Sec. 15-170. Discharge of sewage from vessels: Definitions.
Sec. 15-170. Discharge of sewage from vessels: Definitions. For the purposes of
this section and sections 15-171 to 15-175, inclusive:
(a) "Discharge" means spill, leak, pump, pour, emit, empty or dump;
(b) "Docking facility" means any public, private or commercial marina, yacht club,
dock, wharf or in-water mooring used for anchoring, berthing, mooring, serving or
otherwise handling vessels, and includes a facility organized as a common interest community;
(c) "Marine sanitation device" means any equipment for installation on board a
vessel which is designed to receive, retain, treat or discharge sewage;
(d) "Sewage" means human and animal excretions and domestic and manufacturing
wastes in an amount which is determined by regulations adopted by the Commissioner
of Environmental Protection to be detrimental to the public health;
(e) "Vessel" means every description of watercraft, other than a seaplane on water,
used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water; and
(f) "No discharge zone" means the following: In the town of Greenwich, all waters
shoreward of a line running from Byram Point to Great Captain Island and Little Captain
Island and from there to Flat Neck Point; in the city of Stamford, Stamford Harbor and
Westcott Cove; in the city of Norwalk and the towns of Westport and Fairfield, all waters
shoreward of a line running from Bell Island pole to Sheffield Island, to Hammock
Island, to Copps Island, to Goose Island, to Cockenoe Island and thence to Cedar Point;
in the town of Fairfield and the city of Bridgeport, Ash Creek and all waters shoreward
of a line running from the point at Grover Hill to Penfield Reef and thence southwesterly
to red bell buoy number 22 off Sunken Island and thence southwesterly to Cockenoe
Island in Westport; in the towns of Fairfield and Stratford and in the city of Milford, all
waters shoreward of a line running from Penfield Reef to Stratford Point, continuing
north to Milford Point, to include all tidal waters of the Housatonic River north to the
crossing of Interstate 95; in the city of Milford, Milford Harbor, from the southwest end
of Silver Beach to Charles Island to Welsh's Point; in the cities of New Haven and West
Haven, all waters shoreward of a line running from Lighthouse Point westerly to Bradley
Point; in the town of Branford, Branford Harbor from Johnson Point to Clam Island to
Linden Point and Thimble Islands; in the towns of Madison, Clinton and Westbrook,
Clinton Harbor and Duck Island Roads; in the town of Groton, all waters shoreward of
a line running from Groton Long Point to Morgan Point and thence to Mason Point;
and the Connecticut River from the Bissell Bridge between Windsor and East Windsor
south to its mouth, north of a line running from Lynde Point in Old Saybrook to Griswold
Point in Old Lyme.
(P.A. 90-173, S. 1; P.A. 91-333, S. 3, 4.)
History: P.A. 91-333 amended the definition of "no discharge zone" to include certain waters off the town of Fairfield
and Cockenoe Island in Westport.