Sec. 12-64a. Reduction in assessed value of real estate upon removal of damaged buildings. Municipal option to abate tax on personal property located in damaged building.
Sec. 12-64a. Reduction in assessed value of real estate upon removal of damaged buildings. Municipal option to abate tax on personal property located in damaged building. (a) Whenever a building is so damaged as to require total reconstruction
before it may be used for any purpose related to its use prior to such damage and following
which, the owner provides for complete demolition of such building with the material
from demolition being removed from the parcel of real property on which the building
was situated or used as fill on such parcel for purposes of grading, such parcel shall be
assessed for purposes of property tax as of the date such demolition, removal and grading
are completed, to the satisfaction of the building inspector in the municipality, and such
assessment shall reflect a determination of the assessed value of such parcel, exclusive of
the value of the building so damaged, demolished and removed. The adjusted assessment
shall be applicable with respect to such parcel from the date demolition, removal and
grading are completed, as determined by said building inspector, until the first day of
October next succeeding and the amount of property tax payable with respect to such
parcel for the assessment year in which demolition, removal and grading are completed
shall be adjusted accordingly in such manner as determined by the assessor.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, in the case of
a building that sustains fire or weather-related damage that requires the building to be
totally reconstructed before it may be used for any purpose related to its use prior to the
damage, the assessment reduction shall be calculated from the date of such fire or
weather event if the owner, within one hundred twenty days of the fire or weather event,
provides for complete demolition of such building with the material from demolition
being removed from the parcel of real property on which the building was situated and
the parcel graded to the satisfaction of the building inspector in the municipality. If the
fire or weather event occurs not more than one hundred twenty days before the next
assessment date and the owner provides for such complete demolition, removal and
grading to the satisfaction of the building inspector after the next assessment date and
not more than one hundred twenty days after the fire or weather event, the assessment
for the damaged building shall be removed for such next assessment date.
(c) When a municipality reduces an assessment for a building pursuant to subsection
(a) or (b) of this section, the municipality may, by vote of its legislative body, or in a
municipality where the legislative body is a town meeting, by vote of the board of
selectmen, abate all or a portion of the property tax with respect to personal property
that had been located in the building. Such abatement may be allowed if the personal
property was damaged as a direct result of a fire or weather event to such an extent that
the property cannot be used for any purpose related to its use prior to such fire or weather
event. Any abatement provided under this subsection shall be applicable with respect
to such personal property from the date of the damage to the following October first.
(P.A. 81-21, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-231, S. 1, 2; P.A. 00-120, S. 1, 13.)
History: P.A. 81-21 effective April 7, 1981, and applicable in any municipality to assessment year commencing October
1, 1981, and each assessment year thereafter; P.A. 93-231 designated existing section as Subsec. (a) and added new Subsec.
(b) requiring any municipality to reduce the assessment on a building that must be totally reconstructed due to fire or
weather-related damage as of the date the building was damaged, effective June 28, 1993, and applicable to assessment
years commencing on and after October 1, 1993; P.A. 00-120 added Subsec. (c) providing a municipal option to abate the
tax on personal property damaged by fire or weather event that cannot be used for its original purpose, effective May 26,
2000, and applicable to assessment years commencing October 1, 1998.
Cited. 207 C. 250.