Sec. 10-400. (Formerly Sec. 10-370). Duties and powers of commission: Arts activities.
Sec. 10-400. (Formerly Sec. 10-370). Duties and powers of commission: Arts
activities. With respect to arts activities, the Connecticut Commission on Culture and
Tourism, established under section 10-392, shall encourage, within the state or in association with other states, or both, participation in, and promotion, development, acceptance
and appreciation of, artistic and cultural activities that shall include, but are not limited
to, music, theater, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, films and allied
arts and crafts and to this end shall have the following powers: (1) To join or contract
with consultants, private patrons, individual artists and ensembles and with institutions,
local sponsoring organizations and professional organizations; (2) to enter into contracts
to provide grants, loans or advances to individuals, organizations, or institutions, public
or private, that are engaged in or plan to engage in artistic and cultural programs or
activities within the state, or that are engaged in or plan to engage in the promotion,
development, or encouragement of artistic and cultural programs or activities within
the state; (3) to accept, hold and administer, on behalf of the commission, in accordance
with the provisions of sections 4-28, 4-31, 4-31a and 4b-22, real property, personal
property, securities, other choses in action and moneys, or any interest therein, and
income therefrom, either absolutely or in trust, for any purpose of the commission. The
commission may acquire or receive such property or money for its purposes by the
acceptance of state or federal or public or private loans, contributions, gifts, grants,
donations, bequests or devises, and the commission shall deposit or credit the same in
the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism account established under section
10-395; (4) to establish a nonprofit foundation for the purpose of raising funds from
private sources to encourage, within the state or in association with other states, or both,
participation in, and promotion, development, acceptance and appreciation of, artistic
and cultural activities that shall include, but are not limited to, music, theater, dance,
painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, films, heritage, historic preservation, humanities and allied arts and crafts. All funds received by the foundation shall be held
in the manner prescribed by sections 4-37e to 4-37j, inclusive; and (5) to perform such
other acts as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the objectives and purposes
of the commission. The General Assembly declares that all activities undertaken in
carrying out the policies set forth in this chapter shall be directed toward encouraging
and assisting, rather than in any way limiting, the freedom of artistic expression that is
essential for the well-being of the arts. Said commission shall maintain a survey of
public and private facilities engaged within the state in artistic and cultural activities
and determine the needs of the citizens of this state and the methods by which existing
resources may be utilized, or new resources developed, to fulfill these needs. The commission shall maintain a register of Connecticut artists. The name, town of residence
and artistic medium of any such artist residing in Connecticut shall be entered in the
register by the commission upon the artist's request.
(February, 1965, P.A. 579, S. 3; 1967, P.A. 155, S. 1; P.A. 74-210, S. 1; P.A. 78-187, S. 2, 10; P.A. 85-267; P.A. 99-91; P.A. 00-66, S. 28; June 30 Sp. Sess. 03-6, S. 220; P.A. 04-20, S. 2; 04-205, S. 5, 8; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, S. 30.)
History: 1967 act allowed commission to contract with individuals, ensembles, and local sponsoring organizations in
addition to private patrons, institutions and professional organizations; P.A. 74-210 allowed commission to promote arts
through association with other states and to contract with consultants; P.A. 78-187 expanded powers re contracts, administration of assets and other actions in new Subdivs. (2) to (4); P.A. 85-267 added provisions re commission's duty to
maintain a register of Connecticut artists; P.A. 99-91 added new Subdiv. (4) giving commission power to establish nonprofit
foundation and renumbered former Subdiv. (4) as Subdiv. (5); P.A. 00-66 made technical changes; June 30 Sp. Sess.
P.A. 03-6 amended section to substitute Connecticut Commission on Arts, Tourism, Culture, History and Film for State
Commission on the Arts, to add provision re arts activities and to designate Connecticut Commission on Arts, Tourism,
Culture, History and Film Fund instead of General Fund, as recipient of money or property acquired or received by
commission, effective August 20, 2003; P.A. 04-20 made technical changes, effective April 16, 2004; P.A. 04-205 added
"heritage", "historic preservation", and "humanities" to the list of cultural matters that the commission is empowered to
promote, effective June 3, 2004, and, effective on that date, with May Sp. Sess. P.A. 04-2, effective May 12, 2004, also
replaced Connecticut Commission on Arts, Tourism, Culture, History and Film with Connecticut Commission on Culture
and Tourism; Sec. 10-370 transferred to Sec. 10-400 in 2005.