Sec. 12-35a. Lien on personal property as security related to delinquent state taxes.
Sec. 12-35a. Lien on personal property as security related to delinquent state
taxes. (a) Definitions. Whenever used in this section, unless the context otherwise
requires: (1) "Goods" means goods, as defined in subdivision (44) of subsection (a) of
section 42a-9-102; (2) "proceeds" means proceeds, as defined in subdivision (64) of
subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (3) "debtor" means the taxpayer; (4) "secured party"
means the state of Connecticut; (5) "collateral" means property which is the subject of
the tax lien; (6) "obligations" means amount of tax and accrued penalties and interest
claimed to be due the state in relation to the tax lien; (7) "person" means any individual,
trust, partnership, association, company, limited liability company or corporation; (8)
"purchase money security interest" means purchase money security interest, as defined
in section 42a-9-103a; (9) "commercial transactions financing agreement" means an
agreement entered into by a person in the course of his trade or business to make loans
to the taxpayer, part or all of the security for repayment of any such loan being inventory
acquired by the taxpayer in the ordinary course of trade or business; (10) "qualified
property" when used with respect to a commercial transactions financing agreement,
means inventory; (11) "obligatory disbursement agreement" means an agreement, entered into by a person in the course of trade or business, to make disbursements but such
an agreement shall be considered within this term only to the extent of disbursements
which are required to be made by reason of the intervention of the rights of a person
other than the taxpayer; (12) "qualified property" when used with respect to obligatory
disbursement agreement, means property subject to the lien imposed in accordance with
this section, at the time of tax lien filing and, to the extent that the acquisition is directly
traceable to the disbursements under an obligatory disbursement agreement, property
acquired by the taxpayer after the time of tax lien filing; (13) "inventory" means inventory, as defined in subdivision (48) of subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (14) "lien
creditor" means lien creditor, as defined in subdivision (52) of subsection (a) of section
42a-9-102; (15) "account" means account, as defined in subdivision (2) of subsection
(a) of section 42a-9-102; (16) "chattel paper" means chattel paper, as defined in subdivision (11) of subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (17) "commercial tort claim" means
commercial tort claim, as defined in subdivision (13) of subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (18) "deposit account" means deposit account, as defined in subdivision (29) of
subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (19) "document" means document, as defined in
subdivision (30) of subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (20) "general intangible" means
general intangible, as defined in subdivision (42) of subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (21) "instrument" means instrument, as defined in subdivision (47) of subsection
(a) of section 42a-9-102; (22) "investment property" means investment property, as
defined in subdivision (49) of subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; (23) "filing office"
means filing office, as defined in subdivision (37) of subsection (a) of section 42a-9-102; and (24) "state" means state, as defined in subdivision (76) of subsection (a) of
section 42a-9-102, except that "the state" or "this state" means the state of Connecticut.
(b) Perfection of state's lien on goods of taxpayer. Upon failure of any person to
pay any tax, except taxes under chapter 216, due the state within thirty days from its
due date, or if before the due date of any tax, except taxes under chapter 216, the Commissioner of Revenue Services believes that the collection of such tax will be jeopardized
by delay, the state shall have a lien, upon perfection as hereinafter provided, upon the
goods, accounts, chattel paper, instruments, documents, investment property, deposit
accounts, commercial tort claims and general intangibles situated in this state and owned
by the taxpayer upon the date of perfection, or upon the goods, accounts, chattel paper,
instruments, documents, investment property, deposit accounts, commercial tort claims
and general intangibles thereafter acquired by the taxpayer. Such lien shall attach and
become perfected at the time when notice of such lien is filed pursuant to the filing
provisions of part 5 of article 9 of title 42a, except that the signature of the taxpayer
against whose property the lien is claimed shall not be required on said notice of lien
and, in each case, the lien shall be filed as if the debtor were located in this state. Nothing
in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the commissioner from filing both a
notice of lien as if the debtor were located in this state and a notice of lien with the filing
office of a state other than this state, if the commissioner determines that it would be
beneficial to this state to do so. Except as hereinafter provided, upon perfection, such
lien shall have priority over all subsequently perfected liens and security interests.
(c) Information required in notice of lien. Each such notice of lien shall contain
such information as will identify (1) the owner of the property upon which the lien is
claimed, (2) the residence or business address of such owner, (3) the specific property
claimed to be subject to such lien, (4) the location of such property, (5) the type of tax,
(6) the amount of tax and accrued penalties and interest claimed to be due the state in
relation to the lien and (7) the tax period or periods for which such lien is claimed.
(d) State lien effective for ten years. The lien shall be effective for a period of ten
years from the date of filing unless discharged as hereinafter provided.
(e) Rights and remedies of the state as secured party. A notice of tax lien having
been filed, the state shall have the rights and remedies of a secured party, as provided
in sections 42a-9-601 to 42a-9-628, inclusive, and the taxpayer against whom said lien
has been filed shall have the rights and remedies of a debtor, as provided in said sections.
In proceeding to enforce such lien, the state shall observe the procedures applicable to
a secured party under sections 42a-9-601 to 42a-9-628, inclusive.
(f) Security interests or property not subject to tax lien. Even though notice of
tax lien has been filed, such lien shall not be valid with respect to: (1) A security interest
which came into existence after tax lien filing but which (A) is in qualified property
covered by the terms of a written agreement entered into before tax lien filing and
constituting a commercial transactions financing agreement or an obligatory disbursement agreement and (B) is protected under the laws of this state against a judgment lien
arising, as of the time of tax lien filing, out of an unsecured obligation; (2) a security
interest which came into existence after tax lien filing by reason of disbursements made
before the forty-sixth day after the date of tax lien filing, or before the person making
such disbursements had actual notice or knowledge of tax lien filing, whichever is earlier,
but only if such security interest (A) is in property subject at the time of tax lien filing,
to the lien imposed by this section and covered by the terms of a written agreement
entered into before tax lien filing and (B) is protected under the laws of this state against
a judgment lien arising, as of the time of tax lien filing, out of an unsecured obligation;
(3) tangible personal property purchased at retail, as against a purchaser in the ordinary
course of the seller's trade or business, unless at the time of such purchase such purchaser
intends such purchase to, or knows such purchase will, hinder, evade, or defeat the
collection of any tax; or (4) a purchase money security interest, if said purchase money
security interest would be prior to a conflicting security interest in the same collateral
under section 42a-9-324.
(g) Discharge of state tax lien. When the amount of tax, penalty or interest with
respect to which a lien has been created under this section has been satisfied, the Commissioner of Revenue Services, upon request of any interested party, shall issue a certificate
discharging such lien, which certificate shall be filed with the Uniform Commercial
Code Division of the office of the Secretary of the State in the same manner as termination statements are filed under section 42a-9-513.
(P.A. 82-72, S. 1, 3; P.A. 95-79, S. 24, 189; P.A. 01-132, S. 155; P.A. 03-107, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 95-79 amended Subsec. (a) to redefine "person" to include a limited liability company, effective May
31, 1995; P.A. 01-132 amended Subsec. (a) to replace Sec. 42a-9-105(1)(h) with Sec. 42a-9-102(a)(44) as the statutory
reference for the definition of "goods", replace Sec. 42a-9-306(1) with Sec. 42a-9-102(a)(64) as the statutory reference
for the definition of "proceeds", replace Sec. 42a-9-107 with Sec. 42a-9-103a as the statutory reference for the definition
of "purchase money security interest", replace Sec. 42a-9-109(4) with Sec. 42a-9-102(a)(48) as the statutory reference for
the definition of "inventory" and replace Sec. 42a-9-301(3) with Sec. 42a-9-102(a)(52) as the statutory reference for the
definition of "lien creditor", amended Subsec. (b) to replace reference to "part 4" with "part 5" of article 9 of title 42a and
add provision that "in each case, the lien shall be filed as if the debtor were located in this state", amended Subsec. (e) to
replace references to Secs. 42a-9-501 to 42a-9-507, inclusive, with Secs. 42a-9-601 to 42a-9-628, inclusive, amended
Subsec. (f) to replace reference to Sec. 42a-9-312 with Sec. 42a-9-324 and amended Subsec. (g) to replace reference to
Sec. 42a-9-404 with Sec. 42a-9-513; P.A. 03-107 amended Subsec. (a) to make technical changes and define "account",
"chattel paper", "commercial tort claim", "deposit account", "document", "general intangible", "instrument", "investment
property", "filing office", and "state", and amended Subsec. (b) to make a technical change, to provide for liens against
accounts, chattel paper, instruments, documents, investment property, deposit accounts, commercial tort claims and general
intangibles, and to add provision re filing of both a notice of lien as if debtor were located in this state and a notice of lien
in another state, effective July 1, 2003.