SECTIONS 5030-5039
SECTION 5030-5039
5030. A motorized bicycle, as defined in Section 406, is required
to display a special license plate issued by the department.
5031. An application by a person other than a manufacturer or
dealer for a license plate for a motorized bicycle shall include all
the following:
(a) The true, full name and the driver's license or identification
card number, if any, of the owner.
(b) A description of the motorized bicycle, including any
distinctive marks or features.
(c) Other information as may reasonably be required by the
department to determine whether a license plate shall be issued for
the motorized bicycle.
5032. (a) The application for a special license plate for a
motorized bicycle shall be made before the motorized bicycle is
operated or moved upon a highway, except that, upon the retail sale
of a motorized bicycle when there is no license plate, the operator
may operate the motorized bicycle for a period of five days from and
including the date of sale, at which time application shall be made
to the department for a special license plate. If the fifth day
should fall on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the application shall
be made on the first business day thereafter.
(b) The five-day operating provision set forth in subdivision (a)
shall apply only if the operator has in his immediate possession
evidence that the motorized bicycle was purchased within the last
five days including the date of sale.
5033. Upon proper application and payment of the fees specified in
Section 5036, the department shall issue a special license plate and
an identification card for the motorized bicycle for which
application was made. Applications may be submitted by mail unless
the department determines that it is not feasible to complete the
identification process by such method.
5034. (a) The department may issue a special license plate or other
suitable device to a manufacturer or dealer of motorized bicycles
upon payment of the fee specified in Section 5036. The license plate
shall be of a size, color and configuration determined by the
department. The form of the application shall also be determined by
the department.
(b) A manufacturer or dealer of motorized bicycles may operate or
move a motorized bicycle upon the highways during the delivery of, or
during the demonstration for the sale of, the motorized bicycle if
the motorized bicycle displays thereon a license plate or other
suitable device issued to the manufacturer or dealer.
5035. Each license plate issued under Section 5033 shall bear a
distinctive number to identify the motorized bicycle for which it is
issued and shall bear a symbol, letter, or word to distinguish
license plates issued under this article from license plates issued
for motorcycles and motor-driven cycles. The owner, upon being issued
a license plate, shall attach it to the motorized bicycle for which
it is issued and shall carry the identification card issued by the
department as provided in Section 4454. It shall be unlawful for any
person to attach or use the license plate upon any other motorized
bicycle or vehicle. If the motorized bicycle is destroyed, the owner
shall destroy the license plate and shall within 10 days notify the
department on a form approved by the department that the motorized
bicycle and license plate have been destroyed.
If the ownership of the motorized bicycle is transferred to
another person, that person shall submit, within 10 days, proper
application as provided in Section 5031. The license plate shall
remain with the motorized bicycle.
5036. A service fee of fifteen dollars ($15) shall be paid for the
issuance or transfer of a special license plate for motorized
bicycles, as defined in Section 406. Publicly-owned motorized
bicycles are exempt from the fee.
5037. (a) No motorized bicycle first sold on or after July 1, 1981,
shall be moved or operated upon a highway unless the owner first
makes application for a license plate and, when received, attaches it
to the motorized bicycle as provided in this article.
(b) Motorized bicycles first sold prior to July 1, 1981, shall not
be moved or operated upon a highway after January 1, 1982, unless
the owner makes application for a license plate and, when received,
attaches it to the motorized bicycle as provided in this article.
(c) Any motorized bicycle currently licensed pursuant to Division
16.7 (commencing with Section 39000) on July 1, 1981, may be operated
upon a highway until July 1, 1982.
5038. The department shall establish a record system that provides
for identification of stolen motorized bicycles.
5039. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no dealer,
manufacturer, salesman, or representative of motorized bicycles
exclusively is required to be licensed or permitted pursuant to
Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 11700) of Division 5.