Sec. 12-98. Classification of land stocked with trees not more than ten years old. Conversion to forest land classification.
Sec. 12-98. Classification of land stocked with trees not more than ten years
old. Conversion to forest land classification. Land fully stocked with forest trees not
more than ten years old, except scattered older trees the value of which for timber does
not increase the assessed value of the property, land incompletely or partially stocked
with forest trees not more than ten years old, when planted with a sufficient number of
additional trees to assure a spacing of approximately eight by eight feet over the entire
area, and open land planted with forest trees not less than seven hundred to the acre,
provided in each case the trees planted shall be ash, chestnut, maple, oak, tulip, white
pine, red pine, Scotch pine, European larch or Norway spruce, or any other kinds of
trees approved by the State Forester, and provided the State Forester shall approve the
manner in which the trees are planted, may be classified as forest land as specified in
section 12-96, and shall thereafter be taxed annually at the local rate, but not more than
ten mills in any case, on a valuation of the land alone established and reestablished by
the assessors of the town as provided in section 12-97. Whenever a cutting has been
made, except as specified in section 12-100, a yield tax of ten per cent shall be levied
on the value of the material removed, such value to be determined as provided in section
12-100. Whenever a timber crop has been removed, either in one or several cuttings,
and the land reforested, either naturally or by planting, such land may be reclassified
upon application by the owner, or the existing classification may be continued and tax
collected on the established valuation as hereinbefore provided for the balance of the
uncompleted valuation period. If the existing classification is continued, a revaluation
shall be made at the end of such uncompleted period and taxes thereafter assessed as
hereinbefore provided. Any owner of land classified under this section may, on or after
October 1, 1972, but prior to October 1, 1973, convert to the provisions of section 12-107d without penalty. Any such owner desiring such conversion shall notify the board
of assessors of the town in which the land is located by registered mail.
(1949 Rev., S. 1782; 1949, S. 1068d; 1971, P.A. 697, S. 3.)
History: 1971 act allowed conversion to provisions of Sec. 12-107d without penalty between October 1, 1972, and
October 1, 1973, by notifying assessors of town where land located by registered mail.
See Sec. 12-107d re classification of land as forest land.