Sec. 16-50m. Public hearing. Notice.
Sec. 16-50m. Public hearing. Notice. (a) The council shall promptly fix a commencement date and location for a public hearing on an application for a certificate
complying with section 16-50l (1) where no proposals are received pursuant to the
request for proposal process, not less than thirty days after the deadline for submission
of such proposals or more than sixty days after such deadline; (2) where a proposal is
received pursuant to the request for proposal process, not less than thirty days after the
deadline of submission of an application pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection (a)
of section 16-50l or more than sixty days after such deadline; or (3) where the application
is for a facility described in subdivision (5) or (6) of subsection (a) of section 16-50i,
not less than thirty days after receipt of an application or more than one hundred fifty
days after such receipt. Applications that are common to a request for proposal shall be
heard under a consolidated public hearing process. At least one session of such hearing
shall be held at a location selected by the council in the county in which the facility or
any part thereof is to be located after six-thirty p.m. for the convenience of the general
public. After holding at least one hearing session in the county in which the facility or
any part thereof is to be located, the council may, in its discretion, hold additional hearing
sessions at other locations. If the proposed facility is to be located in more than one
county, the council shall fix the location for at least one public hearing session in whichever county it determines is most appropriate, provided the council may hold hearing
sessions in more than one county.
(b) (1) The council shall hold a hearing on an application for an amendment of a
certificate not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days after receipt of the application in the same manner as a hearing is held on an application for a certificate if, in the
opinion of the council, the change to be authorized in the facility would result in any
material increase in any environmental impact of such facility or would result in a substantial change in the location of all or a portion of the facility, other than as provided
in the alternatives set forth in the original application for the certificate, provided the
council may, in its discretion, return without prejudice an application for an amendment
of a certificate to the applicant with a statement of the reasons for such return. (2) The
council may hold a hearing on a resolution for amendment of a certificate not less than
thirty days nor more than sixty days after adoption of the resolution in the same manner
as provided in subsection (a) of this section. The council shall hold a hearing if a request
for a hearing is received from the certificate holder or from a person entitled to be a
party to the proceedings within twenty days after publication of notice of the resolution.
Such hearing shall be held not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days after the
receipt of such request in the same manner as provided in subsection (a) of this section.
(3) The county in which the facility is deemed to be located for purposes of a hearing
under this subsection shall be the county in which the portion of the facility proposed
for modification is located.
(c) The council shall cause notices of the date and location of each hearing to be
mailed, within one week of the fixing of the date and location, to the applicant and each
person entitled under section 16-50l to receive a copy of the application or resolution.
The general notice to the public shall be published in not less than ten point, boldface
(d) Hearings, including general hearings on issues which may be common to more
than one application, may be held before a majority of the members of the council.
(e) During any hearing on an application or resolution held pursuant to this section,
the council may take notice of any facts found at a general hearing.
(1971, P.A. 575, S. 7; P.A. 73-339, S. 1, 2; 73-458, S. 6; P.A. 75-375, S. 4, 12; 75-509, S. 2-4; P.A. 76-282, S. 2, 3;
P.A. 79-537, S. 2; P.A. 90-254, S. 1; P.A. 03-140, S. 8; P.A. 04-257, S. 29.)
History: P.A. 73-339 added provision re hearing location when facility to be in more than one county in Subsec. (a);
P.A. 73-458 added Subsec. (d) requiring majority of members for hearings and proceedings; P.A. 75-375 required that
hearing commence not more than 150 rather than 180 days after receipt of application, clarified applicable hearings under
Subsec. (d) and added Subsec. (e) re facts found at general hearing; P.A. 75-509 required one evening session of hearing
in Subsec. (a) and required that published notice be in "not less than ten-point, boldface type"; P.A. 76-282 added proviso
in Subsec. (b) re return of application for amendment; P.A. 79-537 clarified language by making minor changes and
amended Subsec. (b) to require hearing on amendment application between 30 and 60 days after its receipt and to add
provisions re hearings on resolutions; P.A. 90-254 made change to specify that the first hearing session be held in the
county in which the facility is located; P.A. 03-140 amended Subsec. (a) to delete provision re fixing commencement date
and location for a public hearing, to add Subdivs. (1) to (3) re fixing commencement date and location for a public hearing
based on certain situations, and to add provision re consolidated public hearing process for applications that are common
to a request-for-proposal, effective October 1, 2004; P.A. 04-257 made technical changes in Subsec. (a).
See Sec. 16a-7c re the request-for-proposal process.
Cited. 177 C. 623. Cited. 215 C. 474. Cited. 216 C. 1.
Cited. 37 CA 653; judgment reversed, see 238 C. 361.
Subsec. (c):
Cited. 212 C. 157.