Sec. 16-247g. Certificate of public convenience and necessity for intrastate telecommunications services: Application, requirements, suspension, revocation. Fees. Obligation to serve.
Sec. 16-247g. Certificate of public convenience and necessity for intrastate
telecommunications services: Application, requirements, suspension, revocation.
Fees. Obligation to serve. (a)(1) Any person may apply to the department for an initial
certificate of public convenience and necessity to offer and provide intrastate telecommunications services. Such application shall include such information as the department
shall require, and any reasonable fees, not to exceed actual cost, the department may
prescribe, in regulations adopted pursuant to chapter 54. The department may issue such
certificate and may, as a precondition to certification, require any applicant to procure
a performance bond sufficient to cover moneys due or to become due to other telecommunications companies for the provision of access to local telecommunications networks, to protect any advances or deposits it may collect from its customers if the department does not order that such advances or deposits be held in escrow or trust, and to
otherwise protect customers. Following receipt of such application, the department shall
give notice of such application to all interested persons. The department may approve
or deny the application after holding a hearing with notice to all interested persons if
any person requests such hearing.
(2) Any person may object to a fee charged pursuant to this section by filing with
the department, not later than thirty days after the fee was charged, a petition stating
the amount of the fee charged to which it objects and the grounds upon which it claims
such fee is excessive, erroneous, unlawful or invalid. Upon the request of the person
filing the petition, the department shall hold a hearing. After reviewing the petition and
testimony, if any, the department shall issue its order in accordance with its findings.
The person shall pay the department the amount indicated in the order not later than
thirty days after the date of the order.
(b) A certified telecommunications provider may petition the department to expand
the authority granted in its certificate of public convenience and necessity to the provision of a previously-authorized service in an additional service area or to the provision
of a service not previously authorized, or to both. Such petition shall include such information as the department shall require by regulations adopted pursuant to chapter 54.
The department may expand the authority granted in such a certificate and may, as a
precondition to such expansion, require a petitioner to procure a performance bond
sufficient to cover moneys due or to become due to other telecommunications companies
for the provision of access to local telecommunications networks, to protect any advances or deposits it may collect from its customers if the department does not order that
such advances or deposits be held in escrow or trust, and to otherwise protect customers.
Following receipt of such petition, the department may, on petition or its own motion,
hold a hearing with notice to all interested parties, after which the department may
approve or deny the application.
(c) The department may certify an applicant if the applicant: (1) Provides the information requested by the department pursuant to the provisions of sections 16-247f to
16-247h, inclusive, and section 16-247j; (2) provides a performance bond or complies
with escrow or trust requirements, if required by the department; (3) provides a fee, if
required by this section; and (4) possesses and demonstrates adequate financial resources, managerial ability and technical competency to provide the proposed service.
(d) Any certified telecommunications provider and any telephone company shall
(1) maintain its accounts in such manner as the department shall require; (2) file financial
reports at such times and in such form as the department shall prescribe; (3) file with
the department such current descriptions of services and listings of rates and charges
as it may require; (4) cooperate with the department in its investigations of consumer
complaints and comply with any resulting orders; (5) comply with standards established
pursuant to section 16-247p; and (6) comply with additional requirements as the department shall prescribe by regulation.
(e) Except as provided in subsection (f) of this section, on or after July 1, 2001,
each certified telecommunications provider shall, within a period of time the department
determines is reasonable after said provider is certified, be obligated to serve a residential
or business customer in its authorized area of operation who is seeking from said provider
telecommunications services that are provided by said provider.
(f) Any community antenna television company that is a certified telecommunications provider or an affiliate of a community antenna television company that is a certified telecommunications provider and that provides telecommunications services shall
be obligated to serve all residential and business customers seeking local exchange
service in its entire franchise area in which said company provides community antenna
television services pursuant to section 16-331. Notwithstanding the provisions of this
section, the department shall not require any such company to provide local exchange
service outside of its franchise area. If, however, any such company elects to provide
local exchange service to customers outside its franchise area, such company shall be
subject to all geographic service requirements established by the department.
(g) Notwithstanding any decision of the department to allow the competitive provision of a telecommunications service or to grant a certificate pursuant to this section,
the department, after holding a hearing with notice to all interested parties and determining that (1) continued competitive provision of a telecommunications service would be
contrary to the goals set forth in section 16-247a, or would not be in accordance with
the provisions of sections 16-247a to 16-247c, inclusive, section 16-247e or 16-247f,
this section, or section 16-247h, or 16-247k, (2) a certified telecommunications provider
does not have adequate financial resources, managerial ability or technical competency
to provide the service, or (3) a certified telecommunications provider has failed to comply with an applicable order made or regulation adopted by the department, may suspend
or revoke the authorization to provide said telecommunications service or take any
other action it deems appropriate. In determining whether to suspend or revoke such
authorization, the department shall consider, without limitation, (A) the effect of such
suspension or revocation on the customers of the telecommunications service, (B) the
technical feasibility of suspending or revoking the authorized usage only on an intrastate
basis, and (C) the financial impact of such suspension or revocation on the provider of
the telecommunications service.
(h) The department shall remit all fees collected under this section to the State
Treasurer for deposit in the Consumer Counsel and Public Utility Control Fund established in section 16-48a.
(i) On October first, annually, the department shall submit to the joint standing
committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to energy
and technology a report of all fees collected pursuant to this section during the preceding
fiscal year.
(P.A. 87-415, S. 4, 13; P.A. 93-330, S. 5, 9; P.A. 94-83, S. 7, 16; P.A. 95-86, S. 1, 2; P.A. 99-222, S. 11, 19; P.A. 02-98, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 93-330 amended Subsec. (d) by making hearing mandatory rather than permissive, adding provisions
regarding competition's impact on cost and determination of a provider's resources, ability and competency, allowing
suspension of authorization or other action, and stating factors to consider before suspending or revoking authorization,
effective July 2, 1993; P.A. 94-83 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing "interexchange telecommunications services authorized under section 16-247f" with "intrastate telecommunications services" and changing "local exchange networks" to
"local telecommunications networks", amended Subsec. (b) by changing bases for denying certification to requirements
for certifying an applicant and deleting reference to Sec. 16-247c, amended Subsec. (c) by deleting "intrastate interexchange" and changing "service" to "services", amended Subsec. (d) by replacing "open a telecommunications service to
competition pursuant to section 16-247f" with "allow the competitive provision of a telecommunications service", replaced
provision re service open to competition impairing universal service or impacting cost of service with Subdiv. (1) re goals
set forth in Sec. 16-247a and provisions of Secs. 16-247a to 16-247c, 16-247e, 16-247f, this section, 16-247h and 16-247k,
adding Subdiv. (3) re department orders and regulations, and relettering Subdivs. (1) to (3) as Subparas. (A) to (C), effective
July 1, 1994; P.A. 95-86 amended Subsec. (a) by designating existing provisions as Subdiv. (1), adding "an initial",
provision re fees, and "and to otherwise protect customers" in Subdiv. (1) and adding Subdiv. (2) re objection to fees
charged, added new Subsec. (b) re petitions for expanded authority, relettered Subsecs. (b) to (d) as (c) to (e), amended
Subsec. (c) by adding provision re fee, and added new Subsecs. (f) and (g) re remittance and report of fees, effective May
31, 1995; P.A. 99-222 made technical changes, changed references to person, firm or corporation certified to provide
telecommunications services in Subsecs. (b) and (d) to "certified telecommunications provider", inserted new Subsec. (e)
requiring each certified telecommunications provider to serve residential and business customers in its authorized area,
inserted new Subsec. (f) requiring community antenna television companies to serve all residential and business customers
in its franchise area and relettered former Subsecs. (e) to (g) as (g) to (i), respectively, effective June 29, 1999; P.A. 02-98 amended Subsec. (a)(1) to replace requirement for the department to hold a hearing on an application and provide notice
to all interested parties with requirement for the department to give notice of an application to interested persons and, if
requested, to hold a hearing on the application with notice to all interested persons.