Sec. 13b-69. Expenditure of resources of Special Transportation Fund.
Sec. 13b-69. Expenditure of resources of Special Transportation Fund. (a) The
Treasurer shall apply the resources in the Special Transportation Fund, upon their receipt, first, to pay or provide for the payment of debt service requirements, as defined
in section 13b-75, at such time or times, in such amount or amounts and in such manner,
as provided by the proceedings authorizing the issuance of special tax obligation bonds
pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, and then to pay from the Transportation
Strategy Board projects account of the Special Transportation Fund, established under
section 13b-57r, the incremental revenues identified in approved annual financing plans
for cash funding in accordance with the provisions of section 13b-57q.
(b) The remaining resources of the Special Transportation Fund shall, pursuant to
appropriation thereof in accordance with chapter 50 and subject to approval by the
Governor of allotment thereof, be applied and expended for (1) payment of the principal
of and interest on "general obligation bonds of the state issued for transportation purposes", as defined in subsection (c) of this section, or any obligations refunding the
same, (2) payment of state budget appropriations made to or for the Department of
Transportation and the Department of Motor Vehicles, and (3) payment of state budget
appropriations made to or for the Department of Public Safety for members of the Division of State Police designated by the Commissioner of Public Safety for motor patrol
work pursuant to section 29-4, except that (A) for the fiscal years commencing on or
after July 1, 1998, excluding the highway motor patrol budgeted expenses and (B) for
the fiscal years commencing on or after July 1, 1999, excluding the highway motor
patrol fringe benefits.
(c) As used in this section, "general obligation bonds of the state issued for transportation purposes" means the aggregate principal amount, as determined by the Secretary
of the Office of Policy and Management, of state general obligation bonds authorized
for transportation purposes pursuant to the following authorizations issued and outstanding at any time: Special acts 406 of the 1959 session; 328 of the 1961 session, as amended;
362 of the 1963 session, as amended; 245 of the February 1965 special session, as
amended; 276 and 315 of the 1967 session, as amended; 255 and 281 of the 1969 session;
31 of the 1972 session, as amended; 73-74, as amended; 74-43; 74-102, as amended;
75-101; 76-84, as amended; 77-47; 78-70; 78-71, as amended; 78-81, as amended; 79-95; 80-41; 81-71; 82-46, as amended; 83-17 of the June special session; and 83-2 and
83-3 of the October special session; sections 4-66c; 13a-20; 13a-29; 13a-32 to 13a-35,
inclusive; 13a-157; 13a-165; 13a-166; 13a-176 to 13a-192, inclusive; 13a-197; 13a-198a to 13a-198j, inclusive; 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive; 16-338; 16a-40j and 16a-40k; and section 28 of public act 132 of 1959*, sections 8 and 13 of public act 325 of
the February 1965 special session*, as amended; sections 4 and 5 of public act 755 of
1969*, as amended; and section 1 of public act 80-392*.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-30, S. 4, 8; P.A. 84-254, S. 3, 62; P.A. 88-115, S. 1, 2; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-3, S. 29, 168;
P.A. 93-80, S. 45, 67; P.A. 96-180, S. 148, 166; P.A. 97-62, S. 8; 97-309, S. 4, 23; 97-322, S. 7, 9; P.A. 04-143, S. 30; 04-149, S. 4.)
*Note: section 28 of public act 132 of 1959, sections 8 and 13 of public act 325 of the February 1965 special session,
as amended, sections 4 and 5 of public act 755 of 1969, as amended, and section 1 of public act 80-392 are special in nature
and therefore have not been codified but remain in full force and effect according to their terms.
History: P.A. 84-254 divided section into Subsecs., added Subsec. (a) requiring resources of special transportation fund
to be applied first to payment of debt service requirements, added Subsec. (b)(1) and (2), re required purposes for expenditure
of remaining resources of fund and added Subsec. (c) defining "general obligation bonds of the state issued for transportation
purposes"; P.A. 88-115 amended Subsec (b) to allow remaining resources of the special transportation fund to be applied
and expended for state budget appropriations made "for" the department of transportation; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-3 amended
Subsec. (b) to authorize use of fund's resources for payment of appropriations to or for department of motor vehicles; P.A.
93-80 added Subsec. (b)(3) authorizing use of fund's resources for payment of appropriations to or for department of public
safety for members of division of state police designated by commissioner of public safety for motor patrol work pursuant
to Sec. 29-4, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 96-180 amended Subsec. (c) to delete reference to repealed Secs. 13a-156, 13a-160 and 13a-214, effective June 3, 1996; P.A. 97-62 deleted reference to Secs. 13a-199, 13a-202, 13a-204, 13a-206, 13a-207, 13a-208 and 13a-218; P.A. 97-309 amended Subsec. (b)(3) to add exception Subpara. (A) re highway motor patrol
budgeted expenses and Subpara. (B) re highway motor patrol fringe benefits, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 97-322 changed
effective date of P.A. 97-309 but without affecting this section; P.A. 04-143 and P.A. 04-149 both amended Subsec. (a)
to provide that resources in Special Transportation Fund shall be applied to pay incremental revenues from Transportation
Strategy Board projects account only after applied to payment of debt service requirements, effective May 21, 2004.