Sec. 13b-292. (Formerly Sec. 16-119a). Private crossings; protection requirements.
Sec. 13b-292. (Formerly Sec. 16-119a). Private crossings; protection requirements. (a) For the purposes of this section, private crossing means any private way,
private drive or any facility other than a public highway for the use of pedestrians, motor
vehicles or other types of conveyances, which crosses at grade any railroad track. No
private crossing shall be established, except that the Commissioner of Transportation
may authorize the establishment of a private crossing if it is deemed necessary for the
economic welfare of the community but only after imposing specific requirements for
the protection of persons using the crossing. The cost of meeting such protection requirements shall be borne by the party requesting such private crossing or the town, city or
borough in which such crossing is located may, in its discretion, assume all or part of
such cost. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a private crossing used by a
railroad company in connection with its operation or for access to its facilities.
(b) Each town, city or borough shall erect and maintain traffic control devices within
the limits of the railroad right-of-way at each private crossing, or each town, city or
borough shall require the person, association or corporation that owns or has the right
to use such crossing to erect and maintain such traffic control devices at each private
crossing. Such order shall specify the time within which such protective measures shall
be installed. Upon failure of a person, association or corporation to comply with an
order issued pursuant to this subsection, the required installation shall be made by the
authority issuing such order and the expense of such installation shall be a lien on premises owned by such person, association or corporation. If under the provisions of subsection (d) of this section the Commissioner of Transportation and the State Traffic Commission order the erection of traffic control devices at a private crossing and the town,
city or borough within which such crossing is located fails to erect or have erected such
devices within one hundred eighty days of such order, the Commissioner of Transportation and the State Traffic Commission shall order the railroad to erect such devices and
the expense of such erection shall be a lien on premises owned by the person, association
or corporation that owns or has the right to use such crossing. If the Commissioner of
Transportation and the State Traffic Commission prescribe traffic control measures in
addition to traffic control devices, the town, city or borough shall invoke the provisions
of this subsection for the purpose of complying with such order, and the cost of such
compliance, if one thousand dollars or less, shall be borne one-half by the town, city or
borough and one-half by the property owner and, if over one thousand dollars, shall be
borne one-sixth by the town, city or borough, one-sixth by the state, one-third by the
property owner, and one-third by the railroad.
(c) The town, city or borough within which any private way leads to a private crossing from a town, city or borough highway, and the Commissioner of Transportation, in
the case of any private way which leads to a private crossing from a state highway, shall
erect and maintain at the entrance to such private way a suitable sign warning of the
railroad grade crossing.
(d) The State Traffic Commission and the Commissioner of Transportation shall
prescribe the nature of traffic control devices and traffic control measures to be erected
at each private crossing and at approaches to such private crossings.
(e) The Commissioner of Transportation shall make all necessary orders for the
closing of any private crossing if the commissioner finds that the necessity for such
crossing has ceased or that such private crossing constitutes a hazard to public safety.
The commissioner may order the consolidation into one crossing of two or more private
crossings located in close proximity to each other.
(f) The provisions of section 13b-281 shall apply to private crossings.
(g) Representatives of towns, cities, boroughs, railroads and state agencies may
enter private ways, drives or other facilities to the extent required to perform their duties
pursuant to this section.
(h) Any person who fails to comply with traffic control measures installed pursuant
to this section shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars.
(1961, P.A. 513; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 222; P.A. 75-486, S. 1, 69; P.A. 77-614, S. 571, 587, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 85, 136;
P.A. 03-115, S. 74.)
History: 1969 act substituted in Subsec. (c) "commissioner of transportation" for "state highway commissioner"; P.A.
75-486 substituted "public utilities control authority" for "public utilities commission" and "authority" for "commission"
where appearing, effective December 1, 1975; P.A. 77-614 and P.A. 78-303 substituted "commissioner of transportation"
for "public utilities control authority" where appearing and "commissioner" for "authority" in Subsec. (e), effective January
1, 1979; in 1981 Sec. 16-119a transferred to Sec. 13b-292; P.A. 03-115 made technical changes in Subsecs. (a), (b), (d),
(e) and (g).
Annotations to former section 16-119a:
Test under this section is whether in fact at the time of examination the road is other than a public highway. Regardless
of its early history, the record supports the conclusion the road in dispute is now a public highway. 154 C. 674.
Subsec. (b):
Municipality not liable to individual for failure to maintain traffic control device. 25 CS 124.
Annotations to present section:
Cited. 33 CA 775.