Sec. 14-286b. Operation of bicycles; attaching to moving vehicle prohibited; carrying of passengers, packages, bundles and other articles restricted; at least one hand to be kept on handle bars. Opera
Sec. 14-286b. Operation of bicycles; attaching to moving vehicle prohibited;
carrying of passengers, packages, bundles and other articles restricted; at least
one hand to be kept on handle bars. Operators of roller skates, sleds, skateboards,
coasters and toy vehicles prohibited from attaching to moving vehicle. Penalty. (a)
Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as near to the right side of
the roadway as practicable, except when (1) making a left turn pursuant to subsection
(b) of section 14-241, (2) overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the
same direction, (3) overtaking and passing pedestrians, parked vehicles, animals or
obstructions on the right side of the highway, and (4) when the right side of the highway
is closed to traffic while under construction or repair.
(b) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast
except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. Persons
riding two abreast, as provided in this subsection, shall not impede the normal and
reasonable movement of traffic, and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane.
(c) No person riding upon any bicycle, roller skates, sled, skateboard, coaster or
toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself to any vehicle moving or about to move on
a public roadway nor shall the operator of such vehicle knowingly permit any person
riding a bicycle, roller skates, skateboard, coaster, sled or toy vehicle to attach the same
or himself to such vehicle so operated or about to be operated, provided any person
operating a bicycle solely by foot or hand power may attach a bicycle trailer or semitrailer
thereto, provided such trailer or semitrailer is designed for such attachment.
(d) No person operating a bicycle, as defined by section 14-286, upon a roadway,
path or part of roadway set aside for exclusive use of bicycles shall carry on such bicycle
a passenger unless such bicycle is equipped or designed to carry passengers, provided
any person who has attained the age of eighteen years may carry any child while such
person is operating a bicycle propelled solely by foot or hand power, provided such
child is securely attached to his person by means of a back pack, sling or other similar
device. The term "child", as used in this subsection, means any person who has not
attained the age of four years.
(e) No person operating a bicycle, as defined by section 14-286, shall carry any
package, bundle or other article which prevents such person from using both hands in
the operation of such bicycle. Each person operating such bicycle shall keep at least
one hand on the handlebars thereof when such bicycle is in motion.
(f) Violation of any provision of this section shall be an infraction.
(February, 1965, P.A. 448, S. 38; P.A. 75-577, S. 109, 126; P.A. 77-375, S. 3; P.A. 98-165, S. 3.)
History: P.A. 75-577 added Subsec. (e); P.A. 77-375 added provisions re riding two abreast in Subsec. (b), deleted
Subsec. (c), relettered former Subsec. (d) as Subsec. (c), including under its provisions skateboards and coasters and adding
proviso re attachment of bicycle trailers and semitrailers, replaced former Subsec. (e) with new provisions re carrying
passengers (now Subsec. (d)), added new Subsec. (e) re carrying bundles and added new Subsec. (f) containing provision
re violation formerly found in Subsec. (d); P.A. 98-165 amended Subsec. (a) to replace provision requiring bicyclist to
exercise due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction with Subdivs. (1) to (4), inclusive,
specifying exceptions to requirement of riding as near to the right side of roadway as practicable.
See chapter 881b re infractions of the law.