Sec. 12-120a. Annual report from Office of Policy and Management to General Assembly committee on finance, revenue and bonding concerning real and personal property tax data for towns in the state.
Sec. 12-120a. Annual report from Office of Policy and Management to General Assembly committee on finance, revenue and bonding concerning real and
personal property tax data for towns in the state. The Secretary of the Office of
Policy and Management shall, annually, not later than the fifteenth day of March, submit
to the chairpersons and ranking members of the joint standing committee of the General
Assembly on finance, revenue and bonding, with copies for such other committee members and staff personnel as said chairpersons may designate, a report concerning certain
data applicable with respect to real and personal property in each town in the state and
such totals of data pertaining to all towns as may be deemed appropriate by said secretary.
The submission of such report in 1997, and annually thereafter, shall include a summary
of data as described in each of the subsections in this section. Each such report shall
include categories of such data for purposes of property subject to taxation and separate
categories for property exempt from taxation. Such report shall include state-wide trends
covering a five-year period. Such report shall be organized, to the extent possible, in a
manner consistent with the outline of information as described in each of the following
(1) Residential, apartment, commercial and public utility real property. For
purposes of taxable residential, apartment, commercial, industrial and public utility real
property, such report shall include the total number of properties and the total assessed
value of such properties.
(2) Vacant land assessed according to use classification. For purposes of taxable
vacant land, such report shall include the total number of acres and the total assessed
value of such acres. For purposes of taxable land subject to assessment related to certain
use value classifications, such report shall include the total number of such acres and
the total assessed value of such acres for each of the following classifications related
to use: (A) Farm, (B) forest, (C) open space, and (D) maritime heritage.
(3) Land bearing timber. For purposes of taxable land bearing timber and subject
to tax at a rate not exceeding ten mills, such report shall include the total number of
acres and the assessed value of the land.
(4) Motor vehicles, mobile homes and other taxable personal property. (A) For
purposes of taxable registered motor vehicles, such report shall include the total number
of motor vehicles and the total assessed value of such motor vehicles for each of the
following classifications related to use: (i) Passenger, (ii) commercial, (iii) combination,
(iv) farm, and (v) any other classification; (B) for purposes of taxable vehicles which
are not registered and mobile manufactured homes, such report shall include the total
number of such vehicles and mobile manufactured homes and the total assessed value
for each such category; (C) for purposes of all other taxable personal property, such
report shall include the total value of each category of such property as contained in the
tax list required pursuant to sections 12-42 and 12-43.
(5) Tax-exempt property with no state reimbursement for tax loss to towns.
For purposes of exemptions from property tax with respect to which there is no state
reimbursement, such report shall include the total number of such exempt properties by
the exemption categories and property types deemed appropriate by the secretary, and
the total assessed value of such exempt property.
(6) Tax-exempt property with state reimbursement for tax loss. For purposes
of exemptions from property tax with respect to which annual reimbursement is provided
by the state, such report shall include the total assessed value of such exempt property,
by the exemption categories and property types deemed appropriate by the secretary.
(7) Exemption from property tax subject to state reimbursement. For purposes
of exemptions from or reductions in property tax for certain individuals, with respect
to which state reimbursement is applicable, such report shall include (A) the total number
of individuals and the total amounts of each such exemption or reduction in the case of
such benefits not subject to income requirements, and (B) in the case of such benefits
subject to income requirements, such total number of individuals and total amounts of
exemption or reduction the total assessed value of such exempt property, by the exemption categories and property types deemed appropriate by the secretary.
(8) Exemption from property tax for certain individuals with no state reimbursement. For purposes of exemption from property tax for certain individuals, with
respect to which there is no state reimbursement, such report shall include the total
number of individuals and the total value of each of the following exemptions: (A)
Exemptions related to veterans under subdivisions (19) to (26), inclusive, of section 12-81, and (B) exemption for blind persons under subdivision (17) of said section.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3, S. 1; P.A. 86-261, S. 1, 2; P.A. 90-94, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-6, S. 1, 2; P.A. 96-217, S. 1, 5; P.A.
97-244, S. 11, 13; P.A. 07-127, S. 5.)
History: The reference to "mobile homes" in Subsec. (e) was changed to "mobile manufactured homes" in accordance
with June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3; P.A. 90-94 changed the date for submission of the report from January fifteenth to March
fifteenth annually and added the requirement concerning a state-wide summary of trends over a five-year period and
amended each subsec. by eliminating requirements that the report information be prepared separately with respect to each
town; P.A. 93-6 amended Subsec. (e) by deleting specific property tax categories and replacing them with a general
reference to personal property, effective March 31, 1993, and applicable to the report of personal property filed on or after
March 1, 1991; P.A. 96-217 required 1997 and subsequent reports to include summary of data described in this section
instead of all such data, amended Subsec. (a) by adding apartment and public utility real property and changing data to be
reported, amended Subsec. (b) by substituting "vacant land" for "real property belonging to a public utility" and changing
the data to be reported, amended Subsec. (c) by requiring report to include "the assessed value of the land", repealed
Subsec. (d) re reporting of penalty for failure to report taxable land, relettered former Subsecs. (e) to (i), inclusive, as (d)
to (h), inclusive, respectively, and amended relettered Subsec. (d) by substituting "total assessed value" for "total value"
and deleting reporting requirement for aircraft, effective June 4, 1996; P.A. 97-244 amended Subsec. (a) to require report
to include number of properties rather than buildings, units or parcels, amended Subsec. (b) to substitute reference to
parcels for reference to acres, amended Subsecs. (e), (f) and (j) to require report to refer to exempt properties by exemption
category and property types and made technical changes throughout the section, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 07-127
redesignated Subsecs. (a) to (h) as Subdivs. (1) to (8), made technical changes and added "maritime heritage" in Subdiv.
(2)(D), effective July 1, 2007.