106 and 5108, as applicable, shall be paid, and shall be deposited in the Motor Vehicle Account in the State Transportation Fund. 5006.5. (a) The department may issue, for a fee determined by the department to be sufficient to reimburse the department for actual costs incurred pursuant to this section, distinctive license plates for motor vehicles owned or leased by an officer or a designated employee of a foreign organization recognized by the United States pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. Sec. 3301 et seq.) when the department is otherwise satisfied that the issuance of the license plates is in order. (b) The distinctive license plates shall be designed by the department and shall contain the words "Foreign Organization." (c) The department shall establish procedures for both of the following: (1) To verify the eligibility of an applicant for plates issued pursuant to this section. (2) To authorize a recognized foreign organization to apply on behalf of its officers for plates issued pursuant to this section. 5007. (a) The department shall, upon application and without additional fees, issue a special license plate or plates pursuant to procedures adopted by the department to the following: (1) A disabled person. (2) A disabled veteran. (3) An organization or agency involved in the transportation of disabled persons or disabled veterans if the motor vehicle that will have the special license plate is used solely for the purpose of transporting those persons. (b) The special license plates issued under subdivision (a) shall run in a regular numerical series that shall include one or more unique two-letter codes reserved for disabled person license plates or disabled veteran license plates. The International Symbol of Access adopted pursuant to Section 3 of Public Law 100-641, commonly known as the "wheelchair symbol" shall be depicted on each plate. (c) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (3), prior to issuing a special license plate to a disabled person or disabled veteran, the department shall require the submission of a certificate, in accordance with paragraph (2), signed by the physician and surgeon, or to the extent that it does not cause a reduction in the receipt of federal aid highway funds, by a nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, or physician assistant, substantiating the disability, unless the applicant's disability is readily observable and uncontested. The disability of a person who has lost, or has lost use of, one or more lower extremities or one hand, for a disabled veteran, or both hands for a disabled person, or who has significant limitation in the use of lower extremities, may also be certified by a licensed chiropractor. The blindness of an applicant shall be certified by a licensed physician and surgeon who specializes in diseases of the eye or a licensed optometrist. The physician and surgeon, nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, physician assistant, chiropractor, or optometrist certifying the qualifying disability shall provide a full description of the illness or disability on the form submitted to the department. (2) The physician and surgeon, nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, physician assistant, chiropractor, or optometrist who signs a certificate submitted under this subdivision shall retain information sufficient to substantiate that certificate and, upon request of the department, shall make that information available for inspection by the Medical Board of California or the appropriate regulatory board. (3) For a disabled veteran, the department shall accept, in lieu of the certificate described in paragraph (1), a certificate from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs that certifies that the applicant is a disabled veteran as described in Section 295.7. (d) A disabled person or disabled veteran issued a license plate or plates under this section shall, upon request, present to a peace officer, or person authorized to enforce parking laws, ordinances, or regulations, a certification form that substantiates the eligibility of the disabled person or veteran to possess the plate or plates. The certification shall be on a form prescribed by the department and contain the name of the disabled person or disabled veteran to whom the plate or plates were issued, and the name, address, and telephone number of the medical professional described in subdivision (c) who certified the eligibility of the person or veteran for the plate or plates. (e) The certification requirements of subdivisions (c) and (d) do not apply to an organization or agency that is issued a special license plate or plates under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a). (f) The special license plate shall, upon the death of the disabled person or disabled veteran, be returned to the department within 60 days or upon the expiration of the vehicle registration, whichever occurs first. (g) When a motor vehicle subject to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) is sold or transferred, the special license plate or plates issued to an organization or agency under paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) for that motor vehicle shall be immediately returned to the department. 5007.5. (a) Upon a receipt of request for information by a local law enforcement agency or local or state agency responsible for the administration or enforcement of parking regulations, the department shall make available to the requesting agency any information contained in a physician's certificate submitted to the department to substantiate the disability of a person applying for or who has been issued special license plates pursuant to Section 5007. The department shall not provide the information specified in this subdivision to any private entity or third-party parking citation processing agency. (b) A local authority may establish a review board or panel, for the purposes of reviewing information contained in applications for special license plates and the certification of qualifying disabilities for persons residing within the jurisdiction of the local authority. The review board shall include a physician or other medical authority. Any findings or determinations by a review board or panel under this section indicating that an application or certification is fraudulent or lacks proper certification shall be transmitted to the department or other appropriate authorities for further review and investigation. 5008. (a) Any person who is regularly employed or engaged as a bona fide newspaper, newsreel, or television photographer or cameraman, may, after the requirements for the registration of the motor vehicle have been complied with, also apply for special license plates, and the department shall issue special license plates in lieu of the regular license plates. The special license plates shall be affixed to the vehicle for which registration is sought and shall display the letters "PP" enclosed by a shield. The applicant shall, by satisfactory proof, show that he or she is a bona fide newspaper, newsreel, or television photographer or cameraman. (b) The department shall not issue more than one set of the special plates to any person. (c) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration or renewal of registration, the following special fees shall be paid: (1) Twenty dollars ($20) for the initial issuance of the special plate. (2) Twelve dollars ($12) for the transfer of the special plate to another motor vehicle. 5010. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, when a motor vehicle which is leased to a school district for use as a schoolbus, as defined in Section 545, temporarily reverts to the possession and control of the lessor, and if the motor vehicle thereafter becomes subject to registration, the lessor may, as an alternative to such registration, secure a temporary permit to operate the vehicle in this state for any one or more calendar months. Such permit shall be posted upon the windshield or other prominent place upon the vehicle, and shall identify the vehicle for which it is affixed. When so affixed, such permit shall serve in lieu of registration. If such a lessor operates the motor vehicle under a temporary permit issued pursuant to this section, he shall notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5000 continue to display on the vehicle the exempt license plates issued to the vehicle as a schoolbus. Upon payment of the fees specified in Section 9266, the department may issue a temporary permit under this section. 5011. Every piece of special construction equipment, special mobile equipment, cemetery equipment, trailer, semitrailer, and every logging vehicle shall display an identification plate issued pursuant to Section 5014 or 5014.1. 5011.5. Every limousine operated by a charter-party carrier, as defined by Section 5371.4 of the Public Utilities Code, shall display a special identification license plate issued pursuant to Section 5385.6 of that code. This section shall become operative on July 1, 1995. 5011.6. Not later than January 1, 1995, the department and the Public Utilities Commission shall adopt a memorandum of understanding governing the exchange of information regarding vehicle registrations, and reimbursement by the commission of the department' s costs in producing and distributing special identification license plates for limousines required by Section 5011.5 and Section 5385.6 of the Public Utilities Code. 5011.9. (a) The department shall design the license plate specified in Section 5011.5 with the word "LIVERY" inscribed under the license plate number. (b) The department shall issue the license plate specified in subdivision (a) on and after six months after the operative date of this section. (c) The license plate specified in subdivision (a) may be issued as an environmental license plate, as defined in Section 5103, subject to the fees specified in Sections 5106 and 5108. 5014. An application by a person other than a manufacturer or dealer for an identification plate for special construction equipment, cemetery equipment, special mobile equipment, logging vehicle, cotton trailer, or farm trailer as specified in Section 36109, a vehicle that is farmer-owned and used as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 36101, a motor vehicle that is farmer-owned and operated and used as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 36101, an automatic bale wagon operated as specified in subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 36102, or a farm trailer that is owned, rented, or leased by a farmer and is operated and used as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 36010, shall include the following: (a) The true, full name and the driver's license or identification card number, if any, of the owner. (b) A statement by the owner of the use or uses which he or she intends to make of the equipment. (c) A description of the vehicle, including any distinctive marks or features. (d) A photograph of the vehicle. Only one photograph of one piece of equipment shall be required to be attached to the application when identification plates are to be obtained for more than one piece of equipment, each of which is of the same identical type. (e) Other information as may reasonably be required by the department to determine whether the applicant is entitled to be issued an identification plate. (f) A service fee of fifteen dollars ($15) for each vehicle. The plates shall be renewed between January 1 and February 4 every five calendar years, commencing in 1986. Any part of the year of the first application constitutes a calendar year. An application for renewal of an identification plate shall contain a space for the applicant's driver's license or identification card number, and the applicant shall furnish that number, if any, in the space provided. 5014.1. (a) Upon the implementation of the permanent trailer identification plate program, the following applies: (1) All trailers, except in cases where the registrant has elected to apply for trailer identification plates pursuant to Section 5014 or the trailer is exempt from registration pursuant to Section 36100 or 36109, shall receive an identification certificate upon conversion to the permanent trailer identification program. The following trailers, except as provided in Section 5101, may be assigned a trailer identification plate by the department in accordance with this section or an election may be made to keep the current plate on the expiration date of registration: (A) Logging dolly. (B) Pole or pipe dolly. (C) Semitrailer. (D) Trailer. (E) Trailer bus. (2) An auxiliary dolly or tow dolly may be assigned a permanent trailer identification plate. (3) Trailer coaches and park trailers, as described in subdivision (b) of Section 18010 of the Health and Safety Code, are exempted from the permanent trailer identification plate program. (b) The permanent trailer identification plate shall be in a size and design as determined by the department. (c) The permanent trailer identification plate and the permanent trailer identification certificate shall not expire as long as the appropriate fees have been paid. (d) Upon sale or transfer of the trailer or semitrailer, the assigned permanent trailer identification plate shall remain with the trailer or semitrailer for the life of the vehicle except as provided in Section 5101. Upon transfer of ownership, a new identification certificate shall be issued and the transferee shall pay a fee of seven dollars ($7). (e) A service fee, sufficient to pay at least the entire actual costs to the department, not to exceed twenty dollars ($20) shall be assessed by the department upon converting to the permanent trailer identification program. (f) A fee of seven dollars ($7) for substitute permanent trailer identification plates or certificates shall be charged. (g) All valid trailer and semitrailer license plates and registration indicia that were issued under this code prior to December 31, 2001, upon which is affixed a permanent trailer identification sticker issued by the department, may be displayed in lieu of a permanent trailer identification plate as described in Sections 5011 and 5014. (h) Every trailer that is submitted for original registration in this state shall be issued a permanent trailer identification plate and identification certificate. (i) A service fee of ten dollars ($10) shall be charged for each vehicle renewing identification plates pursuant to this section. These plates shall be renewed on the anniversary date of either the trailer plate expiration date or the date of issuance of the original permanent trailer identification plate, every five calendar years commencing December 31, 2006. 5015. (a) The application for an identification plate for special construction equipment, special mobile equipment, cemetery equipment, and any logging vehicle shall be made before that piece of equipment is moved over a highway. (b) The application for an identification plate for a cotton trailer or a farm trailer as specified in Section 36109, a vehicle that is farmer-owned and used as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 36101, a motor vehicle that is farmer-owned and operated and used as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 36101, or an automatic bale wagon operated as specified in subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 36102 shall be made before any such piece of equipment is moved over a highway. (c) The application for a permanent trailer identification plate, as described in Section 5014.1, shall be made prior to the equipment or vehicle described in subdivision (a) being moved, towed, or left standing on any highway or in any offstreet public parking facility. 5016. Upon proper application and payment of the fees specified in Section 5014.1 or 9261, the department shall issue an identification plate and an identification certificate for the piece of equipment, vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or implement of husbandry for which application is made. 5016.5. (a) The department may issue a special identification plate or other suitable device to a manufacturer or dealer of special construction equipment, special mobile equipment, cemetery equipment, tow dolly, logging vehicle, or implement of husbandry upon payment of the fee specified in subdivision (b) of Section 9261. The identification plate or other suitable device shall be of a size, color, and configuration determined by the department. The form of the application shall also be determined by the department. (b) A manufacturer or dealer of special construction equipment, special mobile equipment, cemetery equipment, any tow dolly, any logging vehicle, or any implement of husbandry may operate or move such equipment or vehicle upon the highways during the delivery of or during the demonstration for the sale of such piece of equipment or vehicle upon condition that any such equipment or vehicle display thereon an identification plate or other suitable device issued to such manufacturer or dealer; provided, that special permits have been obtained in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 (commencing with Section 35780) of Chapter 5 of Division 15 for the operation or movement of any such equipment or vehicle of a size, weight, or load exceeding the maximum specified in this code. 5017. (a) Each identification plate issued under Section 5016 shall bear a distinctive number to identify the equipment, logging vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or implement of husbandry for which it is issued. The owner, upon being issued a plate, shall attach it to the equipment, logging vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or implement of husbandry for which it is issued and shall carry the identification certificate issued by the department as provided by Section 4454. It shall be unlawful for any person to attach or use the plate upon any other equipment, logging vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or implement of husbandry. If the equipment, logging vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or implement of husbandry is destroyed or the ownership thereof transferred to another person, the person to whom the plate was issued shall, within 10 days, notify the department, on a form approved by the department, that the equipment, logging vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or implement of husbandry has been destroyed or the ownership thereof transferred to another person. (b) Upon the implementation of the permanent trailer identification plate program, all trailers except those exempted in paragraphs (1) and (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 5014.1 may be assigned a single permanent plate for identification purposes. Upon issuance of the plate, it shall be attached to the vehicle pursuant to Sections 5200 and 5201. (c) An identification certificate shall be issued for each trailer or semitrailer assigned an identification plate. The identification certificate shall contain upon its face, the date issued, the name and residence or business address of the registered owner or lessee and of the legal owner, if any, the vehicle identification number assigned to the trailer or semitrailer, and a description of the trailer or semitrailer as complete as that required in the application for registration of the trailer or semitrailer. For those trailers registered under Article 4 (commencing with Section 8050) of Chapter 4 on the effective date of the act adding this sentence that are being converted to the permanent trailer identification program, the identification card may contain only the name of the registrant, and the legal owner's name is not required to be shown. Upon transfer of those trailers, the identification card shall contain the name of the owner and legal owner, if any. When an identification certificate has been issued to a trailer or semitrailer, the owner or operator shall make that certificate available for inspection by a peace officer upon request. (d) The application for transfer of ownership of a vehicle with a trailer plate or permanent trailer identification plate shall be made within 10 days of sale of the vehicle. The permanent trailer identification certificate is not a certificate of ownership as described in Section 38076. 5018. Whenever the ownership of equipment, a logging vehicle, or an implement of husbandry is transferred, the transferee shall within 10 days thereafter make application to the department for a transfer of ownership and pay the fee specified in subdivision (c) of Section 9261. 5019. The authorizations for the issuance of special license plates referred to in Sections 5005 and 5008 do not apply to trailers. 5020. Any person holding an unexpired license for a class D radio station in the Citizens Radio Service issued by the Federal Communications Commission may, at the time he or she makes application for an original or a renewal registration for a motor vehicle, also apply directly to the department for special license plates, to be affixed to the motor vehicle for which registration is sought, on which, in lieu of the numbers otherwise prescribed by law, shall be inscribed the official class D radio station call sign of the applicant as assigned by the Federal Communications Commission. The applicant shall, by satisfactory proof, show that he or she is the holder of an unexpired license and, in addition to the regular registration fee, may be charged a fee of twenty dollars ($20) for each set of special plates when issued and fifteen dollars ($15) each succeeding year the vehicle is registered. Whenever the vehicle or the ownership of the vehicle for which plates are issued is changed, a fee of twenty dollars ($20) may be charged. When the applicant also pays weight fees, the department shall so indicate on the special license plates. 5021. After the requirements for the registration of the vehicle have been complied with, the department shall issue such plates in lieu of the regular license plates. The department shall not issue more than one set of special plates for any licensed class D radio station in the Citizens Radio Service. 5022. (a) Until December 31, 1984, any person described in Section 5101 may also apply for a set of commemorative 1984 Olympic reflectorized license plates and the department shall issue those special license plates in lieu of the regular license plates. No commemorative 1984 Olympic reflectorized license plates shall be issued pursuant to an application therefor which is submitted on or after January 1, 1985, but the holder of those plates may thereafter renew or retain them, obtain duplicate replacements for them, or transfer them to another vehicle, subject to this section. (b) The commemorative 1984 Olympic reflectorized license plates shall be of a distinctive design and shall be available in a special series of letters or numbers, or both, as determined by the department after consultation with the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee. (c) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration or renewal of registration, the following special fees shall be paid: (1) One hundred dollars ($100) for the initial issuance of the special plates. (2) Twelve dollars ($12) for the transfer of the special plates to another vehicle. (3) Thirty dollars ($30) for duplicate, replacement commemorative 1984 Olympic reflectorized license plates of the same number in the series. (d) When payment of renewal fees is not required as specified in Section 4000, or when the person determines to retain the plates upon sale, trade, or other release of the vehicle upon which the special plates have been displayed, the person shall notify the department and the person may retain the special plates. (e) Until December 31, 1989, duplicate, replacement plates shall be identical commemorative 1984 Olympic reflectorized license plates of the same letter, number, and design as originally issued. However, duplicate, replacement plates of the commemorative 1984 Olympic reflectorized license plate series shall not be available on or after January 1, 1990. Thereafter, unless otherwise provided by law, regular series plates shall be issued for the regular fee provided in Section 9265 whenever duplicates are permitted under this code. (f) All revenue derived from the additional special fees provided in this section shall be deposited in the California Environmental License Plate Fund pursuant to Section 21191 of the Public Resources Code. 5023. (a) A person described in Section 5101 may also apply for a set of commemorative Olympic reflectorized license plates and the department shall issue those special license plates in lieu of regular license plates. The commemorative Olympic reflectorized license plates shall be of a distinctive design and shall be available in a special series of letters or numbers, or both, as determined by the department after consultation with the United States Olympic Committee. The department may issue the commemorative Olympic reflectorized license plates as environmental license plates, as defined in Section 5103, in a combination of numbers or letters, or both, as requested by the owner or lessee of the vehicle. (b) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration or renewal of registration, the following special fees shall be paid: (1) Fifty dollars ($50), inclusive of any administrative fees, for the initial issuance of the special plates. (2) Fifteen dollars ($15) for the transfer of the special plates to another vehicle. (3) Thirty-five dollars ($35) for duplicate, replacement commemorative Olympic reflectorized license plates of the same number in the series. (4) Thirty dollars ($30) for the annual renewal of the special plates. (c) When payment of renewal fees is not required as specified in Section 4000, or when the person determines to retain the plates upon sale, trade, or other release of the vehicle upon which the special plates have been displayed, the person shall notify the department and the person may retain the special plates. (d) All revenue derived from the additional special fees provided in this section, less costs incurred by the department pursuant to this section, shall be deposited in the California Olympic Training Account in the General Fund established pursuant to Section 7592 of the Government Code. 5024. (a) A person described in Section 5101 may also apply for a set of commemorative collegiate reflectorized license plates, and the department shall issue those special license plates in lieu of the regular license plates. The collegiate reflectorized plates shall be of a distinctive design, and shall be available in a special series of letters or numbers, or both, as determined by the department. The collegiate reflectorized plates shall also contain the name of the participating institution as well as the reflectorized logotype, motto, symbol, or other distinctive design, as approved by the department, representing the participating university or college selected by the applicant. The department may issue the commemorative collegiate reflectorized license plates as environmental license plates, as defined in Section 5103, in a combination of numbers or letters, or both, as requested by the owner or lessee of the vehicle. (b) Any public or private postsecondary educational institution in the state, which is accredited or has been accepted as a recognized candidate for accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, may indicate to the department its decision to be included in the commemorative collegiate license plate program and submit its distinctive design for the logotype, motto, symbol, or other design. However, no public or private postsecondary educational institution may be included in the program until not less than 5,000 applications are received for license plates containing that institution's logotype, motto, symbol, or other design. Each participating institution shall collect and hold applications for collegiate license plates until it has received at least 5,000 applications. Once the institution has received at least 5,000 applications, it shall submit the applications, along with the necessary fees, to the department. Upon receiving the first application, the institution shall have one calendar year to receive the remaining required applications. If, after that one calendar year, 5,000 applications have not been received, the institution shall refund to all applicants any fees or deposits which have been collected. (c) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration, a renewal of registration, or a transfer of registration, the following commemorative collegiate license plate fees shall be paid: (1) Fifty dollars ($50) for the initial issuance of the plates. These plates shall be permanent and shall not be required to be replaced. (2) Forty dollars ($40) for each renewal of registration which includes the continued display of the plates. (3) Fifteen dollars ($15) for transfer of the plates to another vehicle. (4) Thirty-five dollars ($35) for replacement plates, if the plates become damaged or unserviceable. (d) When payment of renewal fees is not required as specified in Section 4000, or when the person determines to retain the commemorative collegiate license plates upon sale, trade, or other release of the vehicle upon which the plates have been displayed, the person shall notify the department and the person may retain the plates. (e) Of the revenue derived from the additional special fees provided in this section, less costs incurred by the department pursuant to this section, one-half shall be deposited in the California Collegiate License Plate Fund, which is hereby created, and one-half shall be deposited in the Resources License Plate Fund, which is hereby created. (f) The money in the California Collegiate License Plate Fund is, notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, continuously appropriated to the Controller for allocation as follows: (1) To the governing body of participating public institutions in the proportion that funds are collected on behalf of each, to be used for need-based scholarships, distributed according to federal student aid guidelines. (2) With respect to funds collected on behalf of accredited nonprofit, private, and independent colleges and universities in the state, to the California Student Aid Commission for grants to students at those institutions, in the proportion that funds are collected on behalf of each institution, who demonstrate eligibility and need in accordance with the Cal Grant Program pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 69530) of Chapter 2 of Part 42 of the Education Code, but who did not receive an award based on a listing prepared by the California Student Aid Commission. (g) The scholarships and grants shall be awarded without regard to race, religion, creed, sex, or age. (h) The money in the Resources License Plate Fund is available, upon appropriation, for the purposes of natural resources preservation, enhancement, and restoration. (i) All revenues deposited in, and expenditures from, the California Collegiate License Plate Fund shall be audited by the Auditor General on December 1, 1993, and December 1, 1995.

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