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Sec. 12-81. Exemptions.

      Sec. 12-81. Exemptions. The following-described property shall be exempt from taxation:

      (1) Property of the United States. Property belonging to, or held in trust for, the United States, the taxation of which has not been authorized by Congress;

      (2) State property and reservation land. Property belonging to, or held in trust for, this state and reservation land held in trust by the state for an Indian tribe;

      (3) County property. Repealed;

      (4) Municipal property. Except as otherwise provided by law, property belonging to, or held in trust for, a municipal corporation of this state and used for a public purpose, including real and personal property used for cemetery purposes;

      (5) Property held by trustees for public purposes. As long as used by the public for public purposes, property held by trustees named in a will or deed of trust and their successors for this state or its people, one of its counties or its people or one of its municipal corporations or its people;

      (6) Property of volunteer fire companies and property devoted to public use. The property of any volunteer fire company used for fire protection or for other public purposes, if such company receives any annual appropriation from the town; and, as long as the owner thereof makes only a nominal charge not in excess of twenty-five dollars annually for its use, property not owned by a Connecticut municipality wherein the same is situated, provided such property is exclusively used by the public in lieu of public property which would otherwise be required, as authorized by any general statute or special act;

      (7) Property used for scientific, educational, literary, historical, charitable or open space land preservation purposes. Exception. (A) Subject to the provisions of sections 12-87 and 12-88, the real property of, or held in trust for, a corporation organized exclusively for scientific, educational, literary, historical or charitable purposes or for two or more such purposes and used exclusively for carrying out one or more of such purposes or for the purpose of preserving open space land, as defined in section 12-107b, for any of the uses specified in said section, that is owned by any such corporation, and the personal property of, or held in trust for, any such corporation, provided (i) any officer, member or employee thereof does not receive or at any future time shall not receive any pecuniary profit from the operations thereof, except reasonable compensation for services in effecting one or more of such purposes or as proper beneficiary of its strictly charitable purposes, and (ii) in 1965, and quadrennially thereafter, a statement shall be filed on or before the first day of November with the assessor or board of assessors of any town, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and borough, in which any of its property claimed to be exempt is situated. Such statement shall be filed on a form provided by such assessor or board of assessors. The real property shall be eligible for the exemption regardless of whether it is used by another corporation organized exclusively for scientific, educational, literary, historical or charitable purposes or for two or more such purposes.

      (B) On and after July 1, 1967, housing subsidized, in whole or in part, by federal, state or local government and housing for persons or families of low and moderate income shall not constitute a charitable purpose under this section. As used in this subdivision, "housing" shall not include real property used for temporary housing belonging to, or held in trust for, any corporation organized exclusively for charitable purposes and exempt from taxation for federal income tax purposes, the primary use of which property is one or more of the following: (i) An orphanage; (ii) a drug or alcohol treatment or rehabilitation facility; (iii) housing for homeless, retarded or mentally or physically handicapped individuals, or for battered or abused women and children; (iv) housing for ex-offenders or for individuals participating in a program sponsored by the state Department of Correction or Judicial Branch; and (v) short-term housing operated by a charitable organization where the average length of stay is less than six months. The operation of such housing, including the receipt of any rental payments, by such charitable organization shall be deemed to be an exclusively charitable purpose.

      (8) College property. The funds and estate which have been or may be granted, provided by the state, or given by any person or persons to the Trustees of the Berkeley Divinity School, the board of trustees of Connecticut College for Women, the Hartford Seminary Foundation, Sheffield Scientific School, Trinity College, Wesleyan University or The President and Fellows of Yale College in New Haven, and by them respectively invested and held for the use of such institutions, with the income thereof; provided none of said corporations shall hold in this state real estate free from taxation affording an annual income of more than six thousand dollars. Such exemption shall not apply to any real estate which said Trustees of the Berkeley Divinity School own, control or hold in trust, and which is situated in the city of Middletown. No other provision of this section concerning exemption of property used for educational purposes shall be construed to affect any provision of this subdivision;

      (9) Personal property loaned to tax-exempt educational institutions. Personal property while it is loaned without charge or leased at a nominal charge of one dollar per year to any tax-exempt educational institution above secondary level and used exclusively by such institution for teaching, research or teaching demonstration purposes;

      (10) Property belonging to agricultural or horticultural societies. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-87 and 12-88, property belonging to, or held in trust for, an agricultural or horticultural society incorporated by this state which is used in connection with an annual agricultural fair held by a nonprofit incorporated agricultural society of this state or any nonprofit incorporated society of this state carrying on or promoting any branch of agriculture, provided (A) said society shall pay cash premiums at such fair amounting to at least two hundred dollars, (B) said society shall file with the Commissioner of Agriculture on or before the thirtieth of December following said fair a report in such detail as the commissioner may require giving the names of all exhibitors and the amount of premiums, with the objects for which they have been paid, which statement shall be sworn to by the president, secretary or treasurer of the society, (C) any officer, member or employee thereof does not receive or at any future time shall not receive any pecuniary profit from the operations thereof except reasonable compensation for services in the conduct of its affairs, and (D) in 1965, and quadrennially thereafter, a statement shall be filed on or before the first day of November with the assessor or board of assessors of any town, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and borough in which any of its property claimed to be exempt is situated. Such statement shall be filed on a form provided by such assessor or board of assessors. For purposes of this subsection, "fair" means a bona fide agricultural exhibition designed, arranged and operated to promote, encourage and improve agriculture by offering premiums and awards for the best exhibits of two or more by the following branches of agriculture: Crops, livestock, poultry, dairy products and homemaking;

      (11) Property held for cemetery use. Subject to the provisions of section 12-88, tangible property owned by, or held in trust for, a religious organization, provided such tangible property is used exclusively for cemetery purposes; donations held in trust by a municipality, an ecclesiastical society or a cemetery association, the income of which is to be used for the care or improvement of its cemetery, or of one or more private burial lots within such cemetery. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-87 and 12-88, any other tangible property used for cemetery purposes shall not be exempt, unless (a) such tangible property is exclusively so used, and (b) no officer, member or employee of the organization owning such property receives or, at any future time, shall receive any pecuniary profit from the cemetery operations thereof except reasonable compensation for services in the conduct of its cemetery affairs, and (c) in 1965, and quadrennially thereafter, a statement on forms prepared by the assessor shall be filed on or before the last day required by law for the filing of assessment returns with the local board of assessors of any town, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and borough, in which any of its property claimed to be exempt is situated;

      (12) Personal property of religious organizations devoted to religious or charitable use. Personal property within the state owned by, or held in trust for, a Connecticut religious organization, whether or not incorporated, if the principal or income is used or appropriated for religious or charitable purposes or both;

      (13) Houses of religious worship. Subject to the provisions of section 12-88, houses of religious worship, the land on which they stand, their pews, furniture and equipment owned by, or held in trust for the use of, any religious organization;

      (14) Property of religious organizations used for certain purposes. Subject to the provisions of section 12-88, real property and its equipment owned by, or held in trust for, any religious organization and exclusively used as a school, a daycare facility, a Connecticut nonprofit camp or recreational facility for religious purposes, a parish house, an orphan asylum, a home for children, a thrift shop, the proceeds of which are used for charitable purposes, a reformatory or an infirmary or for two or more of such purposes;

      (15) Houses used by officiating clergymen as dwellings. Subject to the provisions of section 12-88, dwelling houses and the land on which they stand owned by, or held in trust for, any religious organization and actually used by its officiating clergymen;

      (16) Hospitals and sanatoriums. Subject to the provisions of section 12-88, all property of, or held in trust for, any Connecticut hospital society or corporation or sanatorium, provided (A) no officer, member or employee thereof receives or, at any future time, shall receive any pecuniary profit from the operations thereof, except reasonable compensation for services in the conduct of its affairs, and (B) in 1967, and quadrennially thereafter, a statement shall be filed by such hospital society, corporation or sanatorium on or before the first day of November with the assessor or board of assessors of any town, consolidated town and city or consolidated town and borough, in which any of its property claimed to be exempt is situated. Such statement shall be filed on a form provided by such assessor or board of assessors;

      (17) Blind persons. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-89, 12-90 and 12-92, property to the amount of three thousand dollars belonging to, or held in trust for, any blind person, resident of this state; or, lacking said amount of property in his own name, so much of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, his spouse, who is domiciled with him, as is necessary to equal said amount;

      (18) Property of veterans' organizations. (a) Property of bona fide war veterans' organization. Subject to the provisions of section 12-88, property owned by, or held in trust for, any bona fide war veterans' organization or any of its local posts, which organization shall be composed in whole or in major part of veterans of the military or naval service or both of the United States in any war, except the Civil War; provided such property shall be actually and exclusively used and occupied by such organization;

      (b) Property of the Grand Army of the Republic. Property belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic, or owned by, or held in trust for, any local post thereof, shall continue to be exempt from taxation in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (27);

      (19) Veterans. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-89, 12-90 and 12-95, property to the amount of one thousand dollars belonging to, or held in trust for, any resident of this state who (a) is a veteran of the armed forces in service in time of war, (b) any resident of this state who was a citizen of the United States at the time of his enlistment and who was in the military or naval service of a government allied or associated with that of the United States during the Second World War and received an honorable discharge therefrom, (c) any resident of this state who served during the Second World War as a member of any armed force of any government signatory to the United Nations Declaration of January 1, 1942, and participated in armed conflict with an enemy of the United States and who has been a citizen of the United States for at least ten years and presents satisfactory evidence of such service, (d) any resident of this state who served as a member of the crew of a merchant vessel during the Second World War and is qualified with respect to such service as a member of the group known as the "American Merchant Marine in ocean-going service during the period of armed conflict, December 7, 1941, to August 15, 1945", members of which are deemed to be eligible for certain veterans benefits under a determination in the United States Department of Defense, as recorded in the Federal Register of February 1, 1988, provided such resident has received an armed forces discharge certificate from the Department of Defense on the basis of such service, (e) any member of the armed forces who was in service in time of war and is still in the service and by reason of continuous service has not as yet received a discharge, (f) any person who is retired from the armed forces after thirty years of service because he has reached the age limit prescribed by law or because he suffers from mental or physical disability, or (g) any person who is serving in the armed services in time of war; or lacking said amount of property in his own name, so much of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, his spouse, who is domiciled with him, as is necessary to equal said amount. For the purposes of this subdivision, "veteran", "armed forces" and "service in time of war" have the same meaning as in section 27-103;

      (20) Servicemen and veterans having disability ratings. Subject to the provisions hereinafter stated, property not exceeding three thousand dollars in amount shall be exempt from taxation, which property belongs to, or is held in trust for, any resident of this state who has served, or is serving, in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States and (1) has a disability rating by the Veterans' Administration of the United States amounting to ten per cent or more of total disability, provided such exemption shall be fifteen hundred dollars in any case in which such rating is between ten per cent and twenty-five per cent; two thousand dollars in any case in which such rating is more than twenty-five per cent but not more than fifty per cent; twenty-five hundred dollars in any case in which such rating is more than fifty per cent but not more than seventy-five per cent; and three thousand dollars in any case in which such person has attained sixty-five years of age or such rating is more than seventy-five per cent; or (2) is receiving a pension, annuity or compensation from the United States because of the loss in service of a leg or arm or that which is considered by the rules of the United States Pension Office or the Bureau of War Risk Insurance the equivalent of such loss. If such veteran lacks such amount of property in his or her name, so much of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, his or her spouse, who is domiciled with him or her, as is necessary to equal such amount shall also be so exempt. When any veteran entitled to an exemption under the provisions of this section has died, property belonging to, or held in trust for, his or her surviving spouse, while such spouse remains a widow or widower, or belonging to or held in trust for his or her minor children during their minority, or both, while they are residents of this state, shall be exempt in the same aggregate amount as that to which the disabled veteran was or would have been entitled at the time of his or her death. No individual entitled to exemption under this subdivision and under one or more of subdivisions (19), (22), (23), (25) and (26) of this section shall receive more than one exemption. No individual shall receive any exemption to which he or she is entitled under this subdivision until he or she has complied with section 12-95 and until he or she has, in each year in which such exemption is being sought, submitted evidence satisfactory to the assessors as to his or her actual disability rating on the assessment day as of which such exemption is being sought, except that proof of disability of persons who have attained the age of sixty-five years or who have presented Veterans' Administration certificates showing permanent total disability need be filed but once. Any person who has been unable to submit evidence of disability rating in the manner required by this subdivision, or who has failed to submit such evidence as provided in section 12-95, may, when he or she obtains such evidence satisfactory to the assessors, make application to the collector of taxes within one year after he or she obtains such proof or within one year after the expiration of the time limited in section 12-95, as the case may be, for abatement in case the tax has not been paid, or for refund in case the whole tax has been paid, of such part or the whole of such tax as represents the service exemption. Such abatement or refund may be granted retroactively to include the assessment day next succeeding the date as of which such person was entitled to such disability rating as determined by the Veterans' Administration of the United States, but in no case shall any abatement or refund be made for a period greater than three years. The collector shall, after examination of such application, refer the same, with his recommendations thereon, to the board of selectmen of a town or to the corresponding authority of any other municipality, and shall certify to the amount of abatement or refund to which the applicant is entitled. Upon receipt of such application and certification, the selectmen or other duly constituted authority shall, in case the tax has not been paid, issue a certificate of abatement or, in case the whole tax has been paid, draw an order upon the treasurer in favor of such applicant for the amount without interest which represents the service exemption. Any action so taken by such selectmen or other authority shall be a matter of record and the tax collector shall be notified in writing of such action;

      (21) Disabled veteran with severe disability. (A) Disabilities. The dwelling house, and the lot whereupon the same is erected, belonging to or held in trust for any person who is a citizen and resident of this state, occupied as such person's domicile, shall be exempt from local property taxation to the extent of ten thousand dollars of its assessed valuation or, lacking said amount in property in such person's own name, so much of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, such person's spouse, who is domiciled with such person, as is necessary to equal said amount, if such person is a veteran who served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States and has been declared by the United States Veterans' Administration or its successors to have a service-connected disability from paraplegia or osteochondritis resulting in permanent loss of the use of both legs or permanent paralysis of both legs and lower parts of the body; or from hemiplegia and has permanent paralysis of one leg and one arm or either side of the body resulting from injury to the spinal cord, skeletal structure or brain or from disease of the spinal cord not resulting from any form of syphilis; or from total blindness as defined in section 12-92; or from the amputation of both arms, both legs, both hands or both feet, or the combination of a hand and a foot; sustained through enemy action, or resulting from accident occurring or disease contracted in such active service. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to include paraplegia or hemiplegia resulting from locomotor ataxia or other forms of syphilis of the central nervous system, or from chronic alcoholism, or to include other forms of disease resulting from the veteran's own misconduct which may produce signs and symptoms similar to those resulting from paraplegia, osteochondritis or hemiplegia. The loss of the use of one arm or one leg because of service related injuries specified in this subdivision shall qualify a veteran for a property tax exemption in the same manner as hereinabove, provided such exemption shall be for five thousand dollars;

      (B) Exemptions hereunder additional to others. Surviving spouse's rights. The exemption provided for in this subdivision shall be in addition to any other exemption of such person's real and personal property allowed by law, but no taxpayer shall be allowed more than one exemption under this subdivision. No person shall be entitled to receive any exemption under this subdivision until such person has satisfied the requirements of subdivision (20) of this section. The surviving spouse of any such person who at the time of such person's death was entitled to and had the exemption provided under this subdivision shall be entitled to the same exemption, (i) while such spouse remains a widow or widower, or (ii) upon the termination of any subsequent marriage of such spouse by dissolution, annulment or death and while a resident of this state, for the time that such person is the legal owner of and actually occupies a dwelling house and premises intended to be exempted hereunder. When the property which is the subject of the claim for exemption provided for in this subdivision is greater than a single family house, the assessor shall aggregate the assessment on the lot and building and allow an exemption of that percentage of the aggregate assessment which the value of the portion of the building occupied by the claimant bears to the value of the entire building;

      (C) Municipal option to allow total exemption for residence with respect to which veteran has received assistance for special housing under Title 38 of United States Code. Subject to the approval of the legislative body of the municipality, the dwelling house and the lot whereupon the same is erected, belonging to or held in trust for any citizen and resident of this state, occupied as such person's domicile shall be fully exempt from local property taxation, if such person is a veteran who served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States and has received financial assistance for specially adapted housing under the provisions of Section 801 of Title 38 of the United States Code and has applied such assistance toward the acquisition or modification of such dwelling house. The same exemption may also be allowed on such housing units owned by the surviving spouse of such veteran (i) while such spouse remains a widow or widower, or (ii) upon the termination of any subsequent marriage of such spouse by dissolution, annulment or death, or by such veteran and spouse while occupying such premises as a residence;

      (22) Surviving spouse or minor child of serviceman or veteran. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-89, 12-90 and 12-95, property to the amount of one thousand dollars belonging to, or held in trust for, any surviving spouse while such person remains a widow or widower, or a minor child or both, residing in this state, of one who has served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States or of any citizen of the United States who served in the military or naval service of a government allied or associated with the United States, as provided by subdivision (19) of this section, and has died either during his or her term of service or after receiving an honorable discharge therefrom, provided such amount shall be three thousand dollars if death was due to service and occurred while on active duty;

      (23) Serviceman's surviving spouse receiving federal benefits. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-89, 12-90 and 12-95, property to the amount of one thousand dollars belonging to, or held in trust for, any surviving spouse, while such spouse remains a widow or widower, resident of this state, of one who has served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States, which surviving spouse is receiving or has received a pension, annuity or compensation from the United States;

      (24) Surviving spouse and minor child of veteran receiving compensation from Veterans' Administration. The exemption from taxation granted by subdivision (22) of this section, to the amount of three thousand dollars allowable to the widow or widower or minor child or both of a veteran whose death was due to service and occurred on active duty shall be granted to any widow or widower drawing compensation from the Veterans' Administration, upon verification of such fact by letter from the Veterans' Administration;

      (25) Surviving parent of deceased serviceman or veteran. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-89, 12-90 and 12-95, property to the amount of one thousand dollars belonging to, or held in trust for, a sole surviving parent, while such parent remains a widow or widower, resident of this state, of one who has left no widow or widower, or whose widow or widower has remarried or died, and who has served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States as provided by subdivision (19) of this section and has died during his or her term of service or after receiving an honorable discharge therefrom, provided, property belonging to, or held in trust for, such parent of more than one serviceman or servicewoman who has left no widow or widower, or whose widow or widower has remarried or died, and who has served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States as provided in subdivision (19) of this section and has died during his or her term of service shall be subject to an exemption of one thousand dollars for each such serviceman or servicewoman;

      (26) Parents of veterans. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-89, 12-90 and 12-95, property to the amount of one thousand dollars belonging to, or held in trust for, any father or mother, resident of this state, of one who served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or Air Force of the United States as long as such father or mother receives, or has received, a pension, annuity or compensation from the United States; or if such parent lacks said amount of property in his own name, so much of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, his spouse, who is domiciled with him, as is necessary to equal said amount;

      (27) Property of Grand Army posts. Property owned by, or held in trust for, a Connecticut Grand Army post, provided the major use of such property shall be as a meeting place for its members or for the members of the Woman's Relief Corps or both, or provided the income from such property is being entirely devoted to its upkeep and improvement and to the relief of such soldiers of the Civil War or their dependents or both as are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits or pensions from the federal or state government or both;

      (28) Property of United States Army instructors. Subject to the provisions of sections 12-89, 12-90 and 12-95, property to the amount of one thousand dollars, which property belongs to, or is held in trust for, any resident or nonresident of this state who was in the regular Army of the United States on the assessment day and who has been detailed by the Secretary of the Army for duty in this state for the instruction of the Connecticut National Guard. Any person receiving the foregoing exemption shall be entitled to an additional exemption of two thousand dollars on tangible personal property belonging to, or held in trust for, him, which property is necessary or convenient for the use of such person in the performance of his official duties and which property shall consist of military equipment, horses, vehicles and furniture;

      (29) Property of American National Red Cross. Subject to the provisions of section 12-88, all real estate and tangible property owned by or held in trust for the American National Red Cross;

      (30) Fuel and provisions. Fuel and provisions for the use of any family;

      (31) Household furniture. Household furniture, used by or held in storage for and belonging to any family;

      (32) Private libraries. Private libraries and books;

      (33) Musical instruments. Musical instruments, inclusive of radios and television sets, used by and belonging to any family;

      (34) Watches and jewelry. Watches and jewelry used by any individual;

      (35) Wearing apparel. All other wearing apparel of every person and family;

      (36) Commercial fishing apparatus. Fishing apparatus belonging to any person or company to the value of five hundred dollars, providing such apparatus was purchased for use in the main business of such person or company at the time of purchase;

      (37) Mechanic's tools. Tools of a mechanic, actually used by him in his trade, to the value of five hundred dollars;

      (38) Farming tools. Farming tools actually and exclusively used in the business of farming on any farm to the value of five hundred dollars;

      (39) Farm produce. Produce of a farm, actually grown, growing or produced, including colts, calves and lambs, while owned and held by the producer or by a cooperative marketing corporation organized under the provisions of chapter 596, when delivered to it by such producer;

      (40) Sheep, goats and swine. Sheep, goats and swine owned and kept in this state;

      (41) Dairy and beef cattle, oxen, asses and mules. Dairy and beef cattle, oxen, asses and mules, owned and kept in this state;

      (42) Poultry. Poultry owned and kept in this state;

      (43) Cash. Cash on hand or on deposit;

      (44) Nursery products. Produce or products growing in any nursery, and any shrub and any forest, ornamental or fruit trees while growing in a nursery;

      (45) Property of units of Connecticut National Guard. The property of any unit of the Connecticut National Guard, while being used for military purposes, or for other public purposes;

      (46) Watercraft owned by nonresident. Repealed;

      (47) Carriages, wagons and bicycles. Carriages, wagons and bicycles, owned and used by any person but not held for sale or rent in the regular course of business;

      (48) Airport improvements. Improvements on or to the landing area of a privately-owned airport, provided the owner shall grant free use of such landing area to the general public for the landing, taking off and taxiing of aircraft and such airport shall have been approved and licensed for use by the Commissioner of Transportation, if a majority of those qualified to vote as provided by section 7-6 in the town wherein such airport is located, voting at a town meeting or general or special election warned for the purpose, so determine. The question of granting such exemption shall be submitted to the voters if a petition containing the names of at least ten per cent of such voters has been presented to the town clerk, who shall determine the sufficiency of such petition;

      (49) Nonprofit camps or recreational facilities for charitable purposes. Subject to the provisions of subdivision (7) of this section and section 12-88, real property and its equipment owned by or held in trust for any charitable corporation exclusively used as a nonprofit camp or recreational facility for charitable purposes; provided at least seventy-five per cent of the beneficiaries of its strictly charitable purposes using such property and equipment in each taxable year were bona fide residents of the state at the time of such use. During the month preceding the assessment date of the town or towns where such camp or facilities are located, such charitable corporation shall submit to the assessors of such town or towns a statement under oath in respect to such residence of such beneficiaries using such facilities during the taxable year ending with the month in which such statement is rendered, and, if the number of such beneficiaries so resident in Connecticut did not equal or exceed such seventy-five per cent, such real property and equipment shall not be exempt during the next ensuing taxable year. This subdivision shall not affect the exemption of any such real property or equipment of any such charitable corporation incorporated under the laws of this state granted prior to May 26, 1961, where such property and equipment was actually in use for such recreational purposes prior to said date;

      (50) Manufacturers' inventories. The monthly average quantity of goods of any manufacturing business, comprising raw materials, purchased parts and supplies acquired for consumption during the manufacture of or for incorporation in goods to be manufactured for sale in such business, goods in process of manufacture, and finished goods manufactured in and held for sale in such business, to the extent of forty per cent of their valuation for purposes of assessment in the year 1970, fifty per cent in the year 1971, sixty per cent in the year 1972, seventy per cent in the year 1973, eighty per cent in the year 1974, ninety per cent in the year 1975, and one hundred per cent in the year 1976 and each year thereafter. As used herein the term "manufacturing business" means a business the principal activity of which is the mechanical or chemical transformation of inorganic or organic substances into new products or the assembling of component parts of manufactured products;

      (51) Water pollution control structures and equipment. (a) Structures and equipment acquired by purchase or lease after July 1, 1965, for the treatment of industrial waste before the discharge thereof into any waters of the state or into any sewerage system emptying into such waters, the primary purpose of which is the reduction, control or elimination of pollution of such waters, certified as approved for such purpose by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection. For the purpose of this subdivision "industrial waste" means any harmful thermal effect or any liquid, gaseous or solid substance or combination thereof resulting from any process of industry, manufacture, trade or business, or from the development or recovery of any natural resource;

      (b) Any owner or lessee of such structures or equipment who wishes to claim the exemption provided under this subdivision for any assessment year shall, on or before the first day of November in such assessment year, file an application for such exemption with the assessor or board of assessors in the town in which such structures or equipment are located, in the form and manner said assessor or assessors shall prescribe, together with such certification by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, as required under subparagraph (a) of this subdivision. Failure to file such certification within the time limitation prescribed herein shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year. Such certification shall not be required for any assessment year following that for which initial certification is filed, provided if such structures and equipment are altered in any manner, such alteration shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such exemption until such certification, applicable with respect to the altered structures and equipment, is filed and the right to such exemption is established as required initially;

      (c) In the event there is a change in the name of the owner or lessee of any structure or equipment for which an exemption is granted pursuant to this subdivision, the new owner or lessee of such structure or equipment shall be required to file a revised application with the assessor or board of assessors on or before the first day of November immediately following the end of the assessment year during which such change occurs, except that for the assessment year commencing October 1, 2005, a revised application may be filed when there has been a change in the name of the owner or lessee of such structure or equipment during any assessment year and the exemption under this subdivision continued to be granted for each assessment year following such change. If such structures or equipment have not been altered in any manner, such new owner or lessee shall be entitled to a continuation of the exemption under this subdivision and shall not be required to obtain or provide a certification of approval from the Commissioner of Environmental Protection;

      (52) Structures and equipment for air pollution control. (a) Structures and equipment acquired by purchase or lease after July 1, 1967, for the primary purpose of reducing, controlling or eliminating air pollution, certified as approved for such purpose by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection. Said commissioner may certify to a portion of structures and equipment so acquired to the extent that such portion shall have as its primary purpose the reduction, control or elimination of air pollution;

      (b) Any owner or lessee of such structures or equipment who wishes to claim the exemption provided under this subdivision for any assessment year shall, on or before the first day of November in such assessment year, file an application for such exemption with the assessor or board of assessors in the town in which such structures and equipment are located, in the form and manner said assessor or assessors shall prescribe together with such certification by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, as required under subparagraph (a) of this subdivision. Failure to file such certification within the time limitation prescribed herein shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year. Such certification shall not be required for any assessment year following that for which initial certification is filed, provided if such structures and equipment are altered in any manner, such alteration shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such exemption until such certification, applicable with respect to the altered structures and equipment, is filed and the right to such exemption is established as required initially;

      (c) In the event there is a change in the name of the owner or lessee of any structure or equipment for which an exemption is granted pursuant to this subdivision, the new owner or lessee of such structure or equipment shall be required to file a revised application with the assessor or board of assessors on or before the first day of November immediately following the end of the assessment year during which such change occurs, except that for the assessment year commencing October 1, 2005, a revised application may be filed when there has been a change in the name of the owner or lessee of such structure or equipment during any assessment year and the exemption under this subdivision continued to be granted for each assessment year following such change. If such structures or equipment have not been altered in any manner, such new owner or lessee shall be entitled to a continuation of the exemption under this subdivision and shall not be required to obtain or provide a certification of approval from the Commissioner of Environmental Protection;

      (53) Motor vehicle of member of armed forces. (a) One motor vehicle belonging to, leased to or held in trust for, any member of the United States armed forces, if such motor vehicle is garaged inside or outside the state;

      (b) Any person claiming the exemption provided under this subdivision for any assessment year shall, not later than the thirty-first day of December next following the date on which property tax is due in such assessment year, file with the assessor or board of assessors, in the town in which such motor vehicle is registered, written application claiming such exemption on a form approved for such purpose by such assessor or board. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, any person claiming the exemption under this subdivision for a leased motor vehicle shall be entitled to a refund of the tax paid with respect to such vehicle, whether such tax was paid by the lessee or by the lessor pursuant to the terms of the lease. Upon approving such person's exemption claim, the assessor shall certify the amount of refund to which the applicant is entitled and shall notify the tax collector of such amount. The tax collector shall refer such certification to the board of selectmen in a town or to the corresponding authority in any other municipality. Upon receipt of such certification, the selectmen or such other authority shall draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of such person for the amount of refund so certified. Failure to file such application as prescribed herein with respect to any assessment year shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year.

      (54) Wholesale and retail business inventory. The monthly average quantity of goods of any wholesale and retail business to the extent of one-twelfth of their valuation for purposes of assessment in the year 1971, two-twelfths in the year 1972, three-twelfths in the year 1973, four-twelfths in the year 1974, five-twelfths in the year 1975, six-twelfths in the year 1976, seven-twelfths in the year 1977, eight-twelfths in the year 1978, nine-twelfths in the year 1979, ten-twelfths in the year 1980, eleven-twelfths in the year 1981 and one hundred per cent in the year 1982 and each year thereafter. As used in this subdivision, "wholesale and retail business" means a business the principal activity of which is making sales of tangible personal property with the object of gain, benefit or advantage, either direct or indirect;

      (55) Property of totally disabled persons. Property to the amount of one thousand dollars belonging to, or held in trust for, any resident of this state who (1) is eligible, in accordance with applicable federal regulations, to receive permanent total disability benefits under Social Security, (2) has not been engaged in employment covered by Social Security and accordingly has not qualified for benefits thereunder but who has become qualified for permanent total disability benefits under any federal, state or local government retirement or disability plan, including the Railroad Retirement Act and any government-related teacher's retirement plan, determined by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to contain requirements in respect to qualification for such permanent total disability benefits which are comparable to such requirements under Social Security, or (3) has attained age sixty-five or over and would be eligible in accordance with applicable federal regulations to receive permanent total disability benefits under Social Security or any such federal, state or local government retirement or disability plan as described in subparagraph (2) of this subdivision, except that such resident has attained age sixty-five or over and accordingly is no longer eligible to receive benefits under the disability benefit provisions of Social Security or such other plan because of payments received under retirement provisions thereof; or, lacking said amount of property in his own name, so much of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, his spouse, who is domiciled with him, as is necessary to equal said amount. Each assessor shall issue a certificate of correction with respect to the property of a person who would have been eligible, except for the provisions of section 40 of public act 03-6 of the June 30 special session*, to receive the exemption under this subdivision for the assessment year commencing October 1, 2003. Such certificate shall reduce the assessment of such eligible person's property by the amount of said exemption;

      (56) Active solar energy heating or cooling systems. (a) Subject to authorization of the exemption by ordinance in any municipality, any building, the construction of which is commenced on or after October 1, 1976, which is equipped with an active solar energy heating or cooling system, or any building to which a solar energy heating or cooling system is added on or after October 1, 1976, to the extent of the amount by which the assessed valuation of such real property equipped with such solar heating or cooling system exceeds the assessed valuation of such real property equipped with the conventional portion of the heating or cooling system, exclusive of any portion of such system related to solar energy, provided this exemption shall only apply to the first fifteen assessment years following construction of such building or addition of any such system to a building;

      (b) As used in this subdivision, "active solar energy heating or cooling system" means equipment which (1) provides for the collection, transfer, storage and use of incident solar energy for water heating, space heating or cooling which absent such solar energy system would require a conventional energy resource, such as petroleum products, natural gas or electricity, (2) employs mechanical means such as fans or pumps to transfer energy, and (3) meets standards established by regulation, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management;

      (c) Any person claiming the exemption provided in this subdivision for any assessment year shall, on or before the first day of November in such assessment year, file with the assessor or board of assessors in the town in which such real property is located written application claiming such exemption. Failure to file such application in the manner and form as provided by such assessor or board within the time limit prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year. Such application shall not be required for any assessment year following that for which the initial application is filed, provided if such solar energy heating or cooling system is altered in a manner which would require a building permit, such alteration shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such exemption until a new application, applicable with respect to such altered system, is filed and the right to such exemption is established as required initially;

      (57) Class I renewable energy sources, hydropower facilities, solar water or space heating systems and geothermal energy sources. (a) Any Class I renewable energy source, as defined in section 16-1, or any hydropower facility described in subdivision (27) of section 16-1, installed for the generation of electricity for private residential use or on a farm, as defined in subsection (q) of section 1-1, provided such installation occurs on or after October 1, 2007, and further provided such installation is for a single family dwelling, multifamily dwelling consisting of two to four units or a farm, or any passive or active solar water or space heating system or geothermal energy resource;

      (b) Any person claiming the exemption provided in this subdivision for any assessment year shall, on or before the first day of November in such assessment year, file with the assessor or board of assessors in the town in which such hydropower facility, Class I renewable energy source, or passive or active solar water or space heating system or geothermal energy resource is located, written application claiming such exemption. Failure to file such application in the manner and form as provided by such assessor or board within the time limit prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year. Such application shall not be required for any assessment year following that for which the initial application is filed, provided if such hydropower facility, Class I renewable energy source, or passive or active solar water or space heating system or geothermal energy resource is altered in a manner which would require a building permit, such alteration shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such exemption until a new application, applicable with respect to such altered source, is filed and the right to such exemption is established as required initially;

      (58) Property leased to a charitable, religious or nonprofit organization. Subject to authorization of the exemption by ordinance in any municipality, any real or personal property leased to a charitable, religious or nonprofit organization, exempt from taxation for federal income tax purposes, provided such property is used exclusively for the purposes of such charitable, religious or nonprofit organization and not otherwise exempt under this section;

      (59) Manufacturing facility in a distressed municipality, targeted investment community or enterprise zone. Designated manufacturing plant. Service facility. (a) Any manufacturing facility, as defined in section 32-9p, acquired, constructed, substantially renovated or expanded on or after July 1, 1978, in a distressed municipality, as defined in said section or in a targeted investment community, as defined in section 32-222, or in an enterprise zone designated pursuant to section 32-70 and for which an eligibility certificate has been issued by the Department of Economic and Community Development, and any manufacturing plant designated by the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development under subsection (a) of section 32-75c as follows: To the extent of eighty per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years following the assessment year in which the acquisition, construction, renovation or expansion of the manufacturing facility is completed, except that a manufacturing facility having a standard industrial classification code of 2833 or 2834 and having at least one thousand full-time employees, as defined in subsection (f) of section 32-9j, shall be eligible to have the assessment period extended for five additional years upon approval of the commissioner, in accordance with all applicable regulations, provided such full-time employees have not been relocated from another facility in the state operated by the same eligible applicant;

      (b) Any service facility, as defined in section 32-9p, acquired, constructed, substantially renovated or expanded on or after July 1, 1996, and for which an eligibility certificate has been issued by the Department of Economic and Community Development, as follows: (i) In the case of an investment of twenty million dollars or more but not more than thirty-nine million dollars in the service facility, to the extent of forty per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years following the assessment year in which the acquisition, construction, renovation or expansion of the service facility is completed; (ii) in the case of an investment of more than thirty-nine million dollars but not more than fifty-nine million dollars in the service facility, to the extent of fifty per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years following the assessment year in which the acquisition, construction, renovation or expansion of the service facility is completed; (iii) in the case of an investment of more than fifty-nine million dollars but not more than seventy-nine million dollars in the service facility, to the extent of sixty per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years following the assessment year in which the acquisition, construction, renovation or expansion of the service facility is completed; (iv) in the case of an investment of more than seventy-nine million dollars but not more than ninety million dollars in the service facility, to the extent of seventy per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years following the assessment year in which the acquisition, construction, renovation or expansion of the service facility is completed; or (v) in the case of an investment of more than ninety million dollars in the service facility, to the extent of eighty per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years following the assessment year in which the acquisition, construction, renovation or expansion of the service facility is completed, except that any financial institution, as defined in section 12-217u, having at least four thousand qualified employees, as determined in accordance with an agreement pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection (n) of section 12-217u, shall be eligible to have the assessment period extended for five additional years upon approval of the commissioner, in accordance with all applicable regulations, provided such full-time employees have not been relocated from another facility in the state operated by the same eligible applicant. In no event shall the definition of qualified employee be more favorable to the employer than the definition provided in section 12-217u;

      (c) The completion date of a manufacturing facility, manufacturing plant or a service facility will be determined by the Department of Economic and Community Development taking into account the issuance of occupancy certificates and such other factors as it deems relevant. In the case of a manufacturing facility, manufacturing plant or a service facility which consists of a constructed, renovated or expanded portion of an existing plant, the assessed valuation of the facility or manufacturing plant is the difference between the assessed valuation of the plant prior to its being improved and the assessed valuation of the plant upon completion of the improvements. In the case of a manufacturing facility, manufacturing plant or a service facility which consists of an acquired portion of an existing plant, the assessed valuation of the facility or manufacturing plant is the assessed valuation of the portion acquired. This exemption shall be applicable during each such assessment year regardless of any change in the ownership or occupancy of the facility or manufacturing plant. If during any such assessment year, however, any facility for which an eligibility certificate has been issued ceases to qualify as a manufacturing facility, manufacturing plant or a service facility, the entitlement to the exemption allowed by this subdivision shall terminate for the assessment year following the date on which the qualification ceases, and there shall not be a pro rata application of the exemption. Any person who desires to claim the exemption provided in this subdivision shall file annually with the assessor or board of assessors in the distressed municipality, targeted investment community or enterprise zone designated pursuant to section 32-70 in which the manufacturing facility or service facility is located, on or before the first day of November, written application claiming such exemption on a form prescribed by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management. Failure to file such application in this manner and form within the time limit prescribed shall constitute a waiver of the right to such exemption for such assessment year, unless an extension of time is allowed pursuant to section 12-81k, and upon payment of the required fee for late filing;

      (60) Machinery and equipment in a manufacturing facility in a distressed municipality, targeted investment community or enterprise zone. Machinery and equipment in a service facility. (a)(1) Machinery and equipment which represents an addition to the assessment or grand list of the municipality in which this exemption is claimed and is installed in any manufacturing facility, as defined in section 32-9p, which facility is or has been constructed, or substantially renovated or expanded on or after July 1, 1978, in a distressed municipality or targeted investment community or enterprise zone designated pursuant to section 32-70 and for which an eligibility certificate has been issued by the Department of Economic and Community Development, concurrently with and directly attributable to such construction, renovation or expansion, (2) machinery and equipment which represents an addition to the assessment or grand list of the municipality in which this exemption is claimed and is installed, or machinery and equipment existing, in any manufacturing facility, as defined in section 32-9p, which facility is or has been acquired on or after July 1, 1978, in a distressed municipality, targeted investment community or enterprise zone designated pursuant to section 32-70 and for which an eligibility certificate has been issued by the Department of Economic and Community Development, and (3) machinery and equipment acquired and installed on or after October 1, 1986, in a manufacturing facility that is or has at one time been certified as eligible for the exemption under this subparagraph in accordance with section 32-9r, and which continues to be used for manufacturing purposes, provided such machinery and equipment is installed in conjunction with an expansion program that satisfies the requirements for a manufacturing facility, as defined in section 32-9p, and is contiguous to and represents an increase in square feet of floor space of not less than fifty per cent of the floor space in the certified manufacturing facility, as follows: To the extent of eighty per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years for which the manufacturing facility in which it is installed qualifies for an exemption under subdivision (59) of this section, except that a facility having a code classification 2833 or 2834 in the Standard Industrial Code Classification Manual, United States Office of Management and Budget, 1987 edition, wherein at least one thousand new full-time employees, as defined in subsection (f) of section 32-9j, are employed, shall be eligible to have the assessment period under this subdivision extended for five additional years upon approval of the commissioner, provided the commissioner approves an extension of the assessment period under subdivision (59) of this section for said facility;

      (b) (1) Machinery and equipment which represents an addition to the assessment or grand list of the municipality in which this exemption is claimed and is installed in any service facility, as defined in section 32-9p, which facility is or has been constructed, or substantially renovated or expanded on or after July 1, 1996, and for which an eligibility certificate has been issued by the Department of Economic and Community Development, concurrently with and directly attributable to such construction, renovation or expansion, (2) machinery and equipment which represents an addition to the assessment or grand list of the municipality in which this exemption is claimed and is installed, or machinery and equipment existing, in any service facility, as defined in section 32-9p, which facility is or has been acquired on or after July 1, 1996, and for which an eligibility certificate has been issued by the department, and (3) machinery and equipment acquired and installed on or after July 1, 1996, in a service facility that is or has at one time been certified as eligible for the exemption under this subparagraph in accordance with section 32-9r and which continues to be used for service purposes, provided such machinery and equipment is installed in conjunction with an expansion program that satisfies the requirements for a service facility, as defined in section 32-9p, and is contiguous to and represents an increase in square feet of floor space of not less than fifty per cent of the floor space in the certified service facility, as follows: (i) In the case of an investment of twenty million dollars or more but not more than thirty-nine million dollars in the service facility, to the extent of forty per cent of its valuation for purposes of assessment in each of the five full assessment years for which the service facility in which it is installed qualifies for an exemption under subdivision (59) of this section; (ii) in the case of an investment of more than thirty-nine million dollars but not more than fifty-nine million dollars in the service facility, to the extent of fifty per cent of its v

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