Sec. 13b-79z. Annual report re implementation status of transportation projects and initiatives.
Sec. 13b-79z. Annual report re implementation status of transportation projects and initiatives. (a) On or before December 1, 2007, and annually thereafter, the
Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, after consultation with the Commissioner of Transportation and the board, shall submit a report to the Governor and to the
General Assembly on the implementation status of the projects funded under subsection
(a) of section 3-20a, subsection (c) of section 4-66c, subdivision (4) of subsection (a)
of section 13b-57d, sections 13b-57e and 13b-57g, subsection (a) of section 13b-57j,
subsection (b) of section 13b-57l, section 13b-61a, subdivision (3) of section 13b-78k,
section 13b-78n, subsection (a) of section 13b-78p, sections 13b-79o to 13b-79z, inclusive, or 32-6k, sections 19, 24, 25 or 33 to 35, inclusive, of public act 06-136* or special
act 05-4 of the June special session. Such report shall include the status, including the
financial status, of each project, the project schedules and anticipated completion dates,
an explanation of any obstacles to completing such projects and any planned revisions
to such projects.
(b) During the month of December of each year, the joint standing committees of
the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to transportation, finance,
revenue and bonding and planning and development shall meet with the Commissioners
of Transportation and Economic and Community Development and the Secretary of the
Office of Policy and Management and such other persons as they deem appropriate to
consider the report required by subsection (a) of this section.
(P.A. 06-136, S. 27.)
*Note: Sections 19, 24, 25 and 33 to 35, inclusive, of public act 06-136 are special in nature and therefore have not
been codified but remain in full force and effect according to their terms.
History: P.A. 06-136 effective July 1, 2006.