All such spaces shall be designated as reserved for exclusive use by handicapped persons
and identified by the use of signs in accordance with subsection (h) of this section. Such
parking spaces shall be adjacent to curb cuts or other unobstructed methods permitting
sidewalk access to a blind or handicapped person and shall be fifteen feet wide, including
three feet of cross hatch, or be parallel to a sidewalk. The provisions of this subsection
shall not apply (1) in the event the State Building Code imposes more stringent requirements as to the size of the private parking area in which special parking spaces are
required or as to the number of special parking spaces required or (2) in the event a
municipal ordinance imposes more stringent requirements as to the size of existing
private parking areas in which special parking spaces are required or as to the number
of special parking spaces required.
(h) Parking spaces designated for the handicapped on or after October 1, 1979, and
prior to October 1, 2004, shall be as near as possible to a building entrance or walkway
and shall be fifteen feet wide including three feet of cross hatch, or parallel to a sidewalk
on a public highway. On and after October 1, 2004, parking spaces for passenger motor
vehicles designated for the handicapped shall be as near as possible to a building entrance
or walkway and shall be fifteen feet wide including five feet of cross hatch. On and after
October 1, 2004, parking spaces for passenger vans designated for the handicapped shall
be as near as possible to a building entrance or walkway and shall be sixteen feet wide
including eight feet of cross hatch. Such spaces shall be designated by above grade signs
with white lettering against a blue background and shall bear the words "handicapped
parking permit required" and "violators will be fined". Such sign shall also bear the
international symbol of access. When such a sign is replaced, repaired or erected it shall
indicate the minimum fine for a violation of subsection (f) of this section. Such indicator
may be in the form of a notice affixed to such a sign.
(i) Any public parking garage or terminal, as defined in the State Building Code,
constructed under a building permit application filed on or after October 1, 1985, and
prior to October 1, 2004, shall have nine feet six inches' vertical clearance at a primary
entrance and along the route to at least two parking spaces which conform with the
requirements of subsection (h) of this section and which have nine feet six inches'
vertical clearance unless an exemption has been granted pursuant to the provisions of
subsection (b) of section 29-269. Each public parking garage or terminal, as defined in
the State Building Code, constructed under a building permit application filed on or
after October 1, 2004, shall have eight feet two inches' vertical clearance at a primary
entrance and along the route to at least two parking spaces for passenger vans which
conform with the requirements of subsection (h) of this section and which have eight
feet two inches' vertical clearance unless an exemption has been granted pursuant to
the provisions of subsection (b) of section 29-269.
(j) The commissioner may suspend or revoke any plate or placard issued pursuant
to this section when, after affording the person to whom such plate or placard was issued
an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with chapter 54, the commissioner or his
representative determines that such person has used or permitted the use of such plate
or placard in a manner which violates the provisions of this section.
(k) Nothing in this section may be construed to allow a blind person or a person
with disabilities who is a bona fide resident of the state to park in a public or private
area reserved for the exclusive use of handicapped persons as provided in this section
if such person does not display upon or within his vehicle a plate or placard issued
pursuant to this section.
(l) Violation of any provision of this section shall, for a first violation, be subject
to a fine of one hundred fifty dollars, and for a subsequent violation, be subject to a fine
of two hundred fifty dollars.
(m) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles shall adopt regulations in accordance
with the provisions of chapter 54, to carry out the provisions of this chapter and to
establish a uniform system for the issuance, renewal and regulation of special license
plates, removable windshield placards and temporary removable windshield placards.
Such plates and placards shall be used only by persons to whom such plates and placards
are issued.
(P.A. 76-427, S. 1-3; P.A. 77-366, S. 1, 2; P.A. 79-144; P.A. 80-367, S. 1-3; 80-466, S. 23, 25; P.A. 81-172, S. 14;
P.A. 82-420, S. 1, 4; P.A. 83-412, S. 2, 5; P.A. 84-377, S. 1, 4; 84-546, S. 44, 173; P.A. 85-206; P.A. 86-103; 86-388, S.
27, 31; P.A. 87-304, S. 3; P.A. 88-32, S. 1, 2; P.A. 89-74, S. 2; P.A. 90-300, S. 1, 2, 8; P.A. 94-189, S. 16; P.A. 95-325,
S. 12, 16; P.A. 99-268, S. 24, 25, 34, 44; P.A. 00-169, S. 18, 19, 22, 34, 36; P.A. 02-70, S. 55; P.A. 04-199, S. 19; 04-237,
S. 1; P.A. 06-130, S. 14; P.A. 07-52, S. 1; P.A. 08-184, S. 14.)
History: P.A. 77-366 included reference to vehicles with special license plates in Subsec. (c) and clarified parking
permission for vehicles with special plates in Subsec. (e); P.A. 79-144 greatly expanded provisions, revising Subsec. (a),
inserting new Subsec. (b), revising former Subsec. (b) and redesignating it as (c), inserting new Subsec. (d), revising former
Subsec. (c) and redesignating it as (e), deleting former Subsecs. (d) and (e), inserting new Subsecs. (f) to (i), replacing
former provision for $99 maximum fine with statement that violation is an infraction in former Subsec. (f) and redesignating
it as Subsec. (j); P.A. 80-367 amended Subsec. (c) to delete reference to plates in provision re display and to add provision
prohibiting use of plate for special parking privileges when car not conveying handicapped person and amended Subsec.
(e) to add provisions re parking spaces in parking areas for two hundred or more cars; P.A. 80-466 replaced references to
set of plates in Subsec. (b) with reference to single plate; P.A. 81-172 amended Subsec. (a) by providing for a five-year,
rather than one-year validity period for a special parking identification card; P.A. 82-420 allowed nonprofit organizations
that transport handicapped persons to obtain special parking identification cards; P.A. 83-412 deleted all references to
nonprofit organizations which transport handicapped persons, thereby eliminating their parking privileges, provided for
the phase-out of the special "HP" license plate and its replacement by a special international symbol of access license plate
and provided that the provisions of Subsec. (e) are not applicable where an ordinance or state building code specifies more
stringent requirements re size of parking area or number of special parking spaces; P.A. 84-377 amended Subsec. (a) to
provide for a fee of $2 for the original issuance and renewal of special parking identification cards, a period of validity of
two, rather than five, years for such cards and different colors for renewal cards, specific information in the physician's
certification of impairment of ability to walk, authorization for commissioner to require additional certification, submission
of notorized statement or personal appearance by applicant to request identification and issuance of temporary special
parking identification cards, amended Subsec. (b) to provide that special license plates may bear letters or any combination
of numerals or letters and that identification issued be returned upon death or change in legal residence to another state,
amended Subsec. (d) to provide for towing of vehicles parked in violation of Subsec. (d) for third or subsequent time and
impounding of such vehicles, amended Subsec. (f)to require a warning and the international symbol of access in above
grade signs, and amended Subsec. (g)to insert new language re required vertical clearance for parking garages or terminals
constructed on and after October 1, 1985, relettering remaining Subsecs. accordingly; P.A. 84-546 made technical change
in Subsec. (j); P.A. 85-206 amended Subsec. (g), requiring that parking spaces in garages or terminals conform with the
requirements of Subsec. (f); P.A. 86-103 permitted the issuance of special parking identification cards to blind persons
and permitted the issuance of special license plates to handicapped persons who own motorcycles; P.A. 86-388 amended
Subsecs. (a) to (c), inclusive, substituting "number" plate for license plate and including reference to issuance of a set of
plates in accordance with provisions of Sec. 14-21b(a); P.A. 87-304 amended Subsec. (b) to increase fee for issuance of
special number plate from $5 to $10 and exempt any handicapped person who transfers an unexpired registration and
replaces number plate with special plate from payment of fees for transfer or replacement; P.A. 88-32 amended Subsec.
(a) to require M.D. certification of blindness or "permanent" impairment of ability to walk only at time of original application
and amended Subsec. (k) to require that the fine for violation of Subsec. (d) be a minimum of $85; P.A. 89-74 amended
Subsec. (a) to permit optometrists to certify blindness at the time of original application and to delete requirement that
permanent impairment of walking ability be certified at time original application is made; P.A. 90-300 amended Subsec.
(e) to add two subdivision designations in the last sentence re exceptions and to insert new language as Subdiv. (2) "in the
event a municipal ordinance imposes more stringent requirements as to the size of existing private parking areas ..." and
amended Subsec. (g) to insert "public" before "parking garage or terminal" and "as defined in the state building code"
thereafter, to require that vertical clearance be provided at a primary entrance and to add language concerning an exemption
granted pursuant to Sec. 29-269(b); P.A. 94-189 substantially revised provisions of section deleting former Subsecs. (a),
(b), (c) and (j) re special parking identification cards and license plates with new provisions, relettering former Subsecs.
(d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (k) accordingly and making technical changes; P.A. 95-325 amended Subsec. (f) to specify
when ambulances transporting patients may park in reserved area, effective July 13, 1995; P.A. 99-268 amended Subsec.
(b) by allowing the commissioner to accept discharge papers of a disabled veteran for establishing that such veteran meets
the definition of a person with disabilities which limit or impair the ability to walk, amended Subsec. (e) to revise provisions
re parking without penalty in legally permissible parking areas for unlimited periods of time, notwithstanding periods
indicated by parking meters or signs, and amended Subsec. (h) by increasing designated parking space size from 15 feet
wide, including 3 feet of cross hatch, to 16 feet wide, including 7 feet of cross hatch, and by requiring parking space signs
to indicate the minimum fine for a violation of Subsec. (f); P.A. 00-169 amended Subsec. (a)(2) by removing provision
stating a placard is valid for a period of five years from the date of issuance, Subsec. (b) by deleting reference to the $5
fee re applications and renewal applications for special license plates and removable windshield placards, and by adding
a provision requiring a $5 fee for temporary removable windshield placard, effective October 1, 2000, and Subsec. (h) by
changing parking space size requirements from "sixteen feet wide including seven feet of cross hatch" to "fifteen feet wide
including three feet of cross hatch", effective June 1, 2000, and revised effective date of P.A. 99-268 but without affecting
this section; P.A. 02-70 amended Subsec. (b) to make a technical change, effective July 1, 2002; P.A. 04-199 amended
Subsec. (b) to permit advanced practice registered nurse to certify disabilities which limit or impair ability to walk re
applications for special license plates and removable windshield placards and to certify that such disabilities meet definition
under federal law, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-237 amended Subsec. (h) to insert "and prior to October 1, 2004," and
to add requirements re parking spaces for passenger motor vehicles and passenger vans designated for the handicapped,
and amended Subsec. (i) to make a technical change, to provide that requirement re 9 feet 6 inches' vertical clearance for
public parking garages or terminals apply to those constructed under a building permit application filed on or after October
1, 1985, and prior to October 1, 2004, and to add 8 feet 2 inches' vertical clearance requirements for public parking garages
or terminals constructed under a building permit application filed on or after October 1, 2004; P.A. 06-130 amended Subsec.
(b) to provide that commissioner is not required to issue more than one placard per applicant, amended Subsec. (d) by
removing requirement that commissioner issue an additional placard to an applicant who has no special license plates and
made a technical change in Subsec. (l), effective June 2, 2006; P.A. 07-52 amended Subsec. (l) by replacing infraction and
minimum fine provisions with a fine of $150 for a first violation and a fine of $250 for a subsequent violation; P.A. 08-184 amended Subsec. (b) by adding "physician's assistant" to health care providers who may issue certification of disability.
See Sec. 14-325b re refueling privileges for handicapped persons.