Sec. 10a-3. Advisory committee to Board of Governors of Higher Education; membership; duties.
Sec. 10a-3. Advisory committee to Board of Governors of Higher Education;
membership; duties. (a) There shall be a standing committee which shall serve as an
advisory body to the Board of Governors of Higher Education to assist the board in
performing its statutory functions. The committee shall consist of the following members: (1) One member from each of the Boards of Trustees of the Connecticut State
University System and The University of Connecticut, two members from the Board
of Trustees of the Community-Technical Colleges, one of whom shall be an alumnus
of a regional technical college or shall have expertise and experience in business, labor,
industry or technical occupations, and one member from a board of trustees of an independent college; (2) one member from the administrative staff of each of said constituent
units, except that for the community-technical colleges there shall be two members, one
of whom shall be an administrator at a former technical college, and one member from
the administrative staff of an independent college; (3) one member from the faculty
senate representing each of said constituent units, except that for the community-technical colleges, there shall be two faculty members, one of whom shall be a technical or
technological education faculty member at a former technical college, and one member
from the faculty of an independent college; (4) one student from each of said constituent
units, except that for the community-technical colleges there shall be two students one
of whom shall be enrolled in a technical or technological education program at a former
technical college, and one student from an independent college; (5) one representative
of the Board for State Academic Awards; and (6) one representative from the accredited
private occupational schools of Connecticut.
(b) The members of the committee and alternates for such members shall be elected
by the constituents they are to represent, in accordance with procedures established by
the respective boards of trustees, except the Connecticut Conference of Independent
Colleges shall serve as the appointing authority for members to represent independent
colleges and the Accredited Private Occupational Schools of Connecticut shall serve
as the appointing authority for its member. The alternate members of the committee
may serve in the absence of the regularly elected member.
(c) The committee shall, on a rotating basis among its members, elect its own chairman and secretary and such other officers as it deems necessary, to serve for a term of
two years. The committee shall be deemed to be a public agency within the scope of
the Freedom of Information Act, as defined in section 1-200, and shall keep such records
as may be appropriate.
(d) The committee, established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, shall meet
at least twice annually with the Board of Governors of Higher Education. Agendas shall
be prepared for such meetings and shall be distributed by the board prior thereto and
shall consist of matters recommended for inclusion by the chairman of the Board of
Governors of Higher Education and the committee. Such meetings shall be chaired by
the chairman of the Board of Governors of Higher Education and the committee members shall have the right to participate in all discussions and deliberations, but shall not
have the right to vote at such meetings.
(P.A. 82-218, S. 3, 46; P.A. 83-587, S. 15, 96; P.A. 84-241, S. 2, 5; P.A. 89-260, S. 9, 41; P.A. 91-256, S. 46, 69; P.A.
92-126, S. 20, 48; P.A. 97-47, S. 30; P.A. 99-285, S. 5, 12.)
History: P.A. 82-218 effective March 1, 1983; P.A. 83-587 made a technical amendment to Subsec. (a), substituting
"Connecticut State University" for "state colleges"; P.A. 84-241 added "of higher education" to board of governors' title;
P.A. 89-260 in Subsec. (a) provided that for the constituent unit of the state system of higher education under the jurisdiction
of the board of trustees of the community-technical colleges there shall be two members where the other constituent units
each have one member; P.A. 91-256 made technical change in Subsec. (a); P.A. 92-126 changed the descriptions of the
members representing technical or technological education; P.A. 97-47 amended Subsec. (c) by substituting "the Freedom
of Information Act, as defined in Sec. 1-18a" for "chapter 3"; P.A. 99-285 amended Subsec. (a)(3) to specify that the
faculty members be from the faculty senate, effective July 1, 1999.