Where W = overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the
nearest five hundred pounds, L = distance in feet between the extreme of any group of
two or more consecutive axles, and N = number of axles in group under consideration,
except that two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load of sixty-eight
thousand pounds, provided the overall distance between the first and last axles of such
consecutive sets of tandem axles is thirty-six feet or more.
(c) The weight per inch width of tire on any single vehicle or combination of vehicles
equipped with pneumatic tires, when loaded, shall be not more than six hundred pounds.
The sum of the widths of all the tires on a wheel or combination of wheels shall be taken
in determining tire width. For the purposes of this section, the width of pneumatic tires
shall be determined in conformity with the manufacturer's designated width on the tire.
A vehicle or combination of vehicles equipped with any solid rubber tires shall not have
weights more than eighty per cent of those permitted in this section for pneumatic tires.
The width of solid rubber tires shall be ascertained by measuring the width of the tire
base channel or between the flanges of the metal rim. No vehicle equipped with solid
tires which have at any point less than one inch of rubber above the top or beyond the
flange or rim shall be operated upon a public highway.
(d) The owner of any vehicle or other object operated or moved over any highway
or bridge in violation of any provision of this section shall be liable for all damages to
such highway or bridge resulting from such violation and such damages may be recovered in an action at law by the authority in charge of the maintenance of such highway
or bridge.
(e) No person shall operate any commercial motor vehicle, nor shall the owner or
lessee of any commercial motor vehicle allow such motor vehicle to be operated, on
any public highway or bridge, when the combined weight of vehicle and load exceeds
the gross weight, as registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles, the tire capacity
or the axle load, except that the gross vehicle weight shall not exceed eighty thousand
pounds, or as provided by statute, or, in the case of a vehicle registered in any other
state or country, as so registered or provided in such state or country or as designated
as legal for a like motor vehicle of Connecticut registration, whichever is the lesser,
without a written permit from the Commissioner of Transportation, which shall prescribe
the condition under which such vehicle shall be operated.
(f) (1) The penalties provided for in this subsection shall be assessed against the
owner of a commercial motor vehicle when the owner, the owner's agent or employee
is the operator, or against the lessee of such vehicle when the lessee, the lessee's agent
or employee is the operator of a leased or rented commercial motor vehicle.
(2) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to the
following penalties: (A) For an overweight violation of not more than five per cent of
the gross weight or axle weight limits in subsection (b) of this section, a fine of three
dollars per hundred pounds or fraction thereof of such excess weight; (B) for an overweight violation of more than five per cent and not more than ten per cent of either such
weight limit, a fine of five dollars per hundred pounds or fraction thereof of such excess
weight or a minimum fine of fifty dollars; (C) for an overweight violation of more than
ten per cent but not more than fifteen per cent of either such weight limit, a fine of six
dollars per hundred pounds or fraction thereof of such excess weight or a minimum fine
of one hundred dollars; (D) for an overweight violation of more than fifteen per cent
but not more than twenty per cent of either such weight limit, a fine of seven dollars
per hundred pounds or fraction thereof of such excess weight or a minimum fine of two
hundred dollars; (E) for an overweight violation of more than twenty per cent but not
more than twenty-five per cent of either such weight limit, a fine of ten dollars per
hundred pounds or fraction thereof of such excess weight or a minimum fine of three
hundred dollars; (F) for an overweight violation of more than twenty-five per cent but
not more than thirty per cent of either such overweight limit, a fine of twelve dollars
per hundred pounds or fraction thereof of such excess weight or a minimum fine of five
hundred dollars; and (G) for an overweight violation of more than thirty per cent of
either such overweight limit, a fine of fifteen dollars per one hundred pounds or fraction
thereof of such excess weight or a minimum fine of one thousand dollars.
(3) The court shall note on the record any conviction for an overweight violation
in excess of fifteen per cent of the gross weight limits in subsection (b) of this section
with respect to any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of eighteen thousand pounds or
more and shall cause such information to be transmitted to the Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles. Upon receipt of such information with respect to a third or subsequent conviction for such overweight violation in a calendar year, the commissioner may schedule
a hearing, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to review the record of the
motor vehicle registrant and shall notify the registrant of the hearing. In such cases, the
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles may review information and evidence presented at the
hearing including, but not limited to, frequency of the registrant's commercial vehicle
operations, the size of the registrant's fleet and the culpability, if any, of the shipper.
After the hearing, the commissioner may impose a civil penalty on the owner or lessee
of such motor vehicle in the amount of two thousand dollars or revoke the registration,
for a period of thirty days, of any commercial motor vehicle so operated and may refuse to
issue a registration for such motor vehicle during such further time as the commissioner
deems reasonable.
(4) An owner or lessee who is assessed penalties pursuant to this subsection for an
overweight violation in excess of fifteen per cent of the gross weight limits in subsection
(b) of this section five times during any calendar year shall be assessed by the court an
additional five thousand dollars for the fifth violation and an additional five thousand
dollars for each subsequent overweight violation in excess of fifteen per cent of such
limits in such calendar year.
(5) No more than twenty-five per cent of any fine imposed pursuant to this subsection may be remitted unless the court determines that there are mitigating circumstances
and specifically states such circumstances for the record.
(g) For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this section, any state police
officer, Department of Public Safety employee designated by the Commissioner of Public Safety, local police officer, Department of Motor Vehicles inspector, or Department
of Transportation employee designated by the Commissioner of Transportation, may
require the driver to stop and submit to a weighing by means of either portable or stationary scales and may require that such vehicle be driven to a scale or safety inspection site.
(h) Whenever signs are displayed on a public highway, indicating that a scale is in
operation and directing the driver of a commercial vehicle to stop at the weighing area,
the driver shall stop and, in accordance with the directions of any state police officer,
Department of Public Safety employee designated by the Commissioner of Public
Safety, local police officer, Department of Motor Vehicles inspector, or Department of
Transportation employee designated by the Commissioner of Transportation, allow the
vehicle to be weighed or inspected.
(i) The driver of a vehicle which is weighed may remove from such vehicle any
material, including, but not limited to, sand, debris, ice or snow, which may have accumulated on the outside of such vehicle, before any such official determines that the
weight of such vehicle is unlawful.
(j) Whenever such an official, upon weighing a vehicle and load, determines that
the weight is unlawful, such official may require the driver to remove from the vehicle
that portion of the load that may be necessary to reduce the gross or axle weight of such
vehicle to the limit permitted under this chapter, provided if the vehicle is in violation
of an axle weight limit in subsection (b) of this section but not a gross weight limit under
said subsection, such official shall allow the driver to manually shift the load in order
to comply with such axle weight limit without penalty.
(k) (1) Any driver of a vehicle who fails or refuses when directed by such official,
upon a weighing of the vehicle, to comply with such official's directions shall be fined
not less than one hundred dollars or more than two hundred dollars for the first offense
and not less than two hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars for each subsequent offense. (2) Any driver of a vehicle who (A) exits a limited access highway on
which a scale or safety inspection site is in operation with intent to circumvent the
provisions of subsection (h) of this section, without a bona fide business purpose, or
(B) fails to comply with the provisions of subsection (h) of this section shall be fined
not less than two hundred fifty dollars or more than five hundred dollars for the first
offense and not less than five hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars for
each subsequent offense.
(l) The Commissioner of Transportation may adopt regulations in accordance with
chapter 54 necessary to implement the purposes of this section. The Commissioner
of Transportation, after consultation with the Commissioner of Public Safety and the
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, shall adopt regulations in accordance with chapter
54 defining safety standards and inspection procedures to assure compliance with the
safety requirements of 10 CFR 71 and 49 CFR 100 through 199 and the fines for noncompliance. The Department of Transportation shall coordinate development of state policy
and regulations concerning the trucking industry.
(P.A. 79-188, S. 1, 10; P.A. 80-71, S. 22, 30; P.A. 81-472, S. 23, 159; Oct. Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-1, S. 1, 4; P.A. 84-516,
S. 2-4, 7; P.A. 85-198; 85-533, S. 1; P.A. 86-403, S. 30, 132; P.A. 88-320, S. 1; P.A. 94-188, S. 11; P.A. 02-70, S. 58, 59,
64; P.A. 03-190, S. 1; P.A. 07-217, S. 52.)
History: P.A. 80-71 amended Subsec. (b) to include provisions re weight distribution formula, raised maximum weight
in Subsec. (e) from 73,000 to 80,000 pounds, completely changed fine provisions of Subsec. (f), made technical corrections
in Subsecs. (g) and (h) and expanded regulation powers in Subsec. (k); P.A. 81-472 made technical changes; Oct. Sp. Sess.
P.A. 83-1 entirely replaced Subsec. (f) provisions re penalties with new provisions; P.A. 84-516 deleted Subsec. (b)(9),
which required use of the federal bridge formula in computing gross weight for all commercial vehicles on and after January
1, 1990, completely changed the fines in Subsec. (f)(2), limited the applicability of Subsec. (f)(3) and (5) to violations of
gross weight limits and added the provision in Subsec. (i) re shifting of loads; P.A. 85-198 inserted a new Subsec. (i) which
allows drivers to remove material which may have accumulated on the outside of a vehicle before such vehicle is weighed
and relettered former Subsecs. (i) to (k) accordingly; P.A. 85-533 amended Subsec. (f)(3) by requiring a bond of an out-of-state owner or lessee of a motor vehicle and requiring a fine of $2,000 of an in-state owner or lessee upon a second
conviction; P.A. 86-403 replaced numeric Subpara. indicators with alphabetic Subpara. indicators in Subsec. (f)(3); P.A.
88-320 added Subsec. (k)(2) to require a penalty for any driver of a vehicle who attempts to avoid a scale or safety inspection
site or fails to comply with the provisions of Subsec. (h); P.A. 94-188 amended Subsec. (b) by eliminating the 2% tolerance
in the weight calculation formula, providing that axle weight and gross weight, including load weight, may not "exceed
the manufacturer's axle weight rating, the gross vehicle weight rating or the following gross weight limits", amended
Subdiv. (1) by deleting language concerning a 26,000 pound weight limit for a two-axle vehicle equipped with solid tires,
and making what was formerly Subdiv. (2) the new Subdiv. (1), renumbering the remaining Subdivs., eliminating language
concerning "all enforcement tolerances", and increasing the gross load that two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry
from 34,000 pounds each to 68,000 pounds. Further, the act amended Subsec. (e) by eliminating the 2% tolerance in the
weight calculation formula and revising Subsec. (j) to provide that the driver be allowed to shift the load manually; (Revisor's
note: In 1997 references in Subsecs. (g) and (h) to "Motor Vehicles Department" and "Transportation Department" were
changed editorially by the Revisors to "Department of Motor Vehicles" and "Department of Transportation" for consistency
with customary statutory usage); P.A. 02-70 amended Subsec. (f) by making technical changes for purposes of gender
neutrality in Subdiv. (1), by rewriting Subdiv. (3) to delete requirement that court note on the record any forfeiture of bond
for failure to appear for an overweight violation, to require court to transmit to Commissioner of Motor Vehicles information
re convictions for overweight violations in excess of 15% of the gross weight limits, to allow commissioner to schedule
a hearing review record of the registrant upon receipt of information re a third or subsequent conviction for overweight
violation in a calendar year, to allow commissioner to review information and evidence presented at the hearing including,
but not limited to, frequency of registrant's operations, size of fleet and culpability of shipper, to allow commissioner,
after hearing, to impose a civil penalty in amount of $2,000, to delete former Subparas. (A) and (B) re out-of-state owners
or lessees to provide a bond in the sum of $2,000 and re commissioner to fine an in-state owner or lessee $2,000 upon a
second conviction, and to delete provisions re revocation of registration and bond requirements, by deleting former Subdiv.
(4) re revocation of registration upon third conviction or forfeiture of a bond for failure to appear for overweight violations
re vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of less than 18,000 pounds, by redesignating existing Subdivs. (5) and (6) as Subdivs.
(4) and (5) and by amending redesignated Subdiv. (4) to delete reference to "forfeits a bond for failure to appear" and to
reduce the assessment by the court from $10,000 to $5,000 for a fifth, instead of a fourth, overweight violation in a calendar
year, and amended Subsecs. (g) and (h) to make technical changes, effective July 1, 2002; P.A. 03-190 added new Subsec.
(b)(7) increasing permissible weight of bulk milk pickup tankers to 99,000 pounds, subject to applicable federal law,
redesignating existing Subdiv. (7) as Subdiv. (8); P.A. 07-217 made technical changes in Subsec. (k), effective July 12, 2007.
Cited. 25 CA 217. Trial under this section was not a "criminal prosecution" as term is used in sixth amendment to
federal constitution. Defendant is therefore not entitled to a jury trial under the federal constitution. 41 CA 454.