Sec. 12-2b. Duties of Secretary of Office of Policy and Management re municipal assessment.
Sec. 12-2b. Duties of Secretary of Office of Policy and Management re municipal assessment. The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall: (1) In
consultation with the Commissioner of Agriculture, develop schedules of unit prices
for property classified under sections 12-107a to 12-107e, inclusive, update such schedules by October 1, 1990, and every five years thereafter, and make such data, studies
and schedules available to municipalities and the public; (2) develop regulations setting
forth standards and tests for: Certifying revaluation companies and their employees,
which regulations shall ensure that a revaluation company is competent in appraising
and valuing property, certifying revaluation companies and their employees, requiring
that a certified employee supervise all valuations performed by a revaluation company
for municipalities, maintaining lists of certified revaluation companies and upon request,
advising municipalities in drafting contracts with revaluation companies, and conducting investigations and withdrawing the certification of any revaluation company or employee found not to be conforming to such regulations. The regulations shall provide
for the imposition of a fee payable to a testing service designated by the secretary to
administer certification examinations; and (3) by himself, or by an agent whom he may
appoint, inquire if all property taxes which are due and collectible by each town or city
not consolidated with a town, are in fact collected and paid to the treasurer thereof in
the manner prescribed by law, and if accounts and records of the tax collectors and
treasurers of such entities are adequate and properly kept. The secretary may hold meetings, conferences or schools for assessors, tax collectors or municipal finance officers.
(P.A. 74-275, S. 2; P.A. 77-614, S. 139, 610; P.A. 79-610, S. 2, 47; P.A. 83-407; P.A. 90-266, S. 5, 6; P.A. 91-343, S.
4, 11; P.A. 93-161, S. 1, 2; P.A. 94-201, S. 3, 7; P.A. 95-307, S. 2, 14; P.A. 96-114, S. 2, 4; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6,
S. 146(e); P.A. 04-189, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of revenue services for tax commissioner, effective January 1, 1979;
P.A. 79-610 substituted secretary of the office of policy and management for commissioner of revenue services, effective
July 1, 1980; P.A. 83-407 provided that the board should develop regulations rather than just standards; P.A. 90-266
amended Subdiv. (6) concerning schedules of unit prices for property classified under Secs. 12-107a to 12-107e, inclusive,
by requiring the board to update such schedules by October 1, 1990, and every five years thereafter; P.A. 91-343 substituted
"secretary of the office of policy and management" for "board of assessment advisors", repealed requirements in former
Subdivs. (4) and (5) to provide advice and technical assistance to municipal assessors in valuation, appraisal and assessment
practices, procedures and administration and to assist municipal assessors by preparing manuals, studies and bulletins,
renumbered Subdivs. and made technical changes; P.A. 93-161 required that regulations provide for imposition of fee
payable to designated testing service, effective June 23, 1993; P.A. 94-201 amended Subdiv. (5) to provide for consultation
with the commissioner of agriculture, effective July 1, 1994; P.A. 95-307 repealed requirements in former Subdivs. (1) to
(5), inclusive, re uniformity, recommendations, and guidelines in municipal assessment and the provisions assistance to
municipal assessors and renumbered remaining Subdivs., effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 96-114 added Subdiv. (3) re secretary's authority re inquiries concerning property and meetings, conferences or schools for assessors, tax collectors or
municipal finance officers, effective May 24, 1996; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 replaced Commissioner of Agriculture
with Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-189 repealed Sec. 146 of
June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, thereby reversing the merger of the Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Protection,
effective June 1, 2004.
See Sec. 12-1c re transfer of certain functions, powers and duties under this chapter to the Secretary of the Office of
Policy and Management.
Cited. 184 C. 326. Cited. 240. C. 422.