SECTIONS 5060-5075
SECTION 5060-5075
5060. (a) An organization may apply to the department for
participation in a special interest license plate program and the
department shall issue special license plates for that program if the
issuance of those plates is required by this article, the sponsoring
organization complies with the requirements of this section, and the
organization meets all of the following criteria:
(1) Qualifies for tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code and Section 23701d of the Revenue and Taxation
(2) Submits a financial plan describing the purposes for which the
revenues described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) will be used.
(3) Submits a design of the organization's proposed special
interest license plate that, among other things, provides for the
placement of the number and letter characters in a manner that allows
for law enforcement to readily identify those characters.
(b) Any person described in Section 5101 may apply for special
interest license plates, in lieu of the regular license plates.
(c) The design criteria for a special interest license plate are
as follows:
(1) The license plate for a passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle,
or trailer shall provide a space not larger than 2 inches by 3
inches to the left of the numerical series and a space not larger
than five-eighths of an inch in height below the numerical series for
a distinctive design, decal, or descriptive message as authorized by
this article. The plates shall be issued in sequential numerical
order or, pursuant to Section 5103, in a combination of numbers or
(2) Special interest license plates authorized under this article
may be issued for use on a motorcycle. That license plate shall
contain a five digit configuration issued in sequential numerical
order or, pursuant to Section 5103, in a combination of numbers or
letters. There shall be a space to the left of the numerical series
for a distinctive design or decal and the characters shall contrast
sharply with the uniform background color. No motorcycle plate
containing a full plate graphic design is authorized. Those
particular special interest license plates that were issued prior to
the discontinuation provided by this paragraph may continue to be
used and attached to the vehicle for which they were issued and may
be renewed, retained, or transferred pursuant to this code.
(d) (1) No organization may be included in the program until not
less than 7,500 applications for the particular special interest
license plates are received. Each organization shall collect and hold
applications for the plates. Once the organization has received at
least 7,500 applications, it shall submit the applications, along
with the necessary fees, to the department. The department shall not
issue any special interest license plate until an organization has
received and submitted to the department not less than 7,500
applications for that particular special interest license plate
within the time period prescribed in this section. Advanced payment
to the department by an organization representing the department's
estimated or actual administrative costs associated with the issuance
of a particular special interest license plate shall not constitute
compliance with this requirement. The organization shall have 12
months, following the effective date of the enactment of the specific
legislation enabling the organization to participate in this
program, to receive the required number of applications. If, after
that 12 months, 7,500 applications have not been received, the
organization shall immediately do either of the following:
(A) Refund to all applicants any fees or deposits that have been
(B) Contact the department to indicate the organization's intent
to undertake collection of additional applications and fees or
deposits for an additional period, not to exceed 12 months, in order
to obtain the minimum 7,500 applications. If an organization elects
to exercise the option under this paragraph, it shall contact each
applicant who has submitted an application with the appropriate fees
or deposits to determine if the applicant wishes a refund of fees or
deposits or requests the continuance of the holding of the
application and fees or deposits until that time that the
organization has received 7,500 applications. The organization shall
refund the fees or deposits to any applicant so requesting. In no
event shall an organization collect and hold applications for a
period exceeding 24 months following the date of authorization as
described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a).
(C) Sequential plate fees shall be paid for the original issuance,
renewal, retention, replacement, or transfer of the special interest
license plate as determined by the organization and authorized by
department's regulations. Those plates containing a personalized
message are subject to the fees required pursuant to Sections 5106
and 5108 in addition to any fees required by the special interest
license plate program.
(2) (A) If the number of currently outstanding and valid special
interest license plates in any particular program provided for in
this article is less than 7,500, the department shall notify the
sponsoring organization of that fact and shall inform the
organization that if that number is less than 7,500 one year from the
date of that notification, the department will no longer issue or
replace those special interest license plates.
(B) Those particular special interest license plates that were
issued prior to the discontinuation provided by subparagraph (A) may
continue to be used and attached to the vehicle for which they were
issued and may be renewed, retained, or transferred pursuant to this
(e) (1) The department shall deduct its costs to develop and
administer the special interest license plate program from the
revenues collected for the plates.
(2) The department shall deposit the remaining revenues from the
original issuance, renewal, retention, replacement, or transfer of
the special interest license plate in a fund which shall be
established by the Controller.
(f) When payment of renewal fees is not required as specified in
Section 4000, or when a person determines to retain the special
interest license plate upon a sale, trade, or other release of the
vehicle upon which the plate has been displayed, the person shall
notify the department and the person may retain and use the plate as
authorized by department regulations.
(g) An organization that is eligible to participate in a special
interest license plate program pursuant to this article and receives
funds from the additional fees collected from the sale of special
license plates shall not expend annually more than 25 percent of
those funds on administrative costs, marketing, or other promotional
activities associated with encouraging application for, or renewal
of, the special license plates.
(h) (1) Every organization authorized under this article to offer
special interest license plates shall prepare and submit an annual
accounting report to the department by June 30. The report shall
include an accounting of all revenues and expenditures associated
with the special interest license plate program.
(2) If an organization submits a report pursuant to paragraph (1)
indicating that the organization violated the expenditure restriction
set forth in subdivision (g), the department shall immediately cease
depositing fees in the fund created by the Controller for that
organization under paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) and, instead,
shall deposit those fees that would have otherwise been deposited in
that fund in a separate fund created by the Controller, which fund is
subject to appropriation by the Legislature. The department shall
immediately notify the organization of this course of action. The
depositing of funds in the account established pursuant to this
paragraph shall continue until the organization demonstrates to the
satisfaction of the department that the organization is in compliance
or will comply with the requirements of subdivision (g). If one year
from the date that the organization receives the notice described in
this paragraph, the organization is still unable to satisfactorily
demonstrate to the department that it is in compliance or will comply
with the requirements of subdivision (g), the department shall no
longer issue or replace those special interest license plates
associated with that organization. Those particular special interest
license plates that were issued prior to the discontinuation provided
by this paragraph may continue to be used and attached to the
vehicle for which they were issued and may be renewed, retained, or
transferred pursuant to this code.
(3) Upon receiving the reports required under paragraph (1), the
department shall prepare and transmit an annual consolidated report
to the Legislature containing the revenue and expenditure data.
5060.1. Notwithstanding Section 5060 or any other provision of law
to the contrary, the department shall not accept an application for
participation in a special interest license plate program under
Section 5060 and shall not issue, under Section 5060, special
interest license plates for a new program.
5061. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the
department permits the issuance of a special interest license plate
for display on a motorcycle, the department shall not approve any
design for that plate that incorporates either or both of the
(1) Full or partial graphic designs appearing behind the license
plate number configuration.
(2) Symbols within the license plate number configuration.
(b) Any special interest license plate issued for display on a
motorcycle is subject to the same fees that are collected for the
issuance and retention of special interest license plates on other
5062. (a) This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the
Rosenthal Blue Sky License Plate Program.
(b) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that CALSTART is a
California nonprofit consortium dedicated to the development and
commercialization of advanced transportation technologies, including
clean fuel vehicles, and that CALSTART should be authorized to
undertake a special environmental "Blue Sky" license plate program to
facilitate the purchase and use of clean fuel vehicles in the state.
(c) CALSTART may, with the approval of the department, participate
in this special interest license plate program.
(d) CALSTART may, with the approval of the department, develop a
distinctive design, in conformance with Section 5060, for inclusion
on a special interest license plate. The license plate shall be known
as the Blue Sky license plate and shall signify that the vehicle to
which it is assigned is a clean fuel vehicle.
(e) Any person who owns or leases a clean fuel vehicle, as defined
in Section 257, and who applies for an original or renewal
registration of that vehicle, may apply, through CALSTART, for a set
of Blue Sky license plates in lieu of regular license plates.
(f) The Blue Sky license plate is subject to Sections 5106 and
5108. The revenues derived from the sale of the license plates shall
be deposited in the California Environmental License Plate Fund,
after the department has deducted its costs for developing and
administering the program.
(g) Notwithstanding Section 5060, a Blue Sky license plate may,
upon application of the holder, be transferred to another clean fuel
vehicle. If the vehicle to which transfer is sought is not a clean
fuel vehicle, the plates shall be surrendered to the department.
(h) CALSTART, in coordination with the State Air Resources Board,
the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission,
and the Public Utilities Commission, shall undertake efforts to
publicize the availability of Blue Sky license plates.
(i) Notwithstanding Section 5060, CALSTART shall have 12 months,
commencing November 1, 1995, to receive the required applications and
to notify the department that the requisite number of applications
have been received. If, after that 12-month period, 5,000
applications have not been received, CALSTART shall immediately
notify the department and refund to all applicants any fees or
deposits which have been collected.
(j) If, on November 1, 1996, the department has not received a
notice from CALSTART pursuant to subdivision (i) or if, on or before
that date CALSTART notifies the department that the requisite number
of applications have not been received, the department shall provide
that information to the Secretary of State, and this section shall
become inoperative upon receipt of that information by the Secretary
of State, and shall remain in effect only until January 1, 1997, and
as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, which is
enacted before January 1, 1997, deletes or extends that date.
5064. (a) The department, in consultation with the Yosemite
Foundation, shall design and make available for issuance pursuant to
this article special environmental design license plates bearing,
notwithstanding Section 5060, a full-plate graphic design depicting a
significant feature or quality of Yosemite National Park. Any person
described in Section 5101, upon payment of the additional fees set
forth in subdivision (b), may apply for and be issued a set of
special environmental design license plates. Notwithstanding
subdivision (a) of Section 5060, the plates may be issued in a
combination of numbers or letters, or both, requested by the owner or
lessee of the vehicle.
(b) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration
or renewal of registration, the following additional fees shall be
paid for the issuance, renewal, or transfer of the special
environmental design license plates authorized pursuant to this
(1) For the original issuance of the plates, fifty dollars ($50).
(2) For a renewal of registration with the plates, forty dollars
(3) For transfer of the plates to another vehicle, fifteen dollars
(4) For each substitute replacement plate, thirty-five dollars
(5) For the conversion of an existing environmental license plate
to the special environmental design license plate authorized pursuant
to this section, sixty-five dollars ($65).
(c) After deducting its administrative costs under this section,
the department shall deposit the additional revenue derived from the
issuance, renewal, transfer, and substitution of special
environmental design license plates as follows:
(1) One-half in the Yosemite Foundation Account, which is hereby
created in the California Environmental License Plate Fund. Upon
appropriation by the Legislature, the money in the account shall be
allocated by the Controller to the Yosemite Foundation or its
successor for expenditure for the exclusive trust purposes of
preservation and restoration projects in Yosemite National Park.
(2) One-half in the California Environmental License Plate Fund.
(d) The Yosemite Foundation shall report to the Legislature on or
before June 30 of each year on its use and expenditure of the money
in the Yosemite Foundation Account, beginning one year after the
initial issuance of the special interest license plates authorized by
this section.
5066. (a) The department, in conjunction with the California
Highway Patrol, shall design and make available for issuance pursuant
to this article the California memorial license plate.
Notwithstanding Section 5060, the California memorial license plate
may be issued in a combination of numbers or letters, or both, as
requested by the applicant for the plates. A person described in
Section 5101, upon payment of the additional fees set forth in
subdivision (b), may apply for and be issued a set of California
memorial license plates.
(b) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration
or renewal of registration, the following additional fees shall be
paid for the issuance, renewal, retention, or transfer of the
California memorial license plates authorized pursuant to this
(1) For the original issuance of the plates, fifty dollars ($50).
(2) For a renewal of registration of the plates or retention of
the plates, if renewal is not required, forty dollars ($40).
(3) For transfer of the plates to another vehicle, fifteen dollars
(4) For each substitute replacement plate, thirty-five dollars
(5) In addition, for the issuance of an environmental license
plate, as defined in Section 5103, the additional fees required
pursuant to Sections 5106 and 5108 shall be deposited proportionately
in the funds described in subdivision (c).
(c) The department shall deposit the additional revenue derived
from the issuance, renewal, transfer, and substitution of California
memorial license plates as follows:
(1) Eighty-five percent in the Antiterrorism Fund, which is hereby
created in the General Fund.
(A) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, one-half of the money
in the fund shall be allocated by the Controller to the California
Emergency Management Agency to be used solely for antiterrorism
activities. The agency shall not use more than 5 percent of the money
appropriated to it for administrative purposes.
(B) Upon appropriation by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act
or in another statute, one-half of the money in the fund shall be
used solely for antiterrorism activities.
(2) Fifteen percent in the California Memorial Scholarship Fund,
which is hereby established in the General Fund. Money deposited in
this fund shall be administered by the Scholarshare Investment Board,
and shall be available, upon appropriation in the annual Budget Act
or in another statute, for distribution or encumbrance by the board
pursuant to Article 21.5 (commencing with Section 70010) of Chapter 2
of Part 42 of the Education Code.
(d) The department shall deduct its costs to administer, but not
to develop, the California memorial license plate program. The
department may utilize an amount of money, not to exceed fifty
thousand dollars ($50,000) annually, derived from the issuance,
renewal, transfer, and substitution of California memorial license
plates for the continued promotion of the California memorial license
plate program of this section.
(e) For the purposes of this section, "antiterrorism activities"
means activities related to the prevention, detection, and emergency
response to terrorism that are undertaken by state and local law
enforcement, fire protection, and public health agencies. The funds
provided for these activities, to the extent that funds are
available, shall be used exclusively for purposes directly related to
fighting terrorism. Eligible activities include, but are not limited
to, hiring support staff to perform administrative tasks, hiring and
training additional law enforcement, fire protection, and public
health personnel, response training for existing and additional law
enforcement, fire protection, and public health personnel, and
hazardous materials and other equipment expenditures.
(f) Beginning January 1, 2007, and each January 1 thereafter, the
department shall determine the number of currently outstanding and
valid California memorial license plates. If that number is less than
7,500 in any year, then the department shall no longer issue or
replace those plates.
5067. (a) The department, in consultation with the California
Coastal Commission, shall design and make available for issuance
pursuant to this article special environmental design license plates.
Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section 5060, the special
environmental design license plates shall bear a graphic design
depicting a California coastal motif and may be issued in a
combination of numbers or letters, or both, as requested by the
applicant for the plates. Any person described in Section 5101 may,
upon payment of the additional fees set forth in subdivision (b),
apply for and be issued a set of special environmental design license
(b) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration
or renewal of registration, the following additional fees shall be
paid for the issuance, renewal, retention, or transfer of the special
environmental design license plates authorized pursuant to this
(1) For the original issuance of the plates, fifty dollars ($50).
(2) For a renewal of registration of the plates or retention of
the plates, if renewal is not required, forty dollars ($40).
(3) For transfer of the plates to another vehicle, fifteen dollars
(4) For each substitute replacement plate, thirty-five dollars
(5) In addition, for the issuance of an environmental license
plate, as defined in Section 5103, the additional fees prescribed in
Section 5106 and 5108. The additional fees prescribed in Sections
5106 and 5108 shall be deposited in the California Environmental
License Plate Fund.
(c) After deducting its administrative costs under this section,
the department, except as provided in paragraph (5) of subdivision
(b), shall deposit the additional revenue derived from the issuance,
renewal, transfer, and substitution of special environmental design
license plates as follows:
(1) One-half in the California Beach and Coastal Enhancement
Account, which is hereby established in the California Environmental
License Plate Fund. Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the money
in the account shall be allocated by the Controller as follows:
(A) First to the California Coastal Commission for expenditure for
the Adopt-A-Beach program, the Beach Cleanup Day program, coastal
public education programs, and grants to local governments and
nonprofit organizations for the costs of operating and maintaining
public beaches related to these programs.
(B) Second, from funds remaining after the allocation required
under subparagraph (A), to the State Coastal Conservancy for coastal
natural resource restoration and enhancement projects and for other
projects consistent with the provisions of Division 21 (commencing
with Section 31000) of the Public Resources Code.
(2) One-half in the California Environmental License Plate Fund.
5068. (a) (1) (A) A veterans' organization may apply either
individually or with other veterans' organizations to meet the
application threshold set forth in Section 5060 for special interest
plates. An organization that meets the minimum application
requirement by applying with other organizations under this
subdivision shall be issued a regular license plate bearing a
distinctive design or decal approved under subdivision (a) of Section
(B) The Department of Veterans Affairs may modify the distinctive
design or decal described in subparagraph (A), consistent with the
design criteria imposed by Section 5060. Special interest plates
issued under this section and bearing the modified design or decal
shall be issued only after all existing plates or decals have been
(2) Special interest plates issued under this section may be
issued in a combination of numbers or letters, or both, requested by
the owner or lessee of the vehicle, to be displayed in addition to
the design or decal authorized under paragraph (1), subject to
Section 5105.
(b) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration,
a renewal of registration, or a transfer of registration, the
following fees shall be paid by individuals applying for a veterans'
organization special interest license plate or decal:
(1) Thirty dollars ($30) for the initial issuance of the plates
and decals. The plates shall be permanent and shall not be required
to be replaced.
(2) Thirty dollars ($30) for each renewal of registration that
includes the continued display of the plates or decals.
(3) Fifteen dollars ($15) for transfer of the plates to another
(4) Thirty-five dollars ($35) for replacement plates, if they
become damaged or unserviceable.
(5) Ten dollars ($10) for replacement decals, if they become
damaged or unserviceable.
(6) Forty dollars ($40) for the personalization of the plates, as
authorized under paragraph (2) of subdivision (a).
(c) By July 1, 2011, the department shall maintain on its Internet
Web site, a link to order online the special interest plates issued
pursuant to this section.
5069. Revenue derived from the additional special fees provided in
Section 5068, less costs incurred by the department pursuant to this
article, shall be deposited in the Veterans Service Office Fund,
created by Section 972.2 of the Military and Veterans Code.
5072. (a) Any person described in Section 5101 may also apply for a
set of "Have a Heart, Be a Star, Help Our Kids" license plates, and
the department shall issue those special license plates in lieu of
the regular license plates. The "Have a Heart, Be a Star, Help Our
Kids" plates shall be distinct from other existing license plates by
the inclusion of a well within the portion of the license plate that
has the alpha-numeric sequence. The well may be placed in any
position within that portion of the license plate. A heart shape, a
five-pointed star, a hand shape, a plus-sign shape, shall be
imprinted within the well itself. However, for purposes of processing
the alpha-numeric sequence, the symbol within the well shall be read
as a blank within the alpha-numeric sequence. The Department of
Motor Vehicles shall cooperate with representatives of the California
Highway Patrol and the Prison Industries Authority to design the
final shape and dimension of the symbols for these license plates.
(b) An applicant for a license plate described in subdivision (a)
may choose to either accept a license plate character sequence
assigned by the department that includes one of the four symbols or
request a specialized license plate character sequence determined by
the applicant that includes one of the four symbols, in accordance
with instructions which shall be provided by the department.
(c) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration,
a renewal of registration, or a transfer of registration, the
following "Have a Heart, Be a Star, Help Our Kids" license plate fees
shall be paid:
(1) For those specialized license plates whose character sequence
is determined by the license owner or applicant:
(A) Fifty dollars ($50) for the initial issuance of the plates.
These plates shall be permanent and shall not be required to be
(B) Forty dollars ($40) for each renewal of registration which
includes the continued display of the plates.
(C) Fifteen dollars ($15) for transfer of the plates to another
(D) Thirty-five dollars ($35) for replacement plates, if the
plates become damaged or unserviceable.
(2) For those specialized license plates whose character sequence
is assigned by the department:
(A) Twenty dollars ($20) for the initial issuance of the plates.
These plates shall be permanent and shall not be required to be
(B) The legally allowed fee for renewal plus fifteen dollars ($15)
for each renewal of registration, which includes the continued
display of the plates.
(C) Fifteen dollars ($15) for transfer of the plates to another
(D) Twenty dollars ($20) for replacement plates, if the plates
become damaged or unserviceable.
(d) When payment of renewal fees is not required as specified in
Section 4000, or when the person determines to retain the "Have a
Heart, Be a Star, Help Our Kids" license plates upon sale, trade, or
other release of the vehicle upon which the plates have been
displayed, the person shall notify the department and the person may
retain the plates.
(e) The revenue derived from the additional special fees provided
in this section, less costs incurred by the department, the
Department of the California Highway Patrol, and local law
enforcement for developing and administering this license plate
program pursuant to this section, shall be deposited in the Child
Health and Safety Fund, created pursuant to Chapter 4.6 (commencing
with Section 18285) of Part 6 of Division 9 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code, and, when appropriated by the Legislature shall be
available for the purposes specified in that chapter.
(f) It is the intent of the Legislature that the additional
special fees specified in subdivision (e) are not used to replace
existing appropriation levels in the 1991-92 Budget Act.
(g) Subdivisions (a) to (f), inclusive, of this section shall not
become operative unless 5,000 applications for "Have a Heart, Be a
Star, Help Our Kids" license plates have been received by the
department by December 31, 1993. The department shall design and
provide the original application forms, which can be copied, pursuant
to rules adopted by the department, by organizations which have an
interest in the distribution of the application forms. The department
shall not be responsible for collecting applications, depositing
applications, depositing application fees, or returning applications
and attached fee payments until no less than 5,000 applications and
appropriate fees are collected and turned over to the department by
organizations who have originally distributed the applications. The
organizations distributing the applications shall be responsible for
returning the applications and attached fees to the applicants if
within one year after the enactment of this program the threshold
number of applications is not submitted.
5074. (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the
Polanco-Bates License Plates for the Arts Act of 1993. The California
Arts Council shall participate in the special interest license plate
(b) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration
or renewal of registration, the following additional fees shall be
paid for the issuance, transfer, or renewal of license plates
bearing, notwithstanding Section 5060, a full-plate graphic design,
depicting a significant feature or quality of the State of
California, approved by the department in consultation with the
California Arts Council:
(1) For the original issuance of the plates, fifty dollars ($50).
(2) For a renewal of registration of the plates, forty dollars
(3) For the transfer of the special plates to another vehicle,
fifteen dollars ($15).
(4) In addition, for the issuance of an environmental license
plate, as defined in Section 5103, with a full-plate graphic design,
the additional fees prescribed in Sections 5106 and 5108. The
additional fees prescribed in Sections 5106 and 5108 shall be
deposited in the Environmental License Plate Fund.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (4) of subdivision (b), all
fees collected under this section, after deduction of the department'
s costs in administering this section, shall be deposited in the
Graphic Design License Plate Account, which is hereby established in
the General Fund. The funds in the account shall be used by the
California Arts Council, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for
arts education and local arts programming.
(d) The California Arts Council shall use the revenue derived from
the fee increases authorized by amendment of this section during the
2003-04 Regular Session exclusively for arts education and local
arts programming. The council shall not use that revenue for its
administrative costs.
5075. (a) The department, in consultation with the California Tahoe
Conservancy, shall design and make available for issuance pursuant
to this article special environmental design license plates as
described in this section. Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section
5060, the special environmental design license plates shall bear a
full-plate graphic design depicting a significant feature of Lake
Tahoe. Any person described in Section 5101 may, upon payment of the
additional fees set forth in subdivision (b), apply for and be issued
a set of special environmental design license plates.
Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section 5060, the special
environmental design license plates may be issued as environmental
license plates, as defined in Section 5103.
(b) In addition to the regular fees for an original registration
or renewal of registration, the following additional fees shall be
paid for the issuance, renewal, or transfer of the special
environmental design license plates authorized pursuant to this
(1) For the original issuance of the plates, fifty dollars ($50).
(2) For a renewal of registration with the plates, forty dollars
(3) For transfer of the plates to another vehicle, fifteen dollars
(4) For each substitute replacement plate, thirty-five dollars
(5) In addition, for the issuance of environmental license plates,
as defined in Section 5103, with a full-plate graphic design
described in subdivision (a), the additional fees prescribed in
Sections 5106 and 5108. The additional fees prescribed in Sections
5106 and 5108 shall be deposited in the Environmental License Plate
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (5) of subdivision (b), and
after deducting its administrative costs under this section, the
department shall deposit the additional revenue derived from the
issuance, renewal, transfer, and substitution of special
environmental design license plates in the Lake Tahoe Conservancy
Account, which is hereby created in the California Environmental
License Plate Fund. Upon appropriation by the Legislature, the money
in the account shall be allocated by the Controller to the California
Tahoe Conservancy or its successor for expenditure for the exclusive
trust purposes of preservation and restoration projects in the Lake
Tahoe area and for the purpose of establishing and improving trails,
pathways, and public access for nonmotorized traffic in that area.