Sec. 13b-79b. Reports concerning the Special Transportation Fund.
Sec. 13b-79b. Reports concerning the Special Transportation Fund. The Commissioner of Transportation shall prepare a report not later than October 1, 1984, and
annually thereafter, with respect to the Special Transportation Fund established under
section 13b-68. Each such report shall, for the preceding twelve-month period, (1) specify the moneys credited to such fund on account of, or derived from, each source of state
and federal revenue, (2) specify the amount of investment earnings from the fund, (3)
specify the moneys from such fund applied and expended for (A) the payment of debt
service requirements, as defined in section 13b-75, (B) the payment of the principal of
and interest on general obligation bonds of the state issued for transportation purposes,
as defined in section 13b-69, and (C) each budgeted account under the annual budget
appropriation made to the Department of Transportation, (4) specify the number of lane
miles of state and local roadway repaved, the status of the state and local bridge programs, the status of intrastate and interstate highway programs and the interstate trade-in program and mass transportation and aeronautics programs and (5) specify the amount
of all expenditures from the Special Transportation Fund for the purchase of highway
related equipment. The commissioner shall notify the joint standing committees of the
General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to finance, revenue and bonding, transportation and appropriations and the budgets of state agencies of the availability
of the report. A requesting member of such a committee shall be sent a written copy or
electronic storage media of the report by the commissioner.
(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-30, S. 7, 8; S.A. 84-40, S. 5; P.A. 91-34, S. 2; P.A. 96-222, S. 5; P.A. 97-304, S. 6; P.A. 98-222, S. 5.)
History: S.A. 84-40 required quarterly reports beginning October 1, 1984, replacing provision which had required an
annual report submitted not later than March first, specified contents of report and made technical changes in designated
committees' titles; P.A. 91-34 changed frequency of reports from quarterly to semiannually; P.A. 96-222 required that
reports be submitted annually rather than semiannually; P.A. 97-304 amended Subdiv. (4) to require reports to specify
"status of the state and local bridge programs", deleted Subpara. designators and deleted requirement to specify in reports
number and location of state and local bridges rehabilitated, project costs, timeliness of completion, any problems developed
in implementation, schedule of projects remaining and expected costs, and substituted "programs" for "projects", and
deleted Subdiv. (6) re reports on the number of new positions for the department and a description of the responsibilities
of each such position; P.A. 98-222 replaced the requirement that the commissioner submit a report with a requirement that
the commissioner give notification that the report is available upon request in a written format or as electronic storage media.