Sec. 12-559. Personnel, classified and unclassified; criminal history records checks, residence requirements.
Sec. 12-559. Personnel, classified and unclassified; criminal history records
checks, residence requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-8, the
executive director shall, with the advice and consent of the board, appoint unit heads
for each of the units created within the division, who shall be exempt from classified
service. Each unit head shall be qualified and experienced in the functions to be performed by such unit head. The executive director may employ division stewards for
thoroughbred racing, division judges for harness racing, greyhound racing and jai alai,
and division veterinarians who shall be exempt from classified service, and may employ,
subject to the provisions of chapter 67, such clerks, stenographers, inspectors, agents
and other employees, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
The executive director shall require such persons to submit to state and national criminal
history records checks before being employed. The criminal history records checks
required pursuant to this section shall be conducted in accordance with section 29-17a.
All persons employed pursuant to this section, with the exception of any steward, judge
or veterinarian, shall be residents of the state at the time of and during the full term of
their employment.
(1971, P.A. 865, S. 3; P.A. 73-652, S. 1, 2; P.A. 75-172, S. 1, 2; P.A. 79-404, S. 10, 45; P.A. 01-175, S. 3, 32.)
History: P.A. 73-652 made appointment of clerks, stenographers, inspectors, agents etc. subject to the provisions of
chapter 67 but exempted others from classified service, increased personnel to include assistant directors, assistants to
executive secretary and chiefs of thoroughbred racing, harness racing, greyhound racing and jai alai, required fingerprinting
of all personnel and exempted stewards, judges and veterinarians from residency requirement; P.A. 75-172 included
stewards, judges and veterinarians in employment provision and exempted them from classified service; P.A. 79-404 gave
power to employ personnel to executive director with advice and consent of gaming policy board, substituted references
to division of special revenue for references to commission on special revenue where appropriate, replaced references to
divisions with "units" to avoid confusion with division of special revenue and deleted provisions re powers of executive
secretary; P.A. 01-175 made technical changes for the purposes of gender neutrality and replaced provisions re fingerprinting with provisions re criminal history records checks pursuant to Sec. 29-17a, effective July 1, 2001.
Cited. 224 C. 693.