Sec. 10a-22d. (Formerly Sec. 10-7d). Authorization: Conditions for renewal, fees, probation, extension.
Sec. 10a-22d. (Formerly Sec. 10-7d). Authorization: Conditions for renewal,
fees, probation, extension. (a) After the initial year of approval and for the next three
years of operation as a private occupational school, authorization shall be required annually.
(b) Following the fourth year of continuous authorization, a renewal of the certificate of authorization, if granted, shall be for a period not to exceed five years and may
be subject to an evaluation pursuant to subsections (e) and (f) of section 10a-22b, provided no private occupational school shall operate for more than five additional years
from the date of any renewal without the completion of an evaluation pursuant to subsections (e) and (f) of section 10a-22b.
(c) Renewal of the certificate of authorization shall be granted only upon (1) the
annual fee payment to the Board of Governors of a nonrefundable fee of two hundred
dollars, and an additional fee of two hundred dollars for each branch school under section
10a-22g, (2) submission of any reports or audits concerning the fiscal condition of the
school or its continuing eligibility to participate in federal student financial aid programs,
(3) the filing with the commissioner of a complete application for a renewed certificate
of authorization not less than one hundred twenty days prior to the termination date of
the most recent certificate of authorization, and (4) a determination that the occupational
school meets all the conditions of its recent authorization.
(d) If the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, determines, at any time
during a school's authorization period, that such school is out of compliance with the
conditions of authorization under sections 10a-22a to 10a-22o, inclusive, and any applicable regulations of Connecticut state agencies, the school may be placed on probation
for a period not to exceed one year. If, after the period of one year of probationary
status, the school remains out of compliance with the conditions of authorization, the
commissioner may revoke such school's certificate of authorization to operate as a
private occupational school pursuant to section 10a-22f. During the school's period of
probation, the school shall post its probationary certificate of authorization in public
view. The Department of Higher Education may publish the school's probationary certificate of authorization status.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 10a-22a to 10a-22o, inclusive, the
commissioner may authorize the extension of the most recent certificate of authorization
for a period not to exceed sixty days for good cause shown, provided such extension
shall not change the date of the original certificate's issuance or the date for each renewal.
(P.A. 79-380, S. 4; P.A. 83-501, S. 4, 12; P.A. 86-48, S. 1, 5 P.A. 88-360, S. 2, 63; P.A. 91-295, S. 2, 7; P.A. 93-294,
S. 4, 17; P.A. 06-150, S. 4.)
History: P.A. 83-501 replaced former section which provided that after initial authorization, renewal was required every
three years with provision that would require annual authorization for a period of three years after which renewal will be
for a period of three years; P.A. 86-48 added Subsec. (a) and Subdiv. (1) designations and requirement for payment of
additional fees for extension or branch schools in Subsec. (a), added Subsec. (a)(2) re time limit for filing of an application
for a renewal certificate and added Subsec. (b) re extension of certificate; P.A. 88-360 amended Subsec. (b) to provide
that an extension shall not change the date of the original certificate's issuance or the date for each renewal; P.A. 91-295
in Subsec. (a) deleted requirement for an evaluation at the time of each renewal and added provision that no school operate
for more than three additional years from the date of any renewal without an evaluation; P.A. 93-294 made changes
necessitated by the transfer of authority for the authorization of schools from the department of education to the department
of higher education, amended Subsec. (a) to provide for a five-year renewal instead of a three-year renewal, to add Subdiv.
(2) re federal reports and audits and renumbered the existing Subdiv. (2) as Subdiv. (3) and added the exception clause on
probationary authorization, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 10-7d transferred to Sec. 10a-22d in 1995; P.A. 06-150 amended
Subsec. (a) to provide for annual renewal of authorization after initial year of operation and next three years and to designate
parts of subsection as new Subsecs. (b) and (c), amended said Subsec. (c) to increase annual fee from $100 to $200, require
additional fee of $200 for each branch school, require submission of all reports or audits re fiscal condition of school,
delete provisions re failure to renew authorization and issuance of probationary authorization and add Subdiv. (4) re criteria
for renewal of authorization, added Subsec. (d) re probation and revocation of certificate of authorization, redesignated
existing Subsec. (b) as Subsec. (e) and made conforming and technical changes throughout section.