Sec. 16-243a. Private power producers. Purchase and sale of electricity. Avoided costs. Small renewable power projects. Interconnectivity standards.
Sec. 16-243a. Private power producers. Purchase and sale of electricity.
Avoided costs. Small renewable power projects. Interconnectivity standards. (a)
As used in this section, "avoided costs" means the incremental costs to an electric public
service company, municipal electric energy cooperative organized under chapter 101a
or municipal electric utility organized under chapter 101, of electric energy or capacity
or both which, but for the purchase from a private power producer, as defined in section
16-243b, such company, cooperative or utility would generate itself or purchase from
another source.
(b) Each electric public service company, municipal electric energy cooperative
and municipal electric utility shall: (1) Purchase any electrical energy and capacity made
available, directly by a private power producer or indirectly under subdivision (4) of
this subsection; (2) sell backup electricity to any private power producer in its service
territory; (3) make such interconnections in accordance with the regulations adopted
pursuant to subsection (h) of this section necessary to accomplish such purchases and
sales; (4) upon approval by the Department of Public Utility Control of an application
filed by a willing private power producer, transmit energy or capacity from the private
power producer to any other such company, cooperative or utility or to another facility
operated by the private power producer; and (5) offer to operate in parallel with a private
power producer. In making a decision on an application filed under subdivision (4) of
this subsection, the department shall consider whether such transmission would (A)
adversely impact the customers of the company, cooperative or utility which would
transmit energy or capacity to the private power producer, (B) result in an uncompensated loss for, or unduly burden, such company, cooperative, utility or private power
producer, (C) impair the reliability of service of such company, cooperative or utility,
or (D) impair the ability of the company, cooperative or utility to provide adequate
service to its customers. The department shall issue a decision on such an application not
later than one hundred twenty days after the application is filed, provided, the department
may, before the end of such period and upon notifying all parties and intervenors to the
proceeding, extend the period by thirty days. If the department does not issue a decision
within one hundred twenty days after receiving such an application, or within one hundred fifty days if the department extends the period in accordance with the provisions
of this subsection, the application shall be deemed to have been approved. The requirements under subdivisions (3), (4) and (5) of this subsection shall be subject to reasonable
standards for operating safety and reliability and the nondiscriminatory assessment of
costs against private power producers, approved by the Department of Public Utility
Control with respect to electric public service companies or determined by municipal
electric energy cooperatives and municipal electric utilities.
(c) The Department of Public Utility Control, with respect to electric public service
companies, and each municipal electric energy cooperative and municipal electric utility
shall establish rates and conditions of service for: (1) The purchase of electrical energy
and capacity made available by a private power producer and (2) the sale of backup
electricity to a private power producer. The rates for electricity purchased from a private
power producer shall be based on the full avoided costs of the electric public service
company, municipal electric energy cooperative or municipal electric utility, regardless
of whether the purchaser is simultaneously making sales to the private power producer.
Payment for energy and capacity purchased from a private power producer by any such
company, cooperative or utility shall be pursuant to such rates and conditions or the
terms of a contract between the parties. The rates and conditions of service for the
purchase of energy and capacity established by the department pursuant to this subsection shall include specific schedules for pricing in long-term contracts for the sale of
electricity from small renewable power projects to electric public service companies
by private power producers. Such schedules shall not exceed the present worth of the
projected avoided costs of the electric public service company over the term of the
contract. The department shall apply to a proposed contract filed with the department
after January 1, 1992, by a private power producer for a small renewable power project
the rates and conditions of service, including the pricing schedule, in effect on the date
the private power producer submits its proposed contract to the department, regardless of
the subsequent creation of differing schedules or the subsequent amendment of existing
(d) When any person, firm or corporation proposes to enter into a contract to sell
energy and capacity as a private power producer, an electric public service company,
municipal electric energy cooperative or municipal electric utility shall respond
promptly to all requests and offers and negotiate in good faith to arrive at a contract
which fairly reflects the provisions of this section and the anticipated avoided costs over
the life of the contract. Upon application by a private power producer, the department
may approve a contract which provides for payment of less than the anticipated avoided
costs if, considering all of the provisions, the contract is at least as favorable to the
private power producer as a contract providing for the full avoided costs. The contract
may extend for a period of not more than thirty years at the option of the private power
producer if it has a generating facility with a capacity of at least one hundred kilowatts.
(e) The department shall consider generating capacity available from cogeneration
technology and renewable energy resources in its periodic reviews of electric public
service companies and shall require the companies to include the availability of such
capacity in applications for rate relief filed in accordance with section 16-19a.
(f) If a private power producer believes that an electric company has violated any
provision of this section it may submit a written petition alleging such violation to the
department. Upon receipt of the petition, the department shall fix a time and place for
a hearing and mail notice of the hearing to the parties in interest at least one week in
advance. Upon the hearing, the department may, if it finds the company has violated
any such provision, prescribe the manner in which it shall comply.
(g) After January 1, 1992, the department shall approve each proposed contract
submitted by a private power producer for a small renewable power project, with any
modifications agreed to by the parties to the contract, if the filing meets the standards
for exemption from the proposal process and for an approvable contract established
pursuant to section 16-6b, and is consistent with the pricing schedules adopted pursuant
to subsection (c) of this section. Nothing in this section shall preclude a modification
of such a contract if the parties to the contract agree to the modification. Any such
modification shall be approved by the department. The department shall reconsider each
decision issued pursuant to this section between January 1, 1992, and June 29, 1993,
regarding such contracts and shall make any modifications to each such decision necessary to ensure that each such decision conforms with the provisions of this section.
(h) Not later than January 1, 2008, the Department of Public Utility Control shall
issue a final decision approving interconnection standards that meet or exceed national
standards of interconnectivity. If the department does not issue a final decision by October 1, 2008, each electric distribution company, municipal electric energy cooperative
and municipal electric utility shall meet the standards set forth in Title 4, Chapter 4,
Subchapter 9, "Net Metering and Interconnection Standards for Class I Renewable Energy Systems" of the New Jersey Administrative Code.
(P.A. 79-214, S. 2; P.A. 80-167, S. 2; 80-482, S. 4, 40, 345, 348; P.A. 81-439, S. 6, 14; P.A. 82-164; P.A. 85-534, S.
4, 5; P.A. 86-289, S. 2, 5; 86-403, S. 111, 132; P.A. 89-43, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-299, S. 1, 3; P.A. 07-242, S. 37, 38.)
History: P.A. 80-167 included municipal electric energy cooperatives under provisions of section; P.A. 80-482 made
division of public utility control an independent department and abolished department of business regulation; P.A. 81-439
repealed Subsecs. (a) and (b) and amended and relettered Subsecs. (c) and (d) to make rates and conditions of service
applicable to all electricity generated by private power producer, rather than to excess electricity generated by producer
of more than one megawatt by cogeneration or use of renewable resources, and to all electricity generated by producer of
one megawatt or less by such methods; P.A. 82-164 substantially amended the section, adding provisions concerning
avoided costs, interconnections, wheeling, parallel operations, contracting, and petitioning department of public utility
control; P.A. 85-534 extended, from 20 to 30 years, the maximum contract period where a private power producer has a
generating facility with a capacity of at least 100 kilowatts; P.A. 86-289 made requirement under Subsec. (b)(4) subject
to department approval, set forth department considerations and deadlines for such approval proceedings and made technical
revisions, effective June 5, 1986, but not applicable to applications filed under the section with the public utility control
department before March 1, 1986; P.A. 86-403 changed applicable date in effective date of P.A. 86-289 from March 1 to
May 7, 1986; P.A. 89-43 added provision in Subsec. (c) for specific schedules for pricing in long-term contracts; P.A. 93-299 amended Subsec. (c) by adding provision regarding rates and conditions to be applied to proposed contracts for small
renewable power projects, deleting reference to producers with a capacity of five megawatts or less and added new Subsec.
(g) regarding approval and modification of proposed contracts for small renewable power projects, effective June 29, 1993;
P.A. 07-242 amended Subsec. (b)(3) to require interconnections be made in accordance with regulations adopted pursuant
to Subsec. (h) and added Subsec. (h) re interconnectivity standards.
Cited. 210 C. 349.
Subsec. (c):
Department of Public Utility Control's conclusion that word "electricity" as used in this section means renewable
energy was reasonable. 283 C. 672.