Sec. 12-62f. State grants-in-aid to municipalities for development or modification of computer-assisted mass appraisal systems for use in revaluation.
Sec. 12-62f. State grants-in-aid to municipalities for development or modification of computer-assisted mass appraisal systems for use in revaluation. (a) Secretary of OPM to establish state-wide program assisting development of mass appraisal systems. The Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management shall establish
a state-wide program of financial assistance to municipalities to improve municipal
assessment and tax collection practices. Such financial assistance, within the limits of
funds made available for such purpose, shall be in the form of a grant-in-aid to each
municipality to develop or modify a state certified computer-assisted mass appraisal
system for the purpose of revaluation, as required in section 12-62, the training of municipal personnel in the proper use of such system, the acquisition of software packages,
hardware, programming, data conversion or data entry. Whenever used in this section,
"municipality" means any town, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and
(b) Standards to be developed for certification of computer-assisted mass appraisal system. The secretary shall, after consultation with the board created by subsection (f) of this section, on or before December 1, 1988, develop minimum standards for
the certification of a computer-assisted mass appraisal system and on or before December 1, 1995, adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, setting
minimum computer-assisted mass appraisal revaluation standards and computerized
administrative standards. A municipality which intends to develop or modify a computer-assisted mass appraisal system as provided in subsection (a) of this section, may
apply to the secretary for a grant-in-aid, on or after January 1, 1989, in such form and
manner as said secretary shall prescribe. The secretary shall review each such application, and shall, after consultation with the board created by subsection (f) of this section,
approve the municipality's proposed use of the grant-in-aid, provided it has been shown
to his satisfaction that the intended development or modification of a computer-assisted
mass appraisal system will (1) meet the minimum computer-assisted mass appraisal
revaluation standards and computerized administrative standard requirements as established by the secretary, (2) ensure a more accurate revaluation and (3) serve to improve
both assessment and tax collection practices in the municipality.
(c) Grants-in-aid to municipalities. Determination of amount. (1) Each municipality whose application for state financial assistance has been approved by the secretary
shall receive a grant-in-aid on the basis of its population, as determined by the most
recent estimates of the Department of Public Health. The amount of such grant-in-aid
to any municipality with revaluation, as required in section 12-62, becoming effective
in any of the years 1987 to 1996, inclusive, shall be as follows: (A) Twenty-five thousand
dollars to each municipality with a population of less than twenty thousand; (B) thirty-five thousand dollars to each municipality with a population of at least twenty thousand
but less than fifty thousand; (C) fifty thousand dollars to each municipality with a population of at least fifty thousand but less than one hundred thousand; and (D) sixty thousand
dollars to each municipality with a population of one hundred thousand or more. Each
municipality that completed a revaluation which became effective in the years from
1987 to 1996, inclusive, and qualified for the grants-in-aid provided for in this section,
shall be eligible for an additional grant-in-aid equal to an amount not to exceed ten per
cent of the grant-in-aid limit of the grant for which they originally qualified provided the
additional grant-in-aid shall be used for training and for installations and modifications
which are acquired and certified to be in compliance with the minimum computer-assisted mass appraisal revaluation standards and computerized administrative standards developed in accordance with subsection (b) of this section.
(2) A municipality that conducted a revaluation as required in section 12-62 without
postponement or extension, but not between January 1, 1987, and December 31, 1996,
shall be eligible to apply for and receive a grant and an additional grant-in-aid under
subdivision (1) of this subsection.
(3) No municipality shall be eligible to receive a grant and an additional grant-in-aid pursuant to this section more than once.
(d) Application for assistance. Upon approval of an application for state financial
assistance, the secretary shall certify to the Comptroller the amount due to the municipality. Not later than five business days after such certification, the Comptroller shall draw
his or her order on the Treasurer, who shall pay the grant to the municipality.
(e) State assistance to be monitored. The secretary shall periodically monitor a
municipality's use of such grant-in-aid, to ensure full compliance with the provisions
of this section. Each municipality receiving a grant-in-aid under this section shall for a
period of two years following receipt of such grant-in-aid maintain all invoices, purchase
orders and other evidence of expenditures related to the grant-in-aid.
(f) Computer-assisted mass appraisal systems advisory board. There is created
a computer-assisted mass appraisal systems advisory board. Said board shall consist of
seven Connecticut municipal assessors, one each to be appointed by the Governor, the
president pro tempore, the majority leader and the minority leader of the Senate and the
speaker, the majority leader and the minority leader of the House of Representatives.
The members shall choose a chairman from the membership. Said board shall have such
powers and duties as are set forth in subsection (b) of this section.
(P.A. 88-348, S. 1-3; 88-364, S. 96, 123; P.A. 90-127, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-381, S. 9, 39; P.A. 95-257, S. 12, 21, 58; 95-283, S. 4, 68; P.A. 97-128, S. 1, 2; P.A. 01-187, S. 23, 25; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-7, S. 20, 28; P.A. 07-213, S. 12.)
History: P.A. 88-364 made technical changes in Subsec. (f); P.A. 90-127 amended Subsec. (c) by providing that such
grants-in-aid shall be available to certain municipalities with the required revaluation becoming effective in any of the
years 1987 to 1992, inclusive, in lieu of 1987 or 1988, as provided prior to this amendment; P.A. 93-381 replaced department
of health services with department of public health and addiction services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 95-257 replaced
Commissioner and Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Commissioner and Department of Public
Health, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 95-283 amended Subsec. (a) to add the acquisition of software packages and hardware
upgrading, Subsec. (b) to require regulations before December 1, 1995, re minimum computer-assisted mass appraisal
revaluation standards and administrative standards and to require applicants to meet the standards, Subsec. (c) to change
1992 to 1996 and to provide that any municipality qualifying for a grant-in-aid is eligible for an additional 10% and Subsec.
(e) to require municipalities receiving grants-in-aid to maintain invoices, purchase orders and other evidence of expenditures
for a two-year period, effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 97-128 amended Subsec. (a) to include programming, data conversion
and data entry, effective June 6, 1997; P.A. 01-187, effective July 11, 2001, and June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-7, effective July
1, 2001, both identically amended Subsec. (c) to designate existing provisions as Subdiv. (1) and add new Subdivs. (2)
and (3) re additional grants to certain towns; P.A. 07-213 amended Subsec. (d) to change "fifteen days" to "five business
days" and make conforming and technical changes, effective July 10, 2007.
See Sec. 7-148r re municipal fee for access to computer-assisted mass appraisal system database.