SECTIONS 8800-8804
SECTION 8800-8804
8800. (a) The department may suspend, cancel, or revoke the
registration of a vehicle or a certificate of ownership, registration
card, license plate, or permit under any of the following
(1) When the department is satisfied that the registration or the
certificate, card, plate, or permit was fraudulently obtained or
erroneously issued.
(2) When the department determines that a registered vehicle is
mechanically unfit or unsafe to be operated or moved upon the
(3) When a registered vehicle has been dismantled or wrecked.
(4) When the department determines that the required fee has not
been paid and the same is not paid upon reasonable notice and demand.
(5) When a registration card, license plate, or permit is
knowingly displayed upon a vehicle other than the one for which
(6) When the registration could have been refused when last issued
or renewed.
(7) When the department determines that the owner or legal owner
has committed an offense under Sections 20 (with respect to an
application for the registration of a vehicle), 4000, 4159 to 4163,
inclusive, 4454, 4456, 4461, 4463, 5202, 10750, and 10751, involving
the registration or the certificate, card, plate, or permit to be
suspended, canceled, or revoked.
(8) When the department is so authorized pursuant to any other
provision of law.
(b) The department may suspend the registration of all vehicles
registered in the name of a person, under any of the following
(1) When the United States Secretary of the Department of
Transportation or his or her designee issues a lawful out-of-service
order pursuant to Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
(2) When the department suspends or revokes a motor carrier of
property permit.
(3) When the Public Utilities Commission suspends or revokes
operating authority or private registration.
(c) A suspension imposed pursuant to subdivision (b) shall remain
in effect and a vehicle for which registration has been suspended
shall not be registered in the name of the person until the
department verifies that person's federal registration, federal
operating authority, California operating authority, California
private registration, or motor carrier of property permit is
8801. The department may suspend, cancel, revoke, or renew any
permanent registration made under Section 4155 when the department
determines that it is advisable to reissue the registration.
8802. Whenever the department cancels, suspends, or revokes the
registration of a vehicle or a certificate of ownership, registration
card, or license plates, or any nonresident or other permit, the
owner or person in possession shall immediately return the documents,
plates, certificates, or other evidence of registration to the
8803. Whenever the department cancels, suspends, or revokes any
license issued pursuant to Division 5 (commencing with Section
11100), the licensee or person in possession shall immediately return
the license, documents, plates, certificates, and other evidence of
the license to the department.
8804. Every person who, while a resident, as defined in Section
516, of this state, with respect to any vehicle owned by him and
operated in this state, registers or renews the registration for the
vehicle in a foreign jurisdiction, without the payment of appropriate
fees and taxes to this state, is guilty of a misdemeanor.